The sun rose and the world seemed anew, although, our backs on the other hand,
"I feel like I'm dying," Yan muttered as she got up from the floor,
"Me too!" Miya agreed,
"It's not that bad," I said, getting up from the floor and stretching.
"Where's Gabriel,"
We looked around where we slept, but Gabriel wasn't there.
'He probably went off to get fish,' I thought, immediately shaking off the idea. He'd never go there by himself,
"Guys!" I heard a familiar voice shout in the distance,
we all turned to the sound and saw Gabriel holding bags filled with something,
"Clara and Mr. Jones brought us some food to last us the week we're staying!"
"Oh cool," I smiled, walking up to Gabriel, not my exact idea of roughing it out in the woods but since they went through the trouble of doing all this we can't just waste it right?
"Let's go, guys," I packed up my things,