Scene 4.0: Twilight Valley [Discord's Family Home], 4:20 PM, 10 Years Into The Future [Serenity's Side]
Serenity starts to show Shadow her life growing up in her home with her family and during the first few years, the household was very united, but then they start distancing each into 2 camps: Freedom and Duty with Celestia becoming more strict & demanding and Discord becoming more lenient but fair. Due to this, Serenity starts to feel indifferent towards her mother meanwhile Radiant Harmony is putting a strong front, hiding on how stressful her life is becoming with all the pressure not only Luster is putting on her, but Celestia and everycreature around her as they compare her to the Elements of Harmony like Twilight Sparkle and her Friends, the Mane 6 that she needs to live up to their legacy as well as her mother's. Upon noticing this, Shadow notices that this stress is one of the factors that transforms her into Melodious Somber. This makes Shadow remember something, this is in a way the same thing that turned Discord into Accord [IDW My Little Pony: FiM Issues #48-50], but for that to happen there must have been a Cosmic Convergence or something similar to make her transform into her villain persona or with a similar power, but he needs to see more to understand; however he needs to see how Serenity's Life unfolds first. Shadow sees Discord is getting dinner ready and Celestia reading a letter with a serious look on her face which annoys Kid Serenity and Present Serenity is saddened yet indifferent on face.
(Kid) Radiant:
Is something the matter, Mother?
We've been invited to the Grand Galloping Gala. I hope you girls are ready for it. We need to show everycreature in Equestria and beyond that you are living up to our family history.
(Kid) Serenity:
(Annoyed Sigh)
Do we have to? I don't want to go to the gala. It's always so boring. There's nothing to do there but to tend to the stiffs.
(Stern Demeanor)
(Kid) Serenity:
C'mon, Mom! You know it's true! There's never a creature interesting there. No offense to Uncle Shadow, but everycreature there is always so pompous! No one likes those types of parties. That is nothing but an overrated social gathering.
Unfortunately for you, you need to get used to it! You and your sister are possibly going to be Luster and Shadow's Successor to lead Equestria once they retire just like Twilight & Sunset did after me and your teachers did after them. I will admit that it is not as glorious as you want it to be, but you will have to get used to it since the gala is a pillar of Equestrian Cultural Society since my time.
(Kid) Serenity:
Prehistoric Times, you mean.
Show some manners, young lady or you'll go to bed with no dessert.
(Kid) Serenity:
Like it matters!
(Storms Back To Her Room)
(Kid) Radiant:
(Annoyed Scoff, Whispering)
Discord sees this, follows Serenity to her room as he notices she is angry and crying that she has to go to the gala for she doesn't like being there. Discord tells her that he understands, but there are times where the gala has been a wild time, but that only happened a total of 5 times: Twice During Twilight's Time and 3 During Shadow/Luster's Time. Hearing this doesn't fill Serenity with confidence as her father laughs because he believes things will be no different for her one day which doesn't fills her with hope that will happen either. Before he leaves, Discord sneaked Serenity's dessert and gave it to her as he pats her head before leaving. Shadow wonders what Discord is talking about, but it is something that will happen soon enough, so he doesn't care right now; all that matters at the moment are Serenity and Radiant Harmony story.
Scene 4.1: New Canterlot, 6:50 PM [Serenity's Side]
At the Grand Galloping Gala, a disgruntled Serenity is wearing a dress similar that her mother, Celestia wore when Discord officially attended the gala [MLP: FiM Season 5 Episode 7, Make New Friends but Keep Discord], but the colors are blue instead of red meanwhile Radiant is wearing a white Dress and is excited to be there. Just like Serenity expected, the gala was the most boring thing she has done that she decided to pull pranks every chance she got and as soon as she took delight on the act, her father's mischievous side awakens within her that she is quickly intoxicated with the sensation that she can't stop herself from pranking everycreature there as her eyes starts to glow in the same manner as her father with her red eyes and yellow sclera. But even though she's high on the trill, Serenity tries to avoid pranking her parents and those closely tied to them so her fun doesn't end prematurely. Future Shadow notices this and decides to leave her be with a proud smile on his face as this is the Alicorn Princess of Chaos' True Nature. Future Shadow wants to run protection for her, but if he does that, Serenity will not grow and learn on how to pull these pranks without getting caught.
But as usual for the young and inexperienced, they do end up getting caught by overdoing their antics as Serenity's Big Prank of the Night comprised of putting a balloon full of green paint in a restroom stall and she was hoping a random creature to fall for it, but she wasn't expecting her mother, Celestia to go to the restroom she booby-trapped. Celestia figured out who did it and confronted her daughter about it, but in her panic, Serenity couldn't think straight and covered everycreature in the gala in green paint, but this only made things worse for her. Future Shadow who is the only one not covered in green paint, steps in with a smile on his face and tells everycreature that he noticed the pranks, but didn't stop her due to the fact that this was part of her training as a Chaos Pony. Many did not like this, but let it slide since Shadow is one half of the Alicorn Leaders of Equestria. Present Shadow noticed that even though Celestia is angry for being covered in green paint, he also notices that she is happy being covered in it but as a responsible parent, Celestia needs to keep up appearances. Shadow also noticed that Radiant Harmony is somewhat jealous of Serenity as he can tell the young Draconequus is very well aware of her mother's true feelings unlike her younger Twin Sister.
Scene 4.2: Twilight Valley [Discord's Family Home], 1:28 AM [Serenity's Side]
Returning home after the gala, Celestia grounds Serenity for doing this, but Discord interjects and convinces Celestia to be lenient with Serenity's punishment as this was another one of Shadow's training sessions even though it was unofficial. Celestia sighs and does what Discord suggest and punishes Serenity with a curfew: Serenity needs to be at home by dinnertime and not allowed to leave anywhere unless it is with her Parents Permission, Shadow's Request or an Emergency. This annoys Serenity that she scoffs annoyingly and goes to her room calmly but angry. As Serenity tries to go to sleep, Radiant Harmony enters the room with a stern look on her face.
Why did you had to do that!?
I was bored. Everycreature there were nothing but stiffs that I thought I was at a funeral instead of a party.
Can you start behaving like the Daughter of the Alicorn that built this nation instead of a hoodlum like our Father? You are bringing shame to her legacy.
I never asked to have her legacy on my shoulders. If being a "Princess" means I have to be a stiff as everycreature in that funeral of a gala, then that's the very last thing I want. You be the princess if you want that life. Since we have Papa's Magic, we can shapeshift. You be the Alicorn Princess and I'll be the Draconequus since we both want different things.
Fine! I'll be the better Alicorn than you either way!
And I'll be a better Draconequus than you.
Shadow realizes that this is the point that where both Serenity and Radiant Harmony swapped appearances as the look right now. The next morning both Celestia and Discord are stunned to see their daughters' new look that they can't hide their tears. Both Twins wonder why they are making a big deal of this, but Shadow knows why: Both Radiant Harmony and Serenity traveling to the past was cemented in the timeline that it seems by the look in the eyes of their parents, they seem to try to prevent them from doing so. Shadow is curious on what they talked behind the scenes, but somehow he doesn't believe that Serenity might not know all of the details of took place since she wasn't there, so even if he asks her this he might not get any answers. Everycreature that never experienced the first Chaos War were taken aback on how different the Twins look now as it's natural: Alicorn Representing Harmony and Draconequus Representing Chaos; but those who did take part in the First Chaos War are nervous and scared at seeing the twins as they believe that Radiant Harmony has embraced the darkness in her heart and became Melodious Somber. The Twins are curious on why everycreature is behaving strangely around them, but before they get any information, Krystal jumps in and shields them from knowing why everycreature is scared of them now.
Looks like the time traveling deal was cemented in the world's essence. Looks like You and Radiant left a mark in the past if the future fears you like this even though you never showed signs of ever becoming what you have now. Did my future self tell you what you and your sister have done in the past?
(Saddened, Shake Head)
No…all you told me moments before coming here is that a lot of thing have or will happen that will leave a mark in history, but in the end things will work out. All I had to do is to trust you. I always have and even though you are younger, you are still you as I noticed.
Looks like I'm not going to be a Cool Maverick, Loner, Cynic, Smart-Alec, Edge-Lord and World's Biggest Jerk or become like Discord before he was reformed.
(Happy Smile)
I asked you in the future what you used to be like in the past. You answered…
(Transforms Into Future Shadow)
When we are young, a good number of us go through are unruly phase. Sometimes that phase take us down a dark path and we do things we end up regretting later down the line if we get reformed socially. I was a Social Outcast until I met Luster and reunited with my friends. My time in Ponyville helped me grow into a better pony and if my younger self was asked of this, he will never admit that my father had anything to do with it. But it was mostly thanks to him I have the life I have now. We might have our difference even in today's age, I owe everything I have to him. And yes, I forgave him for mostly everything, but there are somethings he did that deserves no forgiveness no matter what.
(Reverts Back)
I like the you that you are now just as much I like the you in the future. I have no idea what you were like before you got to Ponyville, but I think I'd be sad to see you not being the you you're now.
(Amused Scoff)
Looks like I'm going to get some character growth…I should be annoyed, but looks like I'm going to get along with my dad somehow down the road. Anyhoo…you should trust your feelings on that. My youth is pretty dark and not for the faint of heart.
I'll take that advice.
(Serious Expression)
So Krystal was looking out for you mostly when you swapped looks?
Yes. She resigned as the Leader of the Changelings a few years after the Final Chaos War and is living in the Everfree Forest as Radiant's Nanny at our parents' request.
Why they didn't ask Fluttershy for the role?
Everycreature say that Fluttershy passed away a few years after Aunt Twilight passed away, but you told me she and Zecora obtained a unique power that they can't stay in Equestria, so you found them an alternate reality where they can live in peace.
I get the feeling I'll be visiting them often.
Yeah, you did tell me that you are visiting them.
So what happens next?
Well…you saw how everycreature looked at us and it's because of that Sis changed so much in such in the next following months, none of us recognized her.
I know I'm going to ask too much of you but…can you show me her side of the story before you show me how it all went down?
I'm sorry. I can only show you what I went through.
I knew it. It's alright. But some details still doesn't make sense to me right now.
??? [Sexy Female Voice]:
Like Parents Like Daughters. Always Over-promising, No Different Than Politicians. Not Surprising Since We Know Their History, Right…Shadow-Chan? Or You Do You Rather I Call You Shadow-Kun Now Since You Have Grownup Last Time We Met?
(Scared, Hiding Fears Behind Cool Demeanor)
I never thought we'd meet again…Rumina or would you prefer…Luminescence?
(Succubus Form, Sneering)
Well, you found me out. What gave it away?
Krystal's situation along with everything that is happening lately. Who is this clone of yours?
She's dead already and no one to worry about anymore.
Trotter Poisonia.
(Slaps Shadow's Face, Annoyed)
You insult me by claiming my sweet and innocent clone to be that abomination of a pony. No! My Clone is a lot of things. In a matter of fact, she's a Savior than a Destroyer.
And she did what exactly?
(Maniacal Smile)
Now that would be telling, Shadow-Kun and I don't do Spoilers.
And yet you are going to show me Radiant's Side of the Story. Kinda Spoilery of you.
Not for this. I will show you what happened not only to Radiant's Side of the story, but I will also show you details between Celestia and Discord from behind the scenes.
I shouldn't ask for your help, but unlike my teachers, you only show up when I'm deep into something too big to handle and right now this is too big for me. Go on. Show us what Serenity doesn't know.
Scene 4.3: Twilight Valley, 2:19 PM [Radiant's Side]
Luminescence snaps her fingers and teleports them to witness Radiant Harmony's Side first. At Luster Dawn's Vacation Home, Luster is supervising Radiant's training to master and control Harmony Magic and Luster is impressed on Radiant's Talent on her control of it, but she looks saddened as Luster knows Radiant's Fate in the next following years that will take her to the past. Shadow notices this and wonders if Luster really becomes a strict taskmaster of a teacher as she looks rather tamed for that. Luster looks exactly like Darkness Dawn, but not evil-looking.
(Future) Luster:
(Claps Hooves)
Well done, Radiant. You have improved on your Harmony Control. I'm proud of you. Even though you look like your father, you inherited your mother's power, talent and skill.
(Kid) Radiant:
(Proud Smile)
Thank you, Princess. I'm really happy you think so.
(Sad Smile)
Although I wish I was born an Alicorn, but Serenity was born to be the Alicorn of us. But she doesn't appreciate the gift of beauty she was born with. I look like a freak with so many different body parts. A deer antler on the right, a blue goat horn on the left, one long fang, different-sized pupils, a snake tongue and white bushy eyebrows; the right arm of a lion, the left claw of an eagle, the right leg of a lizard and the left leg of a goat; a bat's right wing, a Pegasus' left wing, a pony's mane, and a dragon-like snake's tail with a white tail tuft; and the shape of my body resembles that of a snake. Minus father's goat beard.
(Future) Luster:
You shouldn't hate your body like that, my faithful student. Did you know that Dragons from the Far East are similar to a Draconequui than you think? They are creatures often depicted with a serpentine body, facial hair, feline claws, and antlers. You can say Eastern Dragons and Draconequui are from a similar family tree.
(Kid) Radiant:
That doesn't fills me with confidence, but it is an interesting topic I'm not going to lie.
(Future) Luster:
(Mild Chuckle)
You should spend time with my daughter, Shining Wisdom. You could learn a lot more of those stories than I can tell you.
(Kid) Radiant:
I like Shining. She's really cute and cool even though I'm over half her age. If I could put my claw finger on it, I'd say she's as mature as an old mare.
(Future) Luster:
(Whispering, Nervous Smile)
You'd be surprised…
(Kid) Radiant:
Did you say something?
(Future) Luster:
(Out Loud, Clears Throat)
Nothing of importance. Now! I need you to keep practicing your meditation because tomorrow we'll be visiting the Arctic North where every great battle from each of the Chaos Wars took place. The amount of Chaos Magic, Dark Magic, Light Magic and Harmony Magic Clash.
(Kid) Radiant:
I thought Chaos & Dark Magic were one and the same. Light & Harmony Magic as well.
(Future) Luster:
They are not. A perfect example I can give is when your father became Accord. When he was Accord, he was an Entity of Harmony Magic, but his personality at the time was so strict when it came to perfect order, his Harmony Magic was more aligned with Darkness. Then there is My Brother, Shadow. He is a Pure Chaos Pony now, but his Personality has shifted to a more positive way which aligns his Chaos Magic with Light. It's all because of the influence of me, our brothers, sisters and the Element of Life which he can no longer wield because of he's more Chaos than Harmony now. I'm just glad his son has inherited the element. If it wasn't for him, everything would have been lost to us since Life is the most important element of them all. For without it, the other elements would not exist, much less us.
(Kid) Radiant:
How and when did he lose the ability to use the element?
(Future) Luster:
You'll understand once we get there, but beware my faithful student. The Arctic North is full of dangers, especially the Dreaded Creature-Eating Frost-Spiders.
(Kid) Radiant:
Why does it have to be spiders?
(Future) Luster:
Most dangerous fiends are all Spiders. It is pretty rare to find good spiders. I remember your Nana meeting an Arachne which led us to win countless battles after befriending her Village ever since. However we'll not meet her or her kind nearby as their village is Eastward of Equestria and nowhere close to the Arctic North. So we need to tread carefully when moving about there.
(Kid) Radiant:
Yes, Princess.
What's wrong, Uncle Shadow?
Not to scare you but…first a question – do you know the story of when your father became Accord?
Yes. He was affected by the Convergence's Magic and instead of promoting chaos and mischief like his old self, Papa as Accord favored order and unity. But Aunt Starlight was concerned about Accord using mind control to do so. Accord argues that Starlight should appreciate what he's trying to do, having committed similar actions in the past. As he expresses a desire to bring "complete harmony" and unite Equestria under a singular mind. All seemed lost as Accord almost succeeded, but Aunt Starlight figured that Accord's goal is the same as Papa's goal – having friends. But she says his followers are his puppets, not his friends. Accord's conviction wavers in the face of Aunt Starlight's words, but he argues that he doesn't need friends and that he still brought thousands of different ponies together in harmony. Starlight argues back that they are no longer different—they are merely hypnotized copies of Accord's mind and will. Accord comes to the realization that the order he has brought is not harmony, and Aunt Starlight says harmony is about many different notes coming together to make something beautiful. Convinced of his wrongdoing, Accord releases the ponies of Equestria from his control and transforms back into Papa. Why do you ask?
If my assumption is right, I have a pretty good idea on how and why Radiant became Melodious Somber.
You don't mean—!?
Luminescence! Show us that moment!
Very well. But some manners would be welcomed, ya know.
Scene 4.3: Arctic North, Castle Ruins, 9:56 AM [Radiant's Side]
Phase 1:
Vs. Black Frost-Spiders
Luminescence snaps her fingers and teleport themselves to the Arctic North to witness the reason why Radiant succumbed to the darkness in her heart. At that location, Luster is teaching Radiant on how to channel her Harmony Magic in order to navigate through the thick negative energy without getting overwhelmed by it. Radiant successfully does so with ease but the amount of magic she used was so great, it caught the attention of the Creature-Eating Frost-Spiders nearby; however Future Luster as well as Shadow notices something odd about these Frost-Spiders: They Were Glowing As Black As A Black Heart Crystal. These Black Frost-Spiders attack both Luster and Radiant, but they fight back as Luster is glad to have taught Radiant to rely on Self-Defense Skills. Since these Black Frost-Spiders are oozing with the power of the Black Heart Crystal, Luster asks Radiant to show no mercy and destroy them quickly and don't let them bite her. Radiant follows her teacher's instructions and destroys them without a second thought; however no matter how many they destroy, 2 always take the place of the one destroyed. Seeing that this is going to overwhelm them soon, Luster tries to find the Black Frost-Spider Queen. Once they destroy her, the drones will fall as well.
Luster tells Radiant that they need to find the queen and destroy her or they won't survive and the Frost-Spiders will invade Equestria next. Seeing that Luster is right, Radiant follows her teacher's lead. Seeing them like this, Serenity finds them so cool, but Shadow is worried if his assumption is right; if Future Luster is like his current self, Luster will pinpoint the queen's location extremely easily and he is correct as she found the queen with flawless deduction and detection by noticing the ooze from each of the ice cave passageways: the more slime covering most of the entrance of a certain passageway, the way to the queen is guaranteed. Upon arriving at the heart of the cave system underneath of the Castle Ruins, Shadow and Future Luster are shocked to see the Frost-Spider Queen is a Monster-Sized Black Heart Crystal towering above both Luster and Radiant. Radiant is terrified on how gigantic this monster is that she begs her teacher to get the others, but Luster angrily tells her that there is no time as the queen just finished laying & hatching her eggs that now it needs to feed on the Creatures of Equestria in order to regain the strength it lost by expanding its hive. Radiant is scared, but as soon as she sees Luster using her full power that makes her look majestic that Radiant wonders if she'll look like that when she's older.
Seeing Luster like this inspires Radiant to put in more effort to stop the Black Frost-Spider Queen. Shadow sees that Luster has or will change drastically in the future that he wonders if he looks that cool if always went all out and find it interesting on how their personalities will be reversed in the future with Luster becoming A Cool Beauty and Him being the Friendly Uncle Type. Seeing Luster's future self like this, Shadow is starting to regret in turning down her like he did on his first morning in Ponyville [MLP: Platinum Shadow Chapter 1, Episode 2: The Complexity Of The Jerk Unicorn]. Shadow is also impressed on how powerful Luster has become as she is easily overpowering the Black Heart Frost-Spider Queen with no effort and since Radiant is young, she is having a hard time keeping up with what is happening. Radiant feels weak and powerless seeing how cool, strong and powerful Luster is, she fears that she will never attain what Luster have: Power, Confidence, Grace and Beauty Belonging & Befitting an Alicorn; something she feels she'll never achieve because she considers herself a hideous, weak, powerless and graceless Draconequus just like her father.
Sensing these Dark Emotions within Radiant, the Queen starts ignoring Luster and goes after the young Draconequus. Luster is forced to destroy the Queen in brutal fashion in order to keep her student safe, but before the Frost-Spider Queen drops dead, it fires a tongue-like tentacle with teeth at Radiant, poisoning her with its venom which looks as black as the Crystal that its made of. The Frost-Spiders nearby end up dying as it seems that they are tied by the life force of their queen unlike the regular Frost-Spider Queens which upon death, the Drones would retreat and regroup to find a replacement. Luster frantically teleports herself and Radiant to Krystal who in the future is now a Doctor in Equestria living in Zecora's Old Home and since Krystal is Radiant's Nanny, she is overcome with despair that she is desperately wants to save Radiant. Shadow wonders why these Frost-Spiders were infused with the power of the Black Heart Crystal and not the type of Crystal he encountered previously, but a Pure Crystal similar to the long lost Mother Crystal. Shadow also notices that the Queen's Venom was as black as the crystal exoskeleton of its body, but he knows that common Frost-Spider Venom is a shiny and glowing in an ice blue hue and it is meant to paralyze the victim only, not to cause the same effects of a deadly variant. However after seeing this, Shadow has an idea what happened: The venom is a Liquid Variant of the Black Heart Crystal and that venom amplified Radiant's Darkness and Insecurities just like the crystal variant.
Scene 4.3: Everfree Forest, Krystal's Hut, 5:59 AM [Radiant's Side]
As sunlight enters the room and touches Radiant's face, the young Draconequus wakes up to see her beloved Nana asleep next to her with dry tears on her entire face. Radiant, not wanting to wake Krystal and just goes back to sleep. Later day, Krystal tends to Radiant like an overprotective mother-hen, especially making her favorite dishes, but for some reason instead of feeling happy or ashamed of getting this much love and attention like she usually is around her, Radiant is getting annoyed and angry that she wants to lash out at her, but since she loves Krystal, Radiant is holding back these dark desires that she can't believe she wants to hurt her beloved nanny that she's ashamed in feeling this way. This moment made Shadow realize that his assumption is right on the money: Radiant Harmony's Heart has been tainted with the power of a Pure Black Heart Crystal.
You figured it out already? How boring!
Your expression doesn't match your words, Rumina.
(Fake Socked Expression, Sarcastic Tone)
You figured it out already? How boring!
(Annoyed Sigh)
It's not as impactful trying a do-over, ya know.
How about I give you a hard smack over the head with Amy Rose's Hammer? I think it'll be very impactful once I knock your block off!
(Annoyed Sigh, Face-hoof)
Besides Rumina's behavior, what did you figure out, Uncle Shadow?
Radiant is infected with the power of the Black Heart Crystal.
But that's impossible! The Black Heart Mother Crystal was completely destroyed during the war!
Really? Which one?
(Looks Away, Saddened)
I…I can't tell you.
No Spoilers, remember?
Well looks like I screwed up if the Mother Crystal wasn't completely destroyed in the future. Frost-Spiders are all in a shade of Blue or White but never darker colors of Blue or even Black. Their Black Exoskeleton shined a reflective dark purple glow and the Queen's Venom has the same effects as a Solid Crystal.
But how? Black Heart Crystals can't influence creatures that wields high levels of magic or are of a high level ascension like Alicorns and Draconequui.
The Mother Crystal and Pure Black Heart Crystals born from the Mother Crystal have the potential to alter the minds of those like your parents, The Alicorn Princesses and even me.
So Sis is infected…Is there a way to save her?
I believe so.
She fought the impulse to attack Krystal's Kindness. I don't want to put my younger sister in danger, but unfortunately we need to have her help us save your own sister.
(Notices Something, Annoyed)
Hold it! Why is Krystal living in Zecora's old hut!? I know you told me she quit being the leader of the Changelings and started living in the Everfree Forest, but why there!?
Well…after the first war and meeting her mom, Aunt Krystal wanted to try many different types of jobs before becoming the Leader of the Changelings since she's your sister and the daughter of Jack-Of-All-Trades, she wanted to be like you and him. Fun Fact – She Is That Good, just like you and Jack. I heard she had some hiccups during every job she took the first few days and even weeks, but after being trained by Sage Meadowbrook and Zecora is where she decided to become a Doctor.
(Proud Smile)
Well Krystal's Mom is a Clone of Chrysalis but infused with my Ancestor's Magical Essence. So I'm not surprised that some of the Power of the Element of Life is resonating within her. Anyhoo…Show me more of Radiant's Time, Luminescence…Please.
(Evil Smile)
Since You Asked Nicely…!
Luminescence snaps her fingers and teleports them to a Radiant's Room where the Draconequus is looking at herself in the mirror, desperately trying to look as beautiful as her Mother, Aunts or Sister as she desperately wants to be an Alicorn just like them. She is furious that she can't get the right look she wants and in her rage, she looks at a picture of her and her twin laughing as infants. This infuriates her to the point that she destroys the picture and awakens the Darkness of the Black Heart Crystal in her blood, wrapping around her heart and crystallizing itself as it transforms into a True Black Heart Crystal as she laughs maniacally as the surge of power coursing through her body and a black aura surrounding her which is intoxicating and revels in the beauty she attained as she became the Alicorn she looks today. Shadow sees this and for some reason on the back of his head, he feels guilty for letting Radiant Harmony become the Dark Princess, Melodious Somber…
To Be Continued…