It was already midnight when Derrek got back to his chamber, his eyes first caught sight of his wife, she was fast asleep.

He strode towards the bed, careful not to wake her up.

he bent to pull the blanket over her chest, when he saw her shiver slightly. 'she must be feeling cold' he thought. The weather wasn't friendly at night.

It was usually warm in the morning,but cold at night. Although it had no effect on him, She's just an ordinary human who isn't susceptible to cold.

He took out another blanket and draped it on her body and caressed her cheek lightly. Isabel who felt a warmth on her cheek,subconsciously nestled towards the warmth.

Derrek retracted his hand,earning a slight frown from the sleeping lady.

He went to the other side of the bed, while unbuttoning his shirt, he always preferred sleeping without any clothes on, but looking at his wife, he didn't want to freak her out when she see's him naked.

Once he had finished removing his cloth, leaving only his pants on, he laid on the bed, over the blanket.

He slept sideways looking at his wife's back, So many emotions kept swirling in his mind, he was happy, relieved, afraid?. he asked himself.

he wouldn't lie to himself,he knew he was afraid, afraid of what could happen to her, She wasn't her past self who could protect herself without any help. Now, she's just an ordinary fragile human, he couldn't help the feeling that gnawed his heart.

He doesn't want to lose her again, Never. Memories of how he had held her cold body in his arms, drenched in blood flashed through his mind, he shut his eyes tightly, trying to forget that gruesome scene.

As though she could feel his distress, Isabel squirmed in her sleep and rolled over, stopping right beside Derrek, feeling that same warmth again, she snuggled closer to him,putting her arms over his waist hugging him tightly, she found a comfy place on his chest and laid on it, feeling contented.

Derrek stilled like a log, he never expected her to snuggle closer to him this way, he could feel her round bossom on his chest, he gulped.

He raised his head to see if she was awake, but she was sound asleep.

He frowned when he saw the thin nightwear she was wearing. 'Why would Aliana let her wear something this light to sleep, didn't she know how cold it would be at night' he thought angrily. how could she be this careless.

She could get sick or catch a cold, he quickly got under the blanket and pulled it over her body, covering her completely.

He also wrapped his arms around her,making sure she was warm,only when he had made sure she wasn't cold that he could calm down, he didn't want to risk her health.

20 minutes... 30 minutes...1 hour....

he couldn't fall asleep,he shut his eyes tightly,wanting to sleep but all to no avail.

He could feel the heat rising in his body, the feel of his wife's bossom on his chest was affecting him. he placed his hand over his face,covering his eyes,but it was still the same,he couldn't sleep. Being this close with his wife was driving him crazy. he did everything he could to fall asleep,but gave up after another hour passed.

he could only sigh in defeat.

He looked down at the lady in his arms and started stroking her raven hair, he removed the strands that fell over her face. he spent the remaining hours before daybreak looking at her and relishing in their embrace.

When he saw that it was already morning,he kissed her forehead and whispered into her ears.

"I will protect you,my love".