Chereads / The Walter A Cobalt Blue Fire / Chapter 5 - Man in Black Cap

Chapter 5 - Man in Black Cap

"Nick... Nick..." Manfreed knocked on the bathroom door and called out Nick's name.

Manfreed panicked, and so did Grachia. They were irritated by the problems that Nick continued to haunt him, and suspected that he injured himself on purpose.

"Mr. Nick, can you hear me?" asked Grachia in response to Manfreed knocking on the door. As if the two of them had no idea other than to break down the door that Nick had locked from the inside.

"Do something now. I'll call for help," Grachia said as she walked, calling for help from anyone who might break down the door to help her husband. Before Grachia finally gets help. Manfreed managed to pry open the bathroom door with a crowbar.

"Nick!" Manfeed shouted, accompanied by Grachia's footsteps behind him.

View from outside. The bathroom was smashed, the mirror and light bulbs were shattered, glass was strewn everywhere. Meanwhile, Nick lies limp on the bathroom floor. No wonder Nick ignored his Manfreed and her Grachia calls. Judging by the scar on his temple, it looks like something really happened to Nick.

"Call an ambulance immediately, mom's!" ordered Manfreed.

Manfreed struggled to support Nick and took him out of the bathroom. Nick, who was gushing profusely, may have run out of blood or may have been deprived of oxygen. Nick's face turned pale as he closed his eyes.

Manfreed takes Nick in his arms and he feels that he has waited too long for an ambulance. Manfreed put Nick in a taxi and took him to the nearest hospital.

"Wait a minute," Manfreed said as he drove away. That night, Grachia accompanies Manfreed and hugs Nick's head.

When Nick arrived at the hospital, he had managed to receive treatment, but his condition was still not completely cured in bed, Nick again remembered why Nick passed out in the bathroom yesterday rice field.

Where Nick stood in front of the mirror yesterday struggling to undo the belt that was so tight around his stomach, the belt was actually bearing on Nick's body. Nick was confused by what was happening to him, but he couldn't help but rebel against something that had suddenly changed his body. It's like wearing a bluish-black costume that still gives off bluish flames and smoke.

Nick's eyes also emit a laser-like blue light, with lines extending about an inch from the ends of his ears. The light from his eyes also had the power and energy to shatter a mirror when Nick glared at him angrily it can attract objects.

Surprisingly, Nick's own strength was unable to remove the belt, but when Nick pressed the center of the belt's symbol Nick was able to change shape. A belt with a star in the center of his icon that spins quickly when Nick presses it. Even Nick still doesn't understand what really happened. Nick managed to overcome the steep abyss yesterday, and Nick's strength, which succeeded in changing shape today, still surprises Nick. So who is the owner of the object attached to Nick's body at this point?

After a while, Nick wakes up from his bed. Nick is shocked and confused. What will happen to him until he enters the treatment room with various devices wrapped around his body?

Nick was holding his head, but as he tried to get out of bed his head felt like it was spinning. Nick was the only one in the treatment room. Manfreed and Grachia say he left Nick.

"Mr. Nick don't move too much!" said a nurse who suddenly burst into the treatment room with a tray of medical equipment.

"Go on, drink and then rest again," she added, making sure the IV was wrapped around Nick's arm.

Nick remained silent and looked at the pills the nurse had just given him.

When Nick looks outside, he suddenly sees Dr. Frenkie Chu walking hand in hand with Freddo. Nick quickly looked away from him. Concerned, they both focused on Nick's whereabouts, with bandages wrapped around his head and left hand. Nick became concerned when Dr. Frenkie Chu and Freddo stopped talking outside the treatment room. Immediately, fresh blood spurted out of Nick's nose. This was always the case when Nick felt very scared and threatened.

The nurse inside immediately became concerned and ran out of the room, either intending to call for help or grabbing something for Nick. Two of them could clearly see the person Nick was desperately avoiding.

"What happen?" Dr. Frenkie Chu asked, pausing the nurse's steps.

"Patient has a nosebleed, doctor!" she replied, darting, cleaning the blood gushing out of Nick's nose.

But don't worry! Why did this nurse appear to be dealing with a person in cardiac arrest, so the attention of Dr. Frenky Chu and her Freddo was drawn to him?

Damn! Nick tought when Dr. Frenkie Chu and Freddo suddenly enter the treatment room.

"Mr. Nick!" said Dr. Frenkie Chu, but Freddo said nothing. Felt like why him always met Nick very randomly here. Nick smiled back at Dr. Frenkie's greeting, and was even more terrified at the sight of Freddo's horrified expression. Fresh blood spurted even faster, and Nick's body vibrated.

"Calm down Mr. Nick!" Dr. Frenkie Chu said, as did the nurse who was holding his nose.

"Lower your head and sit straight, then pich your nose Mr. Nick"

"Help him breathe through the mouth. Administer a topical vasoconstrictor. Here's the prescription!" Dr. Frenkie Chu said, filling out a prescription for oxymetazoline for use by nurses.

"Okay, Doc!"

"Relax, Mr. Nick. Don't worry too much! Before you leave the hospital, go to my room first! I need to talk to you about that," Dr. Chu said. Nick nodded, keeping his head down to stop the blood flowing still freely.

Nick's heart really pounded when he saw Freddo's presence. Why is he being considered here, Nick? When Dr. Frenkie Chu bids Nick goodbye and leaves Freddo in the room, Nick is confronted by the human presence that made Nick tirelessly avoid him.

"Are you still alive?" said Freddo.

Nick didn't move.

"Shall I take you to the morgue again today?" Freddo, who was still silent, offered to Nick.

"Hey you bastard!" Fredo looked up at Nick's face, which he had purposely hidden by lowering his head.

"Fred!" said Nick.

"Why you, don't die! Ha!" said Freddo.

Nick backed off and was really scared that Freddo would jump out of his fifth floor in the hospital at that moment. Freddo grabbed his Nick by the neck, only to find that Nick still had a nosebleed and was having great difficulty breathing.

"Fred!" Nick said again, only mentioning his little friend Freddo's name.

"No children!" Freddo furiously. Nick was alive even when thrown down a steep ravine, so he really intended to take his Nick's corpse to the morgue.

Freddo hits Nick on the body, causing him to bounce off the bed. Nick groaned in pain, holding his belly against the wall. Meanwhile, Freddo continued to attack Nick, who was always depressed, trying to kill him.

Nick stood up slowly, still holding his stomach.

Freddo found it even more difficult when he saw Nick stand up. His adrenaline rushes, Freddo's piercing eyes and Nick's breathing for power.

Freddo quickly pushed Nick's body into the glass, causing both bodies to fall from the height of the fifth floor of the hospital. Nick notices that the tail of several cars landed just below him and immediately slammed into him.

Nick quickly grabbed the belt, so in an instant Nick transformed into a robot in a blue and black costume with a black cloak covering his head.

Seeing the change in Nick's body, Freddo attacked him even more. But Nick avoided it. Nick was still trying to save Freddo by throwing himself on the balcony of the skyscraper when Freddo collapsed. Nick knows that if Freddo fights, he will be badly injured.

Nick run fast and got past Freddo. Intending to quickly return to his original form, Nick pushed his belt with the winged star symbol. At the hideout, Nick changed clothes again and returned to Manfreed's house.

"Mr. Nick! Why are you forced to go home? I'm still worried about your condition. You haven't recovered yet. Mr, you shouldn't go home without your doctor's permission. No need to worry about the cost. No, sir! We've taken care of it!" Grachia grumbled the moment she sensed Nick.

She suddenly took him by surprise as she was preparing food to take back to the hospital. Nick rubbed Grachia's shoulder to show that he was fine.

"Where are , Mr. Manfreed, ma'am?" he asked.

"On the way to hospital!" Grachia replied.

Nick, on the other hand, still believes that Freddo really saw it with his own eyes when Nick changed shape, and Freddo will surely hate Nick even more until Freddo keeps chasing him. Nick's insistence on staying alive really depressed Freddo.

"Do something more about it, Dad! I don't want to be in competition with him. Let's become the strongest on earth and I want defeat that bastard!"