"I'm sorry for stealing the rib." Junior has finally calmed down.
"Don't worry about it." I reply. "I guess now that we're in the mine anyways, we should try and make some money."
"Yeah, I was getting the gold out, until you interrupted." She jokes.
"Oh, it's like that, huh?" I'm glad she's back to her normal self.
"Alright. Enough of this sappy shit, get this gold out, Junior."
I watch her get the gold out. I still cannot understand how she operates at such a high magical efficiency. She somehow learned to improve her Radar. It now extends to 120-ish meters, but she can do better.
"The issue is that you're not 'forcing' the magic out hard enough. Push it out a bit harder."
"Like this?"
"Nope, you're just clenching your butt."
"Like this?"
"No. Why are you clenching your butt harder? I told you, this is to force magic -not constipation-out."
"Like this?"
"Yes, there you go."
Her radar extends to 400 meters now. From 120 to 400 in a span of two minutes. I wonder if she's the overpowered main character of the story.
I silently cry inside. Why am I not given this much talent?
I'm happy for her, though.
"Now, use your radar to search for the amount of gold in these mines." I say.
She does. Her eyes widen in shock. The cave has about 40 grams of gold. 40 times 100 = 4000 Mal.
"That. Is a lot of fucking money. And that's just one part of the smallest cave. There's two more, bigger caves. There's one at the bottom of this mountain. And there's another further up the mountain."
"The gold in this cave is buried deep, so it will take a few days to remove." I tell her. "Let's get the closest ones for today, get some money and buy you food. Then we'll worry about the other gold pieces." I say.
"Okay." She looks at me in disbelief.
She gets to work, pulling the nearby bits of gold. It takes nearly two hours, but she manages to get a good amount of gold. About 3 times more gold than last time.
"Bro. That's a lot of gold." I tell her. "This is going to make so much money."
"I don't know what to do with a lot of money." She says. "What are you going to do with your money?"
A mischievous grin spreads across my face. All my life, I've been a loser virgin. The only exposed thigh I've seen is when I'm at a fried chicken restaurant and that doesn't give me a hard on. All of this changes today, with the money I have.
"I'm getting inside a strip club, no matter what it takes!"
She looks at me with disappointment. "I'm ashamed to call you my teacher, you degenerate."
How would you understand the pain of virgins like me?
"Heh. You know, in a mythical land called 'Reddit', they would call people like me 'cultured'."
She replies "Sounds like everyone on this 'Reddit' are just a bunch of loser virgins."
How the hell did she get that right?
"Anyways! Let's give this gold to Mr Money."
We get into Mr Money's store.
"HNNNNNNNNNNHHMG NYESS!" Mr Money seems be jerking off to the diamond rings.
"Umm. *ahem* Mr Money?"
"Oh god." He composes himself. "HHNNMMM It isn't what you think. I was…umm….polishing the rings."
Polishing your cock more like. It's probably gleaming with that power rub you just did.
"Mr Money. You can't jerk your cock off that hard. It looked like it was about to pop out like a Lego piece."
"Hmmmmnn I like it that way, though."
"I don't know, sir. It doesn't look very healthy."
"Hmmmmmnnggg let me do whatever I want to with my cock."
"Okay, okay. Your cock. Your penis fracture. Your wish."
"Hmmmrrggg why did you come here?"
Junior looks disgusted. She probably didn't like watching Mr Money jerking off on the diamond section.
"Umm…Junior? The gold."
"Yeah." She hands him the gold. "Please don't touch my hands, Mr Money. I don't want any of your children on them."
"Hrrnnn. You kids have potential. Here's a deal: give me 5 grams of gold everyday for two weeks, show me you can be consistent and I'll get you in touch with a merchant. He's looking for good Earth Magic Users for diamond mining. It's a great paying job."
"H-how much does he pay?" Junior asks.
Mr Money looks at her. "110,000 Mal per month."
That's….a lot of money.
I don't really know what job to get. I've always thought detectives were cool, but I don't know if this world has detectives. I might as well take a high paying job until I figure my life out. I have 300 years to live anyways.
"That...that's way too much money....."
I look at Junior. Her eyes look sparkly. I've never seen her look this determined before.
"I-I'll do it! I'll bring at least 5 grams everyday!"
"Hrrrrmmmnn that's good. What about you, gold-eyes?"
"Yeah. I'm in too." I say.
"Hrrrggghhh good. Wait, come here." Mr Money asks.
I go up to him, and he peers into my eyes.
"Your irises look like someone sculpted them in gold. I've seen something like that in a store in the Ciudad once."
"Those eyes look like demon eyes. You aren't a demon, are you?" He asks me, cautious.
"No! Of course not!" I protest. "Well, my mom acts demonic sometimes, and my dad says satanic verses whenever someone tells him that my mom cooks better than him, but I'm sure they're all human."
"…hrn. Okay. Whatever. Here's your money." He gives the money to Junior.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!" Junior shrieks.
"What happened?" I whirl around to look at her.
"There are so many 100 Mal notes!" She's freaking out.
' hhhrrmmmnn 1020 Mal. For 9.4 grams of gold." Mr money responds.
"Tha-thank you." Junior says. "I won't let you down!" She bows down to show her gratitude to Mr Money.
"Hrrrrnnnnnnn it's just a trade, kid. This isn't an act of gratitude."
"Still, thank you for treating me fairly!" She says.
"Hrmmm….you're quite a sweet kid, aren't you?" Mr Money smiles a little.
"Oh…thanks." She blushes a bit.
"Well, we'll be going. Thank you for th-" I get interrupted.
"YOU IDIOT!" Mr Money shouts.
"Wha-?" I ask.
"Come here." He demands.
I go to him.
He hits me on the head.
"Ow! What was that for?!" I yell.
"Confirm the weight of the gold yourself, moron!" he says. "You don't just trust merchants and traders. They'll rip you off whenever they have the chance."
He shows me how to check if the scale shows the right reading. "Here, take this gramstone with you. AND DON'T LOSE IT! It checks if the scale has been tampered with."
He hands me a piece of stone. "These stones are always found in nature to be in one gram. You'll need it if you're going to make a living as a trader."
He then makes me measure the gold by myself, and convert it to cash as per today's gold rates.
"How much should I pay you?" He asks.
"umm..1020.50. You should pay me 0.5 Mal" I tell him.
"You're goddamn right." He tosses me a 0.5 Mal coin.
"There's your 50 Fils. Don't forget this lesson. Now get out if you have no gold."
"Umm.." Wow. Mr Money is actually a really good guy. He just masturbates in public. "Thank you, Mr Money."
"Hrrmmmm…you're welcome. Now get out."
We walk out, with 1020.50 Mal and a job offer.
Junior has never looked this happy before.
Things are looking up!
I remember Mr Money talk about my demonic looking eyes, but I'm sure that's nothing.
I bet everything is going to go right and my life definitely doesn't turn completely upside down and leave me suffering and in misery in 2 weeks!