"A group of Transformers," William paused, not knowing if this man really knew what Transformers even meant, "they are monsters which elongated their lives using special methods. They live in the bodies of statues, a group of thirty or something, used to live for thousands of years at the Scorching Lands fort. They are led by a wolf like statue Transformer. They got the ability to make more Transformers, like they are breeding or transforming them using special method."
"Interesting…" the old man paused before adding, "it seems you know how my ability works, quite interesting… However, you didn't give me any question to answer."
"My first question is about their current whereabouts," William paused, thinking deeply about this before adding, "I want to know their specific location right now, and how to reach there."
"A direct and simple question… Don't you want to know what they are doing right now? Or what they are planning to do in the future?"