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The Big O: The Final Act - Act 33: Preservation of the Present

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The battle to decide the fate of Paradigm City and the world has arrived. The players on the stage will now have to choose: Shall they remain on the stage forever or choose a life of their own, not predestined by Big Venus? Their decisions from this point onward will determine the fate of their lives, the lives of their friends, and the fate of the world.

Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: The Loner Makes His Decision

The piano didn't play anymore, not after that night. Martial law was imposed on Paradigm City. The dome dwellers got an easy pass, but those outside the domes, not so much. The situation got so bad that many people ended up staying home as the MP were crawling through the streets in their tanks. It felt imposing, even for me. I called on the clinic to make sure Dr. Plebanski and Carlye were okay. They were a bit shaken from the sudden changes, but okay nonetheless.

Dastun continued using Angel's detail to escort him to and from anywhere any time he left the mansion. He began receiving orders to make wards in the jurisdictions outside the domes. The official reason was for people's safety, but we knew better. Dastun played along, hating every minute of it. My area was naturally number one on the list, but Dastun kept putting it off, citing public outcry and protest in other areas that needed to be contained first. With Angel gone, and now dealing with this, I couldn't imagine what he was going through mentally. Every night, he would track Angel's comm, now at JFK Mark. The comm was still giving off a signal, letting us know she was still alive, or at least the comm hadn't been destroyed. Every so often, it would move a short distance and move back to the same location. Dastun and I knew she was being interrogated, but we left it unvoiced as it would bring up too much heartache for him, and for Dorothy.

Norman established contact with his people, and they provided us with clothes and information. He managed to get an old motorcycle as well. We figured our vehicles would be too recognizable. I'll admit, I hadn't ridden a motorcycle since I was younger. I'd rather enjoyed it. Norman and I took turns, surveying routes in and out of the city, in case we needed to leave for any reason, and marked them on a map. Dastun also helped us by providing us information, in case we needed to alter the routes. During one of these scouting adventures, I managed to visit Big Ear and ask him about dark energy and other energy from forty years ago or prior. He said he didn't have any information, but would look into it. I told Dale, the bar tender, to call me once Big Ear had the info.

A week had nearly passed since Angel was kidnapped. Beck, Dastun, and myself manage to get ourselves to JFK mark to survey the area, but it was a nightmare. The closer we got, the more the patrols increased. When we finally arrived at our destination point to survey the area from a safe place, we found the place was crawling with the security crab-like robots that Beck had created to raid my home during the last reset and miniature Leviathan-like robots as well. We realized, that even if we had the information from Big Ear about the Big's energy, we were outmatched and needed an army. The sight of the machines doubled down my resolve in terms of Dorothy's safety. Later that night, I would make the hardest phone call of my life to someone, who hopefully, was still a friend.

"Master Roger, if I may…"

Roger had switched out the lines and connected them to a panel that cloak the call on his office phone.

"What is it, Norman? I'm kinda busy…"

"With all due respect sir, is this a wise decision?"

Roger sighed, looking annoyed. "Norman, this isn't open for discussion."

"Again, sir, I beg you to reconsider…"


"Sir, you're not the only one…"


"Who cares about her."


Norman fell silent, but glared angrily Roger. Roger raised an eyebrow.

"This is unlike you, Norman."

"Forgive me, sir. I'm worried just as much as you are. Your report today was most disturbing. I can assure you, Master Roger, I will protect her with my life."

"I'm not doubting your skill, Norman. I would trust you to shoot apples off my head without hurting me. But… this is… it's bigger than that now."

"Sir, normally I don't question your judgment or orders, but the safest place for Miss Dorothy would be here. Not elsewhere. And, technically with the reset, there's no place in the world that would be safe for her. Plus, there are her feelings to consider. She wants to help you, sir. She can help man the console. Have you talked to her about this?"

"Norman, ENOUGH. I've made my decision. This is non-negotiable. Now, you have the report I gave you regarding today's stake out of JFK Mark. Could you see to it that Big O is prepared, and ready to go at a moment's notice?"

The firm finality in Roger's voice signaled to Norman that the discussion was over. Norman gave a short bow, shorter than normal, and turned heel, walking out of the office. Roger dialed the phone, waiting for someone to pick up.

"Electric City Governor Hall. How may I direct your call?"

"This is Roger Smith. My firm has mediated in some cases concerning the territory and I have some news that may be of use to Governor Batter."

"Of course, of course, Mr. Smith! Give me one moment to page him."

Roger heard the line go silent for a moment, then heard the receptionist come back on the line.

"I'm transferring you now. Please hold."

Roger waited for a moment before hearing Governor Batter's voice on the phone.

"Goodness gracious, son, you have impeccable timing! I was about to call you!"

"Governor Batter, sir. I hope you're doing well."

"Well, not really. I've heard what's going on in Paradigm, but I think the news I'm being told is not correct, son. Frankly, I'm very concerned."

"The official word is that the President was killed by an opposing faction in the government. Martial law has been imposed to protect the citizens, but none of its true. The President was kidnap, and Dorothy and I believe she's still alive."

"Good Heavens! I do believe I made a pact with her to support her in her time of need…"

"Right now, sir, it would be best if you remained where you were. There's a very good chance Paradigm may be coming for you next and taking control of your dam."

"So, I see." The line fell silent for a moment. "I appreciate the warning, Mr. Smith. It seems we will have to make do with what we have, but we are in a mountainous area. We can hold out if need be."

"I was hoping you would say that. You see, the reason why I called, it's about my associate, Miss Wayneright."

Roger paused to take steady himself.

"A while ago, we believe this faction in the government came after us. I got hurt, I'm fine now, but they have made a threat against her. Governor Batter, I know we don't know each other much, aside from our professional meetings from time to time, but the day I first met you, I was… I know you're a good man, and I've never been wrong yet making good judgments of character. I was wondering… if I were to send Dorothy to you, could you please see to it that she's safe?"

"Son, may I ask why you're sending her away?"

Roger paused, thinking of what to say. He found the words after a moment.

"These people, they've come after her before. I know her firm and fair assertive nature has rubbed them the wrong way. And with everything going on, I need to focus on my client's safety and see that she's returned to power, in order to stop this coup d'état. I have a feeling they'll come after her if I'm not around."

"Why can't she go with you, to help you?"

"She's nearly 18 weeks pregnant, sir… with my children…"

Silence on the phone. Governor Batter cleared his throat.

"So, you're having twins… congratulations. I'm sorry with everything going on the news hasn't come at a better time."

"You and me both, sir."

"I understand your plea. As a fellow father myself, I would do everything to protect my children, and now, grandchildren. When can I be expecting Miss Dorothy?"

"Tomorrow, first thing in the morning, no later than 8 a.m. She'll need to get through the MPs patrolling, but once she gets on the bridge, she should be fine. I have a man that'll make sure security by the bridge is cleared for her tomorrow, under the cover of the morning fog from the harbor."

"I'll be more than happy to have Miss Dorothy here, until the city is safe once again. I'll await your phone call once you have done your duty, son. But, I do want to ask this again. Are you sure this is the right decision?"

Roger held the phone, closing his eyes for a moment, then speaking. "Yes."

"Understood. Thank you for the information. I'll see to it that Miss Dorothy is comfortable during her stay here."

"Thank you, Governor. I do appreciate your help."

Roger hung up the phone.

Why is everyone questioning me? Why do I feel miserable? Logically, this is the best choice.

Roger went upstairs for what would be a long night ahead of him.


Angel screamed. Dr. Pallack and Dr. Paneel had been trying for the past week to get Angel to talk about what she and the others knew and how many times she had contacted Big Venus through tortuous interrogation. But Angel kept quiet, though, now she could barely stand on her feet. Inside her brassiere, she still had the comm, unbeknownst to them. However, her cell in which they were holding her had a camera, and she hadn't dared risk contacting any of the others. Compared to the subway tunnels, her cell had decent accommodations, but they barely kept her fed and hydrated.

"Talk little Angel girl! We need to know! How many times did you contact Big Venus?" screeched Dr. Paneel.

"I WON'T!"

Dr. Pallack, using a fire house, turned it on, keeping it low power, but enough to cause pain. He blasted Angel with the spray, causing Angel to scream once again. She let out a sob once the pain subsided, the air making the peeled skin on her back scream with pain.

"Why…does it matter… that you know how many times I've contacted her?"

"That's none of your business!"

Dr. Pallack went to turn the hose on again. Angel braced herself for the impact, but finally her knees gave out. She slid down the wall, her hands bound, hanging from a hook. Lucinda, who had been watching in a corner, ran out. There was a metallic sound and Angel turned her head the best she could, seeing Lucinda had stepped in front of her. Lucinda had jammed her hand in the wheel of the hose and was rapidly shutting the water off.

"Lucinda, you dare…"

"Yes, I dare. If you two keep hitting her the way you are, the next blow is going to break her wrist, with the way she's on the wall now. You can try again later tomorrow," and she tightened the wheel closed. She removed Angel from the hook she was tied to, placing more restraints on her wrists. Angel was unable to stand, so she grabbed her by the collar of her soaked dress.

"I'm taking her back to the cell. Unless you need anything?"

The twin doctors scoffed at Lucille. However, Angel found the strength to speak.

"If you want to know, I've contacted Big Venus three times, and she's contacted me twice. She knows what you're doing. And she will stop you, if the Negotiator doesn't get to you first."

The twin doctors erupted into a high pitch eerie laugh that made Angel recoil.

"That's it? That's your last act of defiance? Well dear, thank you for the information. But, we already have a sample of your power. Just a sample, but it's the part that's most important. But now we know we can't use you anymore, not in the way we had intended. We'll wait until this is done before we finish you, however. We no longer need to worry about seizing the land near the stations to keep Big Gamma charged anymore, and now, we have found a way to make sure Big Gamma will have the ability to use your power as well as use the power of the universe to recreate this world, and remove it from the stage, FOREVER! We will finish the adjustments tonight. Then once we can get our hands on the former android, we can finish what Gordon started all those years ago. Then, human beings will be ultimate perfection of balance between man and machine. Enjoy your last night in this world, little Angel child, for you will not live to see its magnificence tomorrow!"

Lucinda dragged Angel out of the room, Angel looking terrified as they laughed, and the door shut on them. Lucinda walked for a while, Angel hanging her head in defeat.

What have I done? If I had just stayed, if I had just… damnnit, I'm idiot.

Tears silently fell down her face. Everything she had done to repair the widening gap between the dome dwellers and those outside the domes would be gone in a day. So many people were going to die.

"What a waste," she muttered.

Lucinda stopped at her cell, dropping her for a moment to unlock the cage. Angel did not have the strength to get up and run.

"A waste?" she said as she looked for the key, "That's putting it lightly."

"I'm not referring to me," muttered Angel.

Lucinda unlocked cage, picked up Angel by the collar of her dress, and threw her inside. Angel landed on the floor, wincing, dripping wet from the hose water.

"Most people would've caved after two days of that. So why didn't you? Why did you waited until this long to say something?"

"I have my reasons."

Lucinda shut the gate, locking it. Angel, feeling some strength returning to her legs, stood up slowly, shaking a bit. Lucinda raised an eyebrow.

"You're definitely stubborn."

"I get that a lot."

Their eyes met, staring at each other.

"All this work I did, trying to help the city, it's going to go down the drain, apparently after tomorrow. I guess I need to be alive until they're done with everything. Apparently, they think their grand master plan is better than trying to work with what we have and fix it. It's not perfect, it'll never be perfect. How can you support them? Humans are not met to be robots, androids, cyborgs… whatever! Their solution is no better than what Big Venus has condemned us to!"

She was breathing hard, struggling to stand. Lucille looked warily at her.

"All the doctors want to do is make things better for humanity by getting rid of this stage that we're on. Humans are not meant to be assigned roles and play out their parts. But if they're both man and machine…"

"I'm telling you right now, sacrificing one's humanity to save humanity is not the way to do it! I gave up some of my own, a long time ago, for what reason, I don't know. But I don't care anymore. I want this power out of me. It's been nothing but a curse on me! All I want is to live my life, with regrets, without regrets. Not wonder when I'll bring about the next rebirth, cataclysm, whatever the hell you call it!"

Lucinda stared at her, having no retort. Angel breathed hard, her legs starting to noticeably shake.

"I don't care what happens to me anymore! But I care about my friends and the people of Paradigm. If the doctors strike tomorrow, I will summon Big Venus and I will end this fight where I stand, even if it kills me in the process. And, if I survive, if I have to try again in another reset to solve this stage curse, I will! And I won't stop until I do! On my last breath, I'll make sure the people I care about continue living on and moving on with their lives, free to do what they want!"

Angel finally collapsed, the last of her strength leaving her. She breathed hard. Lucinda turned to walk away, stopping for a moment.

"I'll get you some food and water. I wish… there were people like you, during my time. The world would've been a better place."

She walked away, leaving Angel to crawl to her bed, pulling herself up on it, and curled into a ball.

"Oh Dan, I'm so sorry. You must be worried sick. I'm sorry… I'm so sorry. I'm sorry too, Dorothy…"

Angel cried to herself, wishing she could see her friend and her companion once more.
