....Hybrid defeats Gmole ...
Some hybrids are lucky " said Carly as she continues shooting of the rockmonster.
'You guys are floating and you can't fly' said Jack
'hey, I asked you to levertate us !
'Yeah, but am not the one whose floating you guys'
That means there's a kind a energy that's making us float " said Dane
Maybe we could do those Jack tricks" he said as he glide around
" Why are you so childish ' she asked Mike who was juggling rocks .
They monster arouse and wave his handd in attempt to catch them, but he missed and they attacked him, Jack attempt to throw him out of the spot but he was sealed to the floor .
I got an Idea said dane as he went behind the monster and planted a bomb on him and blow up the monster .
Then appoarched army of some time of red creatures holding a kind of eletros-spear.
They were as many as the sand on the beach; their spears were like the blades of grass on the feild.
"All my life life, I've never fought a battle this much said Samanda.
'Well good luck you about to get involved in a galatic war said Carly as she cracks her gun.
'its show time' Dane said mike as he gathers rocks and made two huge bockler and hammer. We await your Command' said Brad with his own gun ready to shoot.
The One with the biggest head among those blue aliens Said in a loud voice 'warme te newt morz la en an haz?
Mike how many :"Ill you crush among those fleas Said jack Probably more than you' said Mike.
I ain't got time to crush all time to melt'
Said Emma !
'if they attack we finish them' said Carly
"I love the order of assasin' said jeffery.
The aliens waited for a very long time, above them was a force field incineting to a some kind of storm . "Guys let's move " said Jack as he saw the little glow ball increasing.
Let's do this , follow me" said Carly as she fly upwards and they followed her .
What are we suppose to do up here asked Jack, " Exactly what you did in New york' Wow,
They all die down except Jack and Mike, they landed with So much force that before they each the floor the force of their presence evacuated the floor and as they landed there was a grant sonic wave of fire. It spread all over the floor and burn all the aliens but they all found thermselves in another place; null void, only piles of sand no grass no and no plants .
Jack flew away to the null void while Mike returned to earth, on reaching New york he saw that everybody has been evacuated,
As he sails along the empty street suddenly the police vehicle appearred behind him chasing Lucinda and the others, so he raised a boulder and followed them
When he caught up with the vehicle there was no human in it only robots,' what did those guys do" asked Mike but they responded him with their guns , So he smashed the vehicle and followed the hybrids; lucinda, jeneth, Kalous.
As they saw him kalous said " how come you're flying' mike replied. " I was born so ' he said
"Yeah right" and he hissed as they were still runing .
The rest of the team are in the null void,
Jack went to bring them out '
That's what you were able to fly.
"Nope .. of Jack was Suppose to levertate as to fight against a marsian titan but we all arouse in the air, there was some kind of energy that made me float'.
'Were you able to define your fillings at that particular time asked Jenneth
Yep I was ready to battle anything and lean on my environmented power " replied Mike
So you're saying that you began to float when you lean on you lnvisible Surroundings", asked lucinda.
Yep, but i'm not sure if you will succeed of you attempt"
We'll be in need of that ability now cause I'm out of guns said kalous he couldult as he jumps in attempt to float but he couldn't.
That's not what he meant , this is what he meant said Jenneth as she dive and summerSaults in the air and began to float .
They both took Lucinda and kalous and flew. above the awaiting cops as Mike drops a boulder in their mist .
They dropped at the hybrid hideout where
Kalous and lucinda amournify ; Kaleus gathered guns and arrows while Lucinda gattered guns.
While mike was still practicing and developing his neve found ability. .
The other's will be here soon, let's create space for them' said mike. as he came towards Lucinda where's Jenneth
Behind Kalous arouse a smoke andas they checked & they saw molten lava on the floor,
Jeneth opens the locker room, the three of them out of fear and shock, they stared at her for minutes and kalous realizing that she what was happening to her ' Let go to the pool, I want to show you Something ... We want show you
So as they were going to the pool, the places she stepped on was burning but we ignored that till we reached the pool and pushed her into the pool and everyone was covered with smoke .
When it cleared they were all floating and Jeneth came out of the pool and asked What just happened ?
'You just let of steam said kalous
' Gal you were on fire exclaimed Mike
" Yeah...".