Chereads / A NEW DAY FOR LOVE / Chapter 56 - SPECIAL THANKS



FIRSTLY I WOULD LIKE TO THANK my kind God for the opportunity to share this story and all the crazy things that go through my head with many people, without Him I wouldn't even be here.

I thank the woman in my life — Ana Sandra — for sharing the best moments of my life, always believing in my gift of telling simple stories, I love you today and always and to my son Théo, you are the most incredible Piteco in the world, it is a privilege to be your father.

I thank all the friends that life has given me, Leandro, Fernando, Michele, Vanessa, Denner, my mother Raquel, my grandmother Antônia ( In memorian) the most special person who has ever walked the face of the Earth, thank you to each one of you, it was all worth it.

I also have a special thanks to the dear ones, João Carlos, Estevam, Sônia, Dani Tenuta, Bill and the entire Renascer family for all the affection, for believing in my potential, for teaching me that I am the fruit of God's dreams and He believed in me from the beginning, it was time to start believing, without a doubt I would never have written any book if it wasn't for your teachings, I love you with all my life.

Rafael Zimichut