Alone is a phase where life is a maze
You have to lower your gaze,
Inorder To Survive
Cause the fools are ruling,and you have to survive.
You know,what people like to say
like the pussies are alive,yelling hard at us,
That Laura Loomer's still alive
So Ilhan was not okay but you say? Loomer has a vibe.
Oh! What vibe?
She belongs to wild tribe,
Like a unexperienced Bee
Able to just destroy the whole hive.
Oh! Rude isn't it
So was to ridicule Ilhan,
Kill! Kill! Kill! And then pretend like it's all good
Like making the excuse,Ilhan was just mentally ridiculed.
Physical is life which is in obligation to Brain
Pain when you bully is a pain it cannot take,
Oh! The body is in pain too,when her mind you gonna hit
Cause the same way she feels,what Loomer pretends to fit.
An ugly old lady who pretends to be no weak
But she also,yeah! Pretends,to be a victim too,
And that is a thing which Ilhan felt,of course
Cause Loomer is of no use,but Ilhan,she ridiculed.
And that smart guy says it's the freedom of speech
To help a guy who is continuously victimizing a prey,
Well,you'll know at a time when your hairs will turn grey
People yelling at you,a victim part you gonna play.
Oh! You know play with God,not smart enough,you are
An Idiot Mr Innocent wanting to build a war,
if this all keeps going,man! You'll torn yourself apart,in last
You'll be looking at your past self,wishing you could press restart.