In a world where magic exists, Than strived hard to know the reason why he was reborn again in Galdur: World of Manifestation. Despite manifesting to die when he was in front of a rushing truck, despite of willingness to see himself rest in peace, he wants the answer to why he's breathing again. Given only a imaginary window panel that contains only the details of his manifested skills and a little fairy set as her lifetime companion, he explored this unknown world to know the reason why he's living again.
In his previous life, Than turned his disappointments, anger, hatred, anguish and loneliness into pain by filling his back with a lot of tattoos. Now, in his current life, Than is dealing pain by encountering events that made he feel disappointed, angry, hated and lonely again. He has been struggling a lot adapting in this new world when he discovered his future family. This will drive him to become stronger to be able to protect them, and later on, protect humanity.
Than, once living like a paper with drawings on its body. Than is now living like a paper writing history on his hand and drawing his future with his powers.