"MIZU?" Toata shouts. "Hello Toata." Mizu responds. "But how?" Toata says while being really confused. Mizu sees the confusion. "We can worry about the details later." Mizu walks past Toata to take a seat. "Alrighty then let's get this meeting started." Everyone takes a seat but Toata. They all stare at him and he awkwardly takes a seat. "So how'd the mission go?" Furaku asks. "It was fine I guess." Mizu responds. Furaku goes for a high five but Mizu just stares at him. "C'mon you're no fun." Furaku says while he being disappointed. "And you're not funny." Mizu responds. Mizu takes a good look around the room and notices the room is a mess. "Why is this place such a mess?" Mizu asks. Shiro with a disappointed look says "well Furaku and Mira got into a fight." Mizu face palms. "Why didn't you stop them?" Mizu asks. "I tried but they didn't wanna listen." Shiro says in a soft voice sounding sad. "There was nothing you could've done." Mizu says. Mizu turns and looks at Furaku and Mira, who are now whistling and looking away. "You two aren't sleeping till this place is clean." Mizu says with a very serious face. "Damnit!" Furaku says with frustration. "I'm not getting my beauty sleep cut because of this zapper." Mira says with frustration. "Well maybe you two can think about that next time you decide to make a mess." Mizu responds. Both Mira and Furaku let out a big exhale. Toata who still can't process why his high-school best friend is in the Lost World asks "So what was this meeting for?" Everyone's mood shifts as they remember how serious Mizu sounded when he stepped in, besides Furaku, who always seems to be smiling. "Well I would've wish it was a introduction for you and Blossom however, there is a much larger problem." Mizu responds. Everyone goes quiet. "What could it be that's got you this serious man?" Furaku asks. Mizu balls up his hands. Everyone is shocked. "Mizu....?" Shiro says with a freighted tone. "He's back." Mizu says. A heavy presence fills up the room. All of a sudden that everlasting smile from Furaku slowly faded. "Don't fuck around like that Mizu." Furaku says as he doesn't wanna believe Mizu's words. You can hear the seriousness in his tone. Mizu clenches his fist harder. "So it's true." Furaku says. "Yeah." Mizu responds. Blossom with a very confused face asks "who's back?" Everyone looks at her. "Argo Kisabe." Mira responds. "Tsk." Furaku let's out. Just hearing the name ticks him off. "And just who exactly is that?" Blossom asks. "Well he's one of if not the strongest person in the academy." Mira responds. "What exactly did he do to make you guys hate him so much?" Toata asks. Mizu turns to Toata "Argo is scum, the last time he was here he came across Shiro and bullied her. Right before he could deal any real damage Furaku arrived. Furaku decided to take him on 1 on 1, but as you can imagine a F class vs a Z class isn't a fair match up. Furaku gave it his all but walked out with a broken arm and leg." "Tsk!" Furaku lets out again. "Oh I see." Toata says feeling bad for asking. "He did all that for his friend, he's a good guy. Something like that takes real guts". Toata says to himself. "He did it all for my sake, if I was more careful then maybe...". Shiro couldn't finish her sentence as she started to tear up. Furaku turns and notices. "You weren't the problem, the problem was that I was too weak and couldn't do anything. I'm sorry for letting you down." Furaku says while clenching his fist. It's goes silent for a while. "Wait I couldn't help but notice you guys said return. How long was Argo gone for." Toata asks. "8 months, he disappeared right after the incident." Mizu replies. "Now that he's returning no one knows what to do." Mizu adds. "Well theres nothing we can do, we're too weak to stop him." Mira says. "Us sure but we have someone who can stop him if he tries anything." Mizu says. Toata and Blossom look at each other confused. Mizu sees this confusion and says "two of our strongest members are out at the moment, but you will be seeing them soon." Both Toata and Blossom nod their heads. Toata goes into a thinking stance and then a question appears in his head. "What's up with this Squad F and Squad Z thing, is it like a ranking?" Toata asks. Mizu looks at Toata and responds with "yes it is, the higher the letter the stronger you are, and vice versa." Mizu replies. Toata nods. "Yes we are a low group but we have quality people and we have our strengths." Mizu adds. Toata stands up. "Weak? Yeah maybe, but that doesn't matter. Cause we're gonna become the strongest. It's been less than a hour and I already know I'm going to like it here." They all let out a smile. Blossom stands up. "The same goes for me!" She says. Mizu let's out a giggle. "Is that you talking or is that our martial arts master." He says. "Shut up Mizu!" Toata replies. The whole group let's out a burst of laughter but Furaku. After a couple of minutes pass Mizu says "and that concludes this meeting." Mira gets a lightbulb above her head and brings up and idea. "Hey guys we should do a group bonding exercise, girl with girls and boys with boys." They all look at her intrigued. "C'mon we should totally do it, beach day, beach day, beach day!" Mira chants. Mizu puts his hand on his chin, pondering. That isn't a bad idea." "See, someone who understands." Mira says. "That sounds like fun." Shiro says. "I'd love too." Blossom says while shivering. Thankfully no one noticed. "ALL RIGHT! BEACH, BEACH, BEACH, BEACH, BEACH!" Mira chants while walking out the door, with the other girls following her and chanting. "Well that was interesting." Toata says. "Indeed." Mizu says. Toata turns to Mizu and asks "where should we go?" Mizu thinks for a sec. "There's this new burger joint that opened recently, maybe we could check that out. I think it was called "Bon Bon's Burgers" or something like that." Mizu says. "Wait y'all have food spots here?" Toata asks. "No dummy, we're going back to Earth for that." Mizu says. "Oh then sure, I'd be down for some "Bon Bon's Burger's" right now." Toata replies. They both turn to Furaku. "What about you? You coming?" Toata asks. "I got something I gotta do real quick. I'll meet up with you guys after though." Furaku says with a apologetic smile. He walks out the door. "See ya." Furaku says while closing the door behind him. "Well now it's just me and you Mizu." Toata says. "Just like old times." Mizu says. "It was literally yesterday." Toata says. "Shh, just enjoy the moment." Mizu replies. Toata's face lights up as he remembers his previous question. "Oh yeah speaking of, why are you here right now?" Toata asks. Mizu stomach rumbles. "Not right now my stomach needs burgers. We can talk at the place." Mizu says while holding his stomach. Toata's stomach proceeds to also rumble. "Ok I agree." Toata says. They proceed to head to the store.
"I have to do this or I can't call myself a member of Squad F." Furaku says to himself while walking upstairs. He reaches a floor labeled z. He looks to his left and sees a huge man standing in the corner right next to the staircase. "So this is where I find you. Argo."