The headline read. The news reporter spoke of the incident. Several other news report channels had similar labels, each expressing their view on the situation.
For exactly three months there were videos circulating through social media about a woman who claimed that women weren't safe on earth. That besides the injustice brought upon them for years by men, there was a greater threat - one that would lead to their extinction.
The only solution was to leave earth.
One night she claimed that she saw the end of all women on earth and their salvation. For three months she travelled across America spreading the word. Many thought of her as a joke. Few believed her to be a prophet of some sort, only for them to be harassed and join the opposers or the neutrals. Only a handful remained loyal to her word.
It was a battle across America between the supporters, the opposers and the neutrals. A battle that added to the on piling problems that surfaced everyday.
The live broadcast no longer showed the news reporter, but a friend of the missing woman. "She was my friend, my roommate". She wouldn't just disappear without telling anyone. Someone did this to her. Someone took her. Maybe she was right about a few things, maybe all of it.
"Mad woman." That's what they called her, even when they knew her name, Clarice Munda.
"I wonder what happened to her," Destiny said. Destiny said. Silence followed and made itself known.
June uttered. "As much as we both want to believe that Clarice was sane, she had no proof. Plus it would be impossible to get every woman, the good and decent out of earth, Besides where would we go? Clarice never said where. Scientists have not found a planet like earth where we don't have to rely on spacesuits to be able to breath". Atleast not that we know of.
"This world is shitty" Destiny mumbled. "I can't even walk to my car from here without having to constantly worry about my surroundings. And my car is literally just outside the building!" Destiny sighed and sunk back in her seat. "What if Clarice left like she said we should've?"
"As fucked up as i sound, i hope she didn't. Because that means what she said was right," June admitted. While facts provided comfort to what had been unknown, there's still so much yet to be discovered. What if humans could settle on another planet? There's a theory if humans were able to exist so could other beings. Where were they?
No words were spoken afterwards. While the news reporter's voice rang within the room both women's minds were somewhere else entirely. June's words struck hard at the thought.
If Clarice words were true, the women of earth would soon meet their end.
Or will they?