"Rose... Rose... Rose..."
With those words echoing in her ears, Rose stirred awake and found herself face to face with Klaus. The throbbing ache in her head and stomach reminded her of the drone's impact, and she instinctively held her head and abdomen in pain as the memories flooded back.
"Klaus?" she croaked, her voice strained. "Are we out of the game?"
"No," Klaus answered, helping her sit up against the tower's wall. Rose's confusion was palpable β she couldn't understand how they were still in the competition after their encounter with Team Solar.
"I thought I was dead for a moment because all I could see while unconscious was a bright light," Rose remarked.
"You don't say," Klaus responded, realizing what had caused her temporary blindness.
After a brief pause, Rose managed to get to her feet, assuring Klaus that she was okay and suggesting they continue their escape. But as she started to move towards the forest, she noticed Klaus wasn't following.
"What's the matter?" Rose asked, puzzled by his hesitation.
"We can't leave," Klaus stated plainly, his resolve evident in his voice.
Her expression shifted from puzzlement to realization in an instant. She knew exactly what he was trying to convey.
"Oh no, no, no. Do you seriously believe we can just waltz back in there and turn the tide after what just happened?" Rose's frustration was palpable as she already concluded that they were outmatched.
Klaus paused, aware that he wasn't thinking logically. He understood that fleeing would be the wisest choice, yet the thought of running from a challenge gnawed at his principles. He might not have been a natural fighter, but he was unwilling to let obstacles dictate his actions. Running away wouldn't help him grow.
"Rose, you're free to go back if you want. I won't hold it against you," Klaus began, his tone sincere. "But I can't walk away. I can't just run from this fight."
Rose took a moment to digest his words, and a hint of surprise crossed her face. "You seem to care a lot about this. That's so unlike you."
He met her gaze with an unexpected confession. "Guess I'm not as apathetic as before."
The ensuing silence was awkward, lingering for a few seconds before Rose asked the inevitable question.
Rose: So, what's the plan?
Klaus took a few seconds to realize something they hadn't used.
Klaus: I think I have an idea we haven't used yet, and it might be our best chance right now.
Klaus extended his index finger and aimed it directly at Rose.
Klaus: You.
It took Rose a moment to fully comprehend what Klaus was saying.
Rose: Me? How the heck am I supposed to help in defeating freaking Lance Knight?
Then, Klaus lifted his finger higher and directed it toward her eyes.
Klaus: That's because we haven't used your ability yet. Your Love Charm.
Rose: *smiling* Is that what you call it?
Klaus: Does it matter?
Klaus responded to help her regain focus, which she managed to do.
Rose: Right. But I don't think it's going to work. Last I checked, my ability doesn't work on demigods.
Klaus: That's what I thought at first.
Klaus responded before taking a brief pause.
Klaus: Throughout the training week, I didn't solely dedicate my time to training; I also took the opportunity to gather information about most of the other demigods, including you, from IV. And I managed to uncover the explanations behind your abilities.
Rose: Wait, really? Why didn't you tell me?
Klaus: I wasn't sure if you would end up as an opponent, so I refrained from revealing any advantages I might have. That's also why I had a certain level of awareness regarding Trent's teleportation ability and Quinn's psychic capabilities as well.
This made a lot of sense to Rose, even though she still pouted her face at him a bit for not telling her.
Rose: So what did you find out?
Klaus: "This ability grants the user control over the emotions of their target. It's triggered when the user establishes direct visual contact with the target, enabling them to transmit signals to the target's cerebral cortex, effectively replacing the amygdala's role in controlling emotions. However, it's effective only when the target's mind is receptive, meaning if they remain oblivious to the ongoing ability. If the target becomes aware of the ability before its activation, it becomes ineffective, and they can resist its effects." That's the gist of it, as he explained it to me.
Rose needed a few seconds to process everything since she had many questions.
Rose: Wait, wait, wait. So, basically, if I make eye contact with someone, and they know about this ability, it won't affect them?
Klaus: I guess. And since no one knows about your power, it can give us an advantage.
Rose: Oh, wow. But wait, If I remember correctly, the ability didn't work on you when we first met. How come?
Klaus responded without delay, demonstrating his knowledge of the answer to the question.
Klaus: I asked the same question. IV explained that your ability didn't work on me because, as long as my vision remains clear, my light-based nature triggers a subconscious ability to counteract its effects. Basically, as long as my vision is clear, the ability's effects won't be able to transmit to me.
Rose was confused by the explanation, but it made sense.
Klaus: He also said that a strong mental fortitude may negate the effect. So it might not work on people like Quinn, whose neural capabilities are above normal.
Rose: Wait, doesn't that mean we should be wary about Link too, considering they're siblings?
Klaus: Guess there's only one way to find out.
With Klaus's explanation completed, Rose finally aligned herself with the plan. Despite her skepticism and uncertainty about its success, she recognized the need to try, considering her role as a demigod.
Before heading back to the tower, Rose grasped onto a detail in the explanation that seemed unclear and sought clarification to clear her doubts.
"Wait, you said the ability doesn't work on you as long as you have clear visuals or something. Doesn't that mean it just doesn't work all the time?"
Klaus turned toward her and responded, "Yes, as long as I have my contacts on."
"Contacts? You wear contact lenses?" Rose exclaimed, leaning in to examine his eyes closely.
"Yeah, I usually wear them, but the solar attack I used earlier for us to escape seemed to have fried them. So, I'm not wearing them right now."
Rose was visibly surprised. Despite knowing Klaus for months, she had no idea he wore contact lenses.
"Your eyesight's poor? That's something I never would've guessed," she commented.
"It's not exactly bad eyesight, but more like I see the world brighter than usual. These specific contacts help me regulate it. I guess it makes sense to me now that I know the nature of my powers," Klaus explained.
Rose focused on his pupils, noticing a brighter shade of yellow than usual. "Yeah, I can see it," she responded after her observation.
Concerned about his ability to battle in this condition, Rose asked Klaus if he would be okay, to which he affirmed. With their strategy fully outlined and discussed, they headed back into Team Solar's tower.
Upon entering, they found Lance and Link awaiting their return.
"I told you they wouldn't flee," Lance said to Link confidently, then turned his attention to Klaus. "Let's hope your strategizing wasn't in vain."
"Guess we'll find out," Klaus replied, preparing to face Lance in battle to create an opening for Rose to utilize her ability.
Lance opted not to use any weapons, attacking Klaus with his fists instead. The battle choreography unfolded, with Klaus evading Lance's attacks as he tried to defend himself.
"You're quick to adapt," Lance acknowledged, recognizing Klaus's improved movements and defense.
Klaus then transitioned to an offensive stance after dodging one of Lance's strikes, causing Lance to shift to a defensive posture.
The fight played out like a captivating performance, showcasing their skills in a choreographed dance of combat. However, it remained evident that Klaus was putting in maximum effort to match Lance's prowess.
Amid his ongoing clash, Klaus abruptly turned his attention toward Rose, signaling that the moment had arrived. Responding to his cue, Rose sprang into action, rushing toward them with the intent to utilize her ability on Lance.
Link, realizing Rose's intentions, swiftly intervened, echoing, "Oh no, you don't." He dispatched two of his drones towards her. Rose, now vigilant, dodged the drones' pursuit, evading them with agility as she closed the distance between herself, Klaus, and Lance.
As the drones, along with Rose, headed towards Klaus, he deftly stepped back and grabbed them mid-air, crashing the drones into each other and effectively dismantling Link's creations. Capitalizing on the smashed drones, Klaus swung the wreckage at Lance, who narrowly evaded the makeshift attack, momentarily perplexed by Rose's presence.
In response to Klaus's renewed offensive, Lance initiated a counterattack. Klaus adeptly dodged, creating an opening for Rose. With determination in her gaze, Rose engaged her ability on Lance, locking eyes with him before his retaliatory strike could land.
Instantly, Lance froze in his tracks, his hand suspended near Rose's face, while his eyes shifted to a deep shade of pink. The success of her ability was apparent.
However, the jubilation was short-lived. Lance's pupils swiftly reverted to their original sky-blue hue, and with an impulsive strike, he smashed his fist into Rose's face, sending her tumbling to the side and nearly rendering her unconscious once again.
"Rose!" Klaus exclaimed in alarm, witnessing her effort fall short.
"Seems I narrowly escaped your grasp," Lance remarked, his left hand touching his head as he acknowledged the effects of Rose's ability.
Klaus was left pondering how Lance had managed to thwart Rose's ability. He wondered whether Lance's mental fortitude had proven too robust for her or if he had somehow detected the impending attack. Given Lance's evasion, Klaus leaned towards the latter explanation.
With a mix of admiration and slight frustration, Lance addressed Klaus, "That was an exhilarating plan you attempted. But it seems you're all out of ideas. Can you not fight anymore?"
Meanwhile, Link approached the incapacitated Rose, preparing to strike her lifeline and remove her from the equation.
As Link closed the distance toward Rose, nearing her lifeline, she abruptly opened her eyes, locking her gaze directly onto where his eyes should have been behind the mask's display. Her eyes radiated a vibrant shade of pink once more.
Link's advance came to a sudden halt, mirroring the effect of her ability on him.
"Wait," Klaus softly advised Rose before they reentered the tower, just a few minutes earlier. "It's possible that Lance's knowledge of others might make him less susceptible to your ability. If that's the case, be prepared to face his attack head-on."
Rose nodded, absorbing Klaus's counsel as she understood the importance of being ready for any outcome.
"Also, when we escaped earlier, I used light to blind our surroundings. Though Link's face is covered, his eyes are still vulnerable to blindness. So, if you have the opportunity, your ability might work on him regardless of the mask."
In the present moment, Rose reflected on Klaus's advice, hoping that his insights would prove accurate. As events unfolded, it seemed that his predictions were indeed on point.
Link's approach halted, and his screen turned black. After a brief pause, a sequence of dots emerged on the screen, resembling a loading process. Subsequently, a pink heart icon materialized on the screen, and Link dropped to his knees in front of Rose.
Emulating a humorous, medieval knight's voice, Link playfully quipped, "My queen, I await your command."