I've heard enough," principal Freya said.
"But I tell you, I was not trying to bunk, you please understand sister Freya, I had literal terribleness to work up my..." I said.
"It's a good scary story," sister Susan told me. "Maybe you should make a movie of it or something".
I stared at both of them. They didn't reply. Sister Freya raised my suspension note to the side of her face and raised her other hand to silence me.
She had blue eyes that glowed like pearls. But the look on her face was undoubtedly never friendly rather the opposite of friendly, I prefer to say.
At the corner, her scream spun around. She waved her long finger at me," stay disciplined Shana, I'm warning you", she growled.
"As if like I do have any other option", I murmured.
Her words rang in my ears leaving.
In a jiff, The library door suddenly rose and I intruded on the other class.
With another swirl of luckless, I got scoldings, right then, publically. Each time I heard them, another chill shook my body. Everybody knew I had a suspension note, apparently. That means I was in big trouble. My lips went dry and cracked. Nevertheless, I took a deep breath and held it. I waited for the chills to stop rolling down my spine.
I wondered how to put up gracefully in an emergency, after all.
I let out a frustrated sigh, lowering my shoulders. "Let's go!", I cried, motioning to the exit door with my head.
I took off. I ran past everybody, to Afterall, hide the suspension card. I darted through the office doorway.
Mom will be furious. And if I tell her what happened. It'll probably be the worst idea.
It must be late, I somehow realized, traveling by auto but I ignored it and kept thinking of someone I shouldn't be. I shook my head. I hugged myself tightly but it didn't help to stop the crazy thoughts.
I whispered a long unhappy sigh at the clingy mess I am stuck too.
I rang the doorbell and peered into our front eyehole. I was very eager to talk to them.
Finally, I heard footsteps inside and murmured voices.
The door swung open, and a girl holding torch nearly the afternoon, made me believe that my sister was home.
"Are you sure you're in the right home, creep!", I jumped on my hand and clasped her.
Father was standing at the doorway, holding a teacup. They both eyed each other. I wondered what that meant. I shut the door behind me.
"Sorry, I don't get the jokes," I spoke up.
"Bad with supposition. Are fooling around with you?" Mother exclaimed just to take custody.
My face turned cold. My heart pounded so hard, I could barely breathe. I stammered.
They glanced at each other and eventually, father inquired of me well.
"no one ever disgraced our family's reputation, right?".
"You think?! Ha-ha", I cracked up.
Mammy, on the opposite, cracked up a little overly at father's humiliation.
My whole body jiggled. I looked away from him and handed him the suspension message. He choked out. His eyes bulged and his jaws hung down.
I was panting too hard to articulate. But every person has a limit. And I'd just over-crossed mine. I'd have enough.
"My alone time is sometimes for everybody's safety, stay on high alert, people!!!". My voice came more shrill than I aimed at. But I couldn't keep my wrath down. It was beneath me.
Leaning her gaze on the note, mama stepped up to me and pointed me to stay shut and tread to the room.
I blinked a few times, and stared at mother in the doorway, nothing worked. I strode up to the room.
Just the way I predicted.
Finding yourself on the lost roads is almost too horrifying to bear. I could see I was trying hard not to cry.
Knowing that It felt even worse to see oneself with no choice or options. I waved my sister inside and shut the door.
My family maintains a certain belief that holding onto a good reputation even after being weighed down by feelings of melancholy, is a necessity and it's the end itself.
This story, to know the difference between sentimentality and truth, oftentimes they turned out successful in maintaining a reputation based on lies rather than truth.
My behavior is at odds with their expectations. In the eyes of them and the whole world, I would be selfish, somewhat outlandish, and completely insane, but I may not be like those who try to make their lies their truth.
Poor people. Confusion mixed like garbage will haunt us even if we try to faint ourselves deliberately.
It was quite difficult to deal with everyday quirks. When I was young, it took a lot of time to find out the stereotyped image of a family when came across a big unjust or betrayal, we hide it under important circumstances. We tend to be typecast as the gallot and compassionate family. It was very much important to know that this has kept our culture, our ordination in society.
In India, provided that any extremity or intolerable levels of hardship come, that being the case, a situation which entails considerable risks coerce obligatory to discern visually close to quantitative files on how undeniably have we lived up to the values of the society.
Subsequently, if reaches their acceptance line, the same society intrinsically overfilled with very stupid people, will help you console for the act of stupidity held and persuade that every unjust happened is a blessing in disguise, and we aren't supposed to deny the fact.
I've to say that some moral and social values are forcefully spoonfed and when someone chokes, it's the end of either the society or the person.
I shut my eyes. I opened them and gazed at myself in the mirror which made me scream.