Theodore's gaze shifted from Vanessa to look at the visitor, who tried to enter the house but was stopped by an invisible wall.
"Let's go." He said this while helping her stand up and leaving quietly.
When they reached where their horses were tied up in the forest, Theodore asked, "How do you feel?" His eyes keenly watched her.
She replied, "Tired. It feels like I'm suddenly carrying a whole lot of burden, and it keeps weighing me down." And as if it were not enough, her eyelids closed, feeling too heavy to open.
"The spell you placed actually worked." He let her know.
"Spell?" She questioned in confusion before realization hit her, and she would have smiled if it weren't for her current state. But at the same time, she was relieved to know that her brother was alive.
"It must be the reason you feel weighed down, because the spell didn't work immediately," as if something triggered it. The thoughtfulness that appeared on Theodore's face was quick to disappear.