Chereads / Pokemon: A Trainer's Haven / Chapter 13 - Chapter 13

Chapter 13 - Chapter 13

Enjoying the company of the Nidoking for a couple more hours, it was finally time for Jax and Vioarr to embark on their journey back home. Before they left, Nidoking offered them the area around his cave as their sanctuary. The Beedrills won't dare intrude upon the king's space so easily and there were plenty of higher leveled Oddish, Glooms, Spearows and Fearows around to help with Vioarr's EV training. Higher leveled mobs also meant faster levels which was a good thing. This trip just solidify Jax's understanding that he was weak, way too weak!

"JAX SKYBORNE! Do you know what time it is?! How dare you come hom-Oh no! My baby! What happened? Why are you so dirty?!" exclaimed Doria as soon as she saw Jax come up the hill towards the house.

With the cat out of the bag, Jax had no choice but to tell his mother everything. Being exempted from classes, going out to train for the past year and finally the run-in with the killer bees and Vioarr's dad.

"My baby has had a rough day! Go on in and sleep. But don't think for a second that this conversation is over, mister! Do you know how worried I was when you didn't return even after dark?!"

Laying down on his comfortable bed, Jax let Vioarr out of his pokeball so that he could snuggle with him and talk about the day. "Hey, buddy."


"Hehe, it's pretty cool. Now we can actually talk to each other. Hehehe."

"Mhm. It is pretty cool. You had no idea how frustrated I was when you didn't return me to my ball in front of all those kids. I thought about running away a few times. I'm glad I stuck around though. Otherwise, I wouldn't have met my dad."

"Oh? That's the ONLY thing you're thankful for?"

"Ahem! And for the yummy food you give me..."

"Why this ungrateful brat! You meet your dad again and now I'm all but forgotten! Sigh, at least you got to meet your dad. I don't even know what mine looks like."

"Mhm when we become strong enough, we'll go out and look for him. Imma give him a piece of my mind too for you."

"Hehe. Thanks buddy. Let's send a Sludge Wave his way."

In a dark, secluded building

A man strapped to a chair shuddered, fearing his life for the first time in his life.

"I think it's about time you give in. It's been 6 years. Hand over the key. You're only delaying the inevitable. Even without the key, our project will still be completed. Albeit, it will take a little longer, roughly four more years." said a main with a Persian at his feet.

"Ptui!" The strapped man spat in the direction of whoever spoke. "Over my dead body. I spent my life searching for this key. This key is the one thing that will lead humanity towards salvation. No way am I handing it over to the likes of you, Giovanni. I already made one mistake helping you out in the past. I won't be a fool a second time."

"Haha! Like I said, you're only delaying the inevitable. Four years is a short time to wait to become the best trainer in the world. When this project of mine is completed, I will have an army of clo-Mhm. It seems a bug has snuck in. Persian. Go bring me their heads."

The next day

A silver haired boy woke up with a big yawn and an even bigger mess of bed hair.

"Wake up sleepyhead. Don't think I've forgotten about yesterday. You can tell me all about it during breakfast. After listening to you, I'll decide if I still want you enrolled at Pokemon Academy!"

"But mooooom~!"

"No buts! Story first, decision after!"

"Ugh, okay fine. Let me go wash up first before breakfast. Come on Vioarr, you need a bath too after yesterday."

"Hehe! Your mom said butts! HAHAHAHAHA!"

"PFFT! Don't make me laugh when I'm brushing my teeth! HAHA!"

"Ugh, those boys, they'll be the death of me, I swear"

After washing up, the little family of three had their breakfast. During the light meal, Jax recounted his little adventure to his mother, not sparing any details, well, aside from the part where the Beedrills would have killed them if it wasn't for the timely Sludge Wave from Nidoking. But tomato, tomahto, right?

"Sigh, you sure take after your father. He's not even here and I STILL have to clean up after his mess. For now, you can continue to attend Pokemon Academy. BUT! I want you home by 7 PM every. single. day. Am I understood, mister?!"

"Yes, Mother!" the two boys shouted in unison before heading off to the academy.

At the academy

"Whoa! Hey, check it out! It's wonderboy! He made it back in one piece!"

"I heard he went to the Great Beyond!"

"I heard that he fought with Giovanni, himself!"

"What? I thought Jax fought Mew to a standstill?"

"No, guys, obviously Jax was just making stuff up for the clout."

"But I heard that Professor Uriel contacted all the parents to ask if any of us had seen Jax? I don't think the professor would lie, right?"

"Let's go and ask him, ourselves, then,"

"Hey, Jax!" shouted Peter. "I heard you went to the Great Beyond, met Giovanni, and fought his Mew to a standstill. Issat true?"

"PFFT! How did things escalate so far? Um...mhmm I don't know Peter. Why don't you go ask your mother what I was doing last night? wink*"

"OHHHHHHHH! BURNED!" the whole class erupted in pure chaos at Jax's childish joke. Peter on the other hand was fuming in rage.

"Alright class! Quiet down. I'm glad you could finally join us Mr. Skyborne." said Professor Uriel is nothing but pure sarcasm laid thick in her tone.

"Hehe, I wouldn't miss your homeroom even if the world was ending Professor Uriel! Plus, I can't bear to go a day without seeing Ally."

At that, the class once again erupted into jeers and chants along the lines of something something sitting in a tree and ending in I. N. G. Ally on the other hand, went beet red and did her best to hide under her desk. Mewton, standing up for his precious trainer, stood on its legs? tail? and glared at the whole class which shut them right up.

"T-thanks, Mewton. I can o-only count on y-you." squeaked the file of hair under the desk.

"AHEM! Good. Now that I have everyone's attention, I would like to make a big announcement. Our annual Battle Competition will be held next month! Those who want to enter, please sign up with me or any of the other academy staff. Just so you know, first place will receive a pokemon egg with at least Platinum grade, second place will receive a pokemon egg with at least Gold grade, and third place will receive a pokemon egg with at least Iron grade. For the seven runner ups in the top ten, they will all receive a pokemon egg with Copper grade!"