Chereads / The Five Immortals / Chapter 1 - Hell

The Five Immortals

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Chapter 1 - Hell

"No... no it has to be another Way, I don't want to be the one killing you brother"

"Hey hey Mino listen to me, you have the power kill me please ratger then turning into one of them, you have to kill me" A brother was saying while losing hope with tears shedding from his eyes.

"Am sorry brother"

"You have to kill me now or you will have to fight me later"

... Mino the other brother had a knife he held up to stab him from the heart.....

"23 years earlier A man know as a legend was walking in the pit of fires underground going to the death realm. He was all alone by himself going to end realm.

"Jakoub a fanous legend gifted by God to protect the earth realm what brought you here today?"

"I have come to put an end into your schemes no more lives shall be taken anymore I am here to restore the realm of earth and rebuilt it once again by eliminating all of you monsters from it, You are going to die"

"You are walking in the Satan's Kingdom we have power here, we are stronger here and my children are hungry do you think you can make it out alive today?"

"That is not an option, it's a decision, besides where are you?"

"I am invisible to your eyes Jakoub no human eye can manage to see me" Jakoub was sorrounded by Satans as he was inside the circle of death. He stared fighting them He had a power of immortal given by the Gods. He alone had 5 kind of Immortality powers he can turn into 5 different creatures of the earth. He can turn into a Chimera, Chipacabra, Banshee, Manticore and a Phoenix. All these monsters each has it's own powers as it was known as the 5 season and all of them were gifted to this man. So he was turning into different kind of creatures to defeat the Satans. He won and defeated all those satans and walked through Lucifer's throne. but he was invisible.

"You think you have defeated us Jakoub? you are wrong we will be back in Earth to reclaim it again this realm is my kingdom" Jakoub walked in front of his thrown.

"See Earth realms has no Kings nor Queens but it has defenders and worriors to make sure peace is maintain. I may not be able to be there when you be reborn again but I can assure you then after that time you will meet someone stronger then me to defend this realm" Jakoub turned into a phoenix and flew over Lucifer's throne and burn it down with fire. He burned down the whole realm of stans. This man was a legend from the beggining he was strong and brave to face anything" A man was giving a night story to his five children he has small cute little kids 4 boys and a girl.

"Dad when I grow up I wanna be like Jakoub to have the power of the phoenix and kill all the monsters" A third brother said while others were laughing at him.

"Come on now to bed all of you Love you"

"We love you dad" 5 voices in sound answered back. Jakoub turned off the light and left the room. He went to his Chambers and meets his creature.

"My lord your time has come the Gods has summoned you"

"Yeah I know creature I was on my way to eternity now but I would like to ask a favour from you"

"Anything my lord I will do as you please"

"Once my life is taken I need you to take good care of my children, show them how to survive when the time comes make sure they are well prepared"

"But My Lord that is the Gods decision to make, they must be worthy of these gifts."

"I know my children well Creature they will be chosen as tge next protectors of earth realms"

"Lets hope that My lord and I promise I will do wgatever it takes to protect them even if that cost my life" Jakoub smiled

"You know when I was a boy I was so scared of you when I first met you I don't know what will they do if they see you"

"Don't worry sire I know how to handle them"

"Okay then it's time" Creature was saying magic words a shined door appeard in front Jakoub opened the door and entered inside he was in eternity realm with the Gods he couldn't see them but he was hearing their voices. No one has seen them before.

"Jakoub son of Harry and Eve" Jakoub kneeled down before the gods.

"I Jakoub protector of the earth realm kneeled bofore you"

"You time has come, you have proven your loyalty now we must take what we gave you all the imortality in you."

"I here by accepting your terms and I shall do as you command"

"Very well then, we have chosen our next Protectors of the earth 5 of them are your children and three more from another part of earth surface. Your first son will be a Manticore he will contain a Snow season Power. Your second child will be a Banshee she will contain a Turnado season Power. the third one will be a Phoenix and he will contain a Fog power, the fourth one will be a Chimera and he will contain a thunderstorm power the last one will be a Chipocabra he will contain a Rain power. All these has already been gifted to your children passes from you. Once you die these each powers will be moved to each of your children but they will be locked untill they are 18 and be ready to accept their destinies They break it they die they have to be strong enough to hold these powers"

"And they will be" Jakoub returned back from eternity he was weak as he fell under creature...

"My lord what happened?"

"Train them, they have managed to pass all of them. When the time comes name them all" Jakoub closed his eyes and died.....Somewhere deep in the sea there was another realm consist of deamons and monsters.

"Sire Jakoub has died he left the Earth realm unprotected"

"Then it is our time to strike the earth and lay hell in it"