Chapter 4 - Who Summoned Me?

The forest filled with shadows as the orange yolk of the sky dipped behind the clouds, its rusty glare covered the negative space exaggerating the uniform legions of trees, each one growing in an asymmetrical line, their chaotic order befitting a monster's lair. I was the first to notice it, everyone else was focused on the battle, maybe David's right, I daydream too much. It started like a uniform raid. We used binding skills to tie down the goblins and started hacking at their front line whilst their magicians were sealed slowly but surely, like we always did, we fought through the mass of fresh monsters. This time was different somehow, I felt like my attention was being drawn, pulled, dragged away from the fight, an ominous presence looming over me, like a terrifying monster from a fairy tale.

Its huge frame contrasted the slowly dying day so obviously, if it weren't for the occasional clash of weaponry I would've gaped for hours, the serious and slightly panicked shouts of my comrades shaking me from my hypnotized gaze.

But it was too late, I was too late. In an instant the entire enemy's field was swept clear, a torrent of red piercing through the targets in front of me, time seemed to stop, the intense panic causing my heart to beat louder than a drum, each blood vessel pounding into my head. The goblins' torsos and legs were sent flying across the field. Our comrades on the front lines were sent hurtling backwards with the shockwave of the swing. The priest behind me collapsed. I didn't dare turn my head, but I heard the clatter of her knees folding into the dry ground, and the loud retching coming deep from her stomach, only breaking for her whimpers and cries of fear. David's hand was lying in front of me, still grasping his sword still lying limp in his grasp. My eyes widened in horror, David had trained for years to harden his body to the point of near perfection and that thing had sliced through it in the flick of a wrist. Its body was huge, in its right hand was a huge cleaver, its curved blade scraping along the ground like a plow, digging up the earth that followed. Its body was indescribably black, like a mass of shadowy flame burning up into a moonless night. Its huge arms moved along the ground like smoke, slowly moving his body across the battlefield towards its stunned foes. My priest was behind me, her stomach empty and her breath shaking, the monster stretched its hand towards her… I couldn't do anything, this was nothing like the stories said, there was no heroic part of me trying to move, all I could do was stand and watch as its horrifying, ghostly fingers curled and grasped her white clothes. Her screams were deafening tears flooding down her face, prayers spraying from her lips. I could only think of one thing,


I'm no heroine, I can't even save my comrade who is crying and screaming in front of me, so please send me someone who can.

Its voice fitted its image, she was pulled closer to its face, the shadowy head was exactly the same as the body except for two blindingly white eyes, their shape pierced through your soul with a terrifying intensity, "You have the stench of the goddess." Its face cracked open into a set of jaws, it sharp, razor like teeth protruding from the ghostly skin, a massive squirming tongue soaked in inky black saliva crawled from the back of its mouth pushing towards the girl, her previously petrified body began to squirm and writhe in fear as the giant tongue encircled her, surrounding her and lowering her gently into his mouth, his thumb, and index finger still holding her wrists together as she kicked and screamed.


His jaws closed in an instant, blood dripping from her wrists as they dropped to the ground. I dropped to my knees in terror, what more could I do, I was just a meal.

"Hahaha Girls are so delicious, their texture is always so smooth."

"Why are monsters always so creepy? Just for once I'd like to fight an honorable warrior or an elder dragon but no, its always fucking virgin loving vampires or swamp monsters."

Behind me a calm voice sounded out paired with footsteps.

"I'll be borrowing this." his hand gently grazed my head as he bent over next to me, prying the sword from David's hand. He tossed the light blade up and down a couple of times, his hand grasping the hilt firmly.

"You? I didn't feel you? How dare you approach an arch demon with a weapon."

"Of course you didn't feel me, my presence isn't from this world. But I'll show you," he let out a friendly smile, his eyes creasing as his head tilted to the side, like the kind a mother gives her child who just drew something. He reached his hand out to the pale skin connecting with the demon's form. The ground around them cracked, the area being flattened into a uniform disk around him and the demon.

It instantly dashed backwards into the trees around being knocked out of the way, "Impossible!!! Even the twelve Arch Dukes of the underworld couldn't make that kind of pressure. It must be a trick."

"Wow I didn't know a demon could sweat." he closed his eyes laughing and staring back at the group, all of us stunned and in awe. In that brief moment the demon took his chance. Maybe because I had always been looking at two things, maybe because my attention had always been divided, but this one time it was focused on one thing, that man. The same aura infused swing of the sword slid through the air towards the man's face. He outstretched a hand, the cleaver striking into his bare flesh like it was a mountain, the blade instantly shattering into pieces, then in one simple movement the man stepped forward his hand reaching high into the sky and bearing down on the demon the clouds above us tearing apart, the winds themselves were carved down the middle gales of wind rushing to either side of his blade.

His face dropped into a stale expressionless stare as the sword pressed down.

"Die virgin lover."

The demon evaporated, no other word could describe the instant and complete annihilation of every part of his body. The landscape in front was split in two, his sword had ripped the world apart. My hands dropped from a praying position to the grass in front of me. The reality of my position setting in. I am a nobody, I could never even graze a fraction of their power, something that could have ended me in a second was whipped out as terrified as me. I am nothing.

"So then!" The man's cheery face resumed, and his hands clapped together, breaking the stunned silence. "Who summoned me?"