Dr Moe is standing outside, fully covered in thick clothes due to the cold. "May I come in?"
"Of course."
He comes inside and looks at me. I'm staring at him, surprised.
"Please, have a seat." My dad says.
"Thank you."
My parents and I watch him intently, waiting for him to say something.
He's staring back at my parents.
They stare at each other.
The doctor blinks.
"HEEEEY I WON! YOU BLINKED FIRST, YOU LOSE, YOU STUPID FUCKING OLD MAN!" My dad screams in joy, sticks his tongue out and starts dabbing. "DAB ON THEM HATERS AM I RIGHT?"
I cringe really hard. Dad, you're making a fool out of yourself.
"What a fucking loser, this doctor guy." My mom says. "Wasn't even a challenge."
"Own up your loss, pussy." My dad replies. "Not my fault you suck at this game."
"I'm leaving." He goes for the door.
"I'm so sorry sir." They both magically appear beside him, grabbing his legs. "I admit, you won the staring contest."
"THAT WASN'T THE POINT, YOU LOSER." Dr Moe's face is glowing red and he's shaking with rage. "FINE, FINE, I'LL STAY GET OFF MY FEET. OYE! WHY ARE YOU SUCKING ON MY BIG TOE!"
My dad immediately stops sucking on his big toe and says, "I'm so sorry sir. Let me clean it for you."
"Yes sir."
He finally calms down and starts speaking.
"Your son's Tolerance is 190. His Output, though is 245."
Everyone becomes silent.
A grin slowly forms on my face.
My cock is throbbing with power.
I imagine my future. It's going to be smooth-sailing. I'm gonna enroll in some school, be so overpowered that all the women fall for me (that's what women are into, right?), become rich, have a harem and spend the rest of my life….doing…..what, exactly?
And what about the girl in my dreams? Is she going to be okay with a harem? Are harems even a thing here? What if she doesn't like it? Will I choose a harem over her?
No point worrying now, I'll think about it when I become an OP main character.
"With this much power, if he works hard and can learn to have an Effective Release of 20% ", he could easily become even an F rank Incendiary."
Just F? What about A?
My dad asks, "Sorry, unrelated question, doctor."
Ah, seems like my dad has a similar question.
"So my cock hasn't been working for the past year. It just doesn't get hard. Do you recommend anything?"
That has nothing to do with what the doctor just said. Just shut up, please. For the love of god.
My dad smiles shyly. "Hehe. When you said 190, it reminded me of the number 69. Hehehe…69….ehe.." my dad giggles. "Sorry doctor, it's a very funny number. Anyways, the number 69 reminded me of my impotence. I'm so sorry, sir."
"Papa!" My mom scolds at him.
Seems like at least my mom is serious.
"Your cock has never worked for the past 15 years!"
Why did the topic change from my wellbeing to my dad's cock? Wait, how was I even born then?
The doctor looks at me with pity. "How did your parents even raise with without accidentally feeding you rat poison instead of milk?"
I just shrug.
My father says, "Doktor! Turn off my- I mean, but are there even, like B, or A rank Incendiaries?"
Finally, he got on track.
The doctor replies, "Yep. Many. The Ciudad alone has about 5,000 B and 100 A ranks And almost all of them have an efficiency of 40-50% and their Output is at about 260-320.
And that's just the Incendiaries. The Hunting Dogs and Anti Monster Squad have about the same number of B and A ranks. And that is not even thinking about counting the S and S+ ranks."
I thought I was special. Who are these monsters? Also, what is efficiency?
My parents heads look like they're about to pop. Dr Moe said way too many words to them.
"Uhhh-" My mom probably even couldn't fathom the scale of strength and decided to change topics.
"I never met anyone with that kind of Output before." Dr Moe said. "And all of a sudden, to find not one, but TWO kids wielding that kind of power… That too, with one of them having Earth Magic? I think you're the first kid in half a millennium to break the 100-bar mark as an Earth magic user."
"That means that we can see the limited-use Earth magic skills!"
What the hell? What's a limited use skill? Does that mean any skill below 100 is an unlimited use skill?
In the past 10 hours, there has been so many new words used that my head's hurting.
"What about his second Inclination?" My mom asks.
"It's a very rare-albeit a pretty useless one." Dr Moe replies.
He waits, then says:
"Darkness Magic"
Dude that sounds cool as hell! Why do you underestimate Darkness Magic so much?
My dad says, "That is so dope, doctor. I can't wait for my son to become a brooding emo, wear dark clothes and say lame shit like 'I get a headache from women....and head from men.' or something"
"I know that sounds cool as hell, but it isn't." Dr Moe says. "You would have been better off with fire magic. You guys ever heard of Paul's Law?"
My parents shake their heads.
Oh God, I feel an information dump coming.
My parents start yawning already. My dad says, "Wait, doctor. Let me get my blankets."
"Just shut up and listen! I won't take long." The doc says.
"Well, Paul's Law states that every magic has an offensive and defensive feature. If the nature of the material does not allow it to perform effectively in any of these fronts, the nature of the material will change."
"Gee thanks." My dad says sarcastically "That really cleared everything up."
(don't skip reading this next sentence if you're a masochist. For the rest of you normal people, there's a shorter explanation below this super long explanation, feel free to skip it.)
Dr Moe sighs. "Ever wondered why people who use water magic cannot change the water to a solid, but people with blood magic can create solid weapons out of their blood?" That's because people with water magic can generally create water. It's the nature of water magic, to be able to create water, along with being able to manipulate existing water. But people with Blood Magic cannot create blood. That's the nature of Blood Magic. As a result, people with water magic can effectively use water offensively, like being able to shoot water at high speeds, or defensively, by creating a huge, thick wall of water that forces anything that touches it to stay out by strong water currents. But with blood magic, the person cannot create blood. They are forced to either use their own blood and/or the blood of people around them, which is a relatively small amount of blood compared to the amount of water their water magic counterparts can generate. And that's another issue since people with blood magic cannot freely take another person's blood. They must be in physical contact with them for some period of time to be able to use the other person's blood. And even taking that much blood out might make the person anemic or even die. So, with such a small amount of blood and a health hazard, they cannot perform very effectively in defense or offence compared to the people with water magic, and the universe wants balance. So, the nature of blood changes. Blood is usually liquid, but the people using blood magic can make it into solids that can change back into and blood put into the body to compensate for the very little amount of blood they can use. This makes them be able to produce shields, spears or knives that are as durable as metal. "
"Uh-huh. I don't get it." My mom says.
"Yeah, speak in Balls, not science." My dad says.
"Oh Lord." Dr Moe looks annoyed. "Basically, blood magic- you can make into a solid even though blood is not a solid."
"In the same way, with Darkness magic, you can make darkness into weapons. But from what I've heard, the weapons generally suck.
But the user does not get to decide what weapons they will get. It's already been decided, and your son will get his weapons slowly, depending on how strong he is."
"But why?" My dad asks.
"I just spent like fifteen minutes-AAAH FORGET IT. YOU GUYS ARE USELESS." Dr Moe gets up and prepares to leave.
"Wait, I have one more question." My dad interjects. "Why did you give us the option to be told privately, but talked about The General's son in public?"
The doctor just smiles. "I'm sorry sir, but saying that will break patient-client confidentiality."
Dr Moe steps out of the house. But before leaving, he says, "Do you want me to tell the Ciudad Gatekeepers about your son? That way you can all enter the city easily."
"Ummmm.. if we wanted to, we can go and tell them ourselves, can't we?" My mom asks the doctor.
"Of course." The doctor replies.
"Then we'll go, ourselves." My mom says.
"Alright." Dr Moe leaves.
"Oh, one last thing." He comes back and says, "Handle your child very carefully. Like you're handling a bomb. If he goes off, incinerating only this house will probably be the best case scenario."
"Yeah, yeah. We get it, Doc. Don't worry." My mom says and he leaves after closing the door.
My parents look at me, then at themselves. They slowly start grinning.
"We can finally get inside the Ciudad!"
"Our son is our savior!"
"Let's celebrate!"
"I'll go get the alcohol and food. You get the tables and chairs on the balcony."
"Alright. We're gonna have fun tonight."
I have a feeling that alcohol, coupled with their stupidity is going to end up terribly.
Oh, great.