"Hyah!" Sweat dripping from his forehead, Tao He completed all three hundred and one steps of the Reverse Strike Stance. Nearby, applause accompanied by a squeal sounded, and then Liu Meiyin quickly approached with a cup of water. This had been their custom over the past year; Tao He practised and Liu Meiyin watched. They were now quite familiar with one another, and the love-struck girl was eagerly awaiting him to pop the question.
"Thanks," Tao He flashed a charming smile that did a -9999 damage to the poor girls heart. She blushed and looked down, twisting the handkerchief she held.
"That--" they both spoke at the same time.
"You first," Liu Meiyin said quickly.
"No, ladies first," Tao He grinned.
"I-- I don't remember what I want to say again. You go first,"
Tao He chuckled.
"I wanted to say that I'll be returning for a while. There's a chance that I might be chosen as one of the Si Lak Mercenaries representatives at the Cultivators Gathering,"
"Oh--" Liu Meiyin looked downcast. She twisted her hanky even tighter.
"So;" Tao He continued, "I want to give you something before I go,"
Liu Meiyin looked up quickly, hope shining in her eyes. Tao He retrieved a jade bracelet from his spatial space. It looked quite old.
"It used to belong to my mother--"
Liu Meiyin needed no further telling. She happily collected it from him.
"Wait till I come back," Tao He reached out and gently rubbed her hair.
"I will!" She smiled, "I-- I have something to give you as well... Please don't laugh,"
"Why would I laugh?"
Liu Meiyin took out a jade tassel from her sleeve.
"I noticed that you didn't have a tassel for your sword-- I bought this cheaply; I know you won't care for it--"
But Tao He collected the tassel as if it was the greatest treasure in the world. He fixed it to his Mapleblade Sword at once.
"I'll remember you when I'm on the field," he murmured, and touched his forehead to hers as he clasped her hand in his.
"Phew!" Jun Ru whistled after the girl left to do her duties, "I thought the dog food would drown me,"
"Well I'm glad I'm not a single dog like you," Tao He retorted.
"Tchah," Jun Ru snorted, "have you forgotten I'm engaged?"
"Wait, who are you engaged to?" Tao He frowned.
"None of your business," Jun Ru raised his nose in the air, "I'll just have you know that the Grand Chief was our matchmaker," he chuckled proudly. Tao He was flabbergasted.
"A Senior?"
"No way! The Seniors are coupled up already,"
"A Vanguard?" Tao He guessed again.
"Nope," Jun Ru shook his head.
"Spear Squad? Archery Squad? Medicine Guild?"
"Eww no. Why would my bride be under that psycho?" Jun Ru shuddered.
"Save me the headache and tell me,"
"Ain't," Jun Ru goaded, "wait till I marry her?"
"When you're forty?" Tao He teased.
"Look who's talking," Jun Ru shot back.
"I forbid you to tell Meiyin my real age,"
"I'll whip your ass. Have you forgotten I'm your superior?"
"Tao He, Jun Ru!" Someone called from a distance.
"That's Senior Hao Ren," Tao He knew his master's voice and the two quickly hurried towards him.
Storm Sword looked forlorn, but he quickly rearranged his expression when the two reached him.
"We're all going back. The Grand Chief reckons the shadow guards can protect the Li family for the time being."
"Shadow guards?" Tao He raised an eyebrow. Jun Ru and Hao Ren snorted.
"You can never know all of the Si Lak Mercenaries' secrets. Even I don't," Hao Ren shrugged, "come on, let's go,"
The chief thirty of the Si Lak Mercenaries and several of their disciples gathered in one of the larger halls of the camp to decide who was going to join the Cultivators Gathering.
"I don't reckon we Four should go; at least not to compete. Storm Sword and Red Monkey are enough to represent the Grand Chief though,"
Storm Sword grinned, but Red Monkey pouted.
"The matter?" Xi Yun almost glared at her.
"Nothing! Nothing. Go on, Sis Xi Yun,"
Pursing her lips, Xi Yin raked her eyes over those assembled.
"I'm not even very aware of how this competition is run--"
Tao He raised his hand.
"I do, Senior. I've participated along with my disciples before,"
"Oh," Xi Yun nodded, "intimate us about the procedure, then,"
Tao He nodded, ignoring an aside from one of the Weapon's Guild brats who asked if Tao He's sect hadn't been the loser of the competition. He instead walked forward to where everyone in the hall could see him.
"The Cultivators Gathering has four stages. The first stage is like an opportunity to show-off. Each participating sect is asked to display their unique skills. It's also a means to even the playing ground and let contestants know the strengths and weaknesses of their competitors. After this stage a lot is then drawn by the host-- the Yang Sect-- to select those who will compete in the next stage, which usually has to do with defeating a beserk mystic creature,"
"Those selected by the lot from each sect have to work with all the others to defeat the mystic creature, but of course I don't have to tell you that it doesn't really happen that way. Anyway, the cultivator who manages to get the head of the mystic creature is deemed the winner of the second stage."
"The third stage is an alchemy competition--" here the members of the Alchemy Guild clucked excitedly, "and during the fourth match every single sect that participated will duel chosen members of the Yang Sect,"
"What kind of trash is that?" Storm Sword booed, "why the Yang Sect? I thought that there'd at least be a chance for us to repeatedly whack everyone else's butts,"
Tao He shrugged.
"That's how it is, Senior Master,"
"So how is the winner selected?" Xi Yun asked.
"There usually is no winner because of how the competition is arranged. The Yang Sect insists that it's just a gathering and not a competition,"
"Well there'll be a winner this time," Red Monkey narrowed her eyes, "they should come take a leaf from us as to how to organise competitions. I'm sure our Triennial Trials trumps this,"
"Definitely," Tao He nodded. He had witnessed two so he knew what he was comparing.
"Well fine," Xi Yun covered her yawn, "So I've said you both will go," she gestured to the third and fourth Seniors, "then, who else?" Before Jun Ru could raise his hand she said, "Jun Ru is too big a cultivator to compete,"
"Aw, come on," Jun Ru rolled his eyes, "aren't we going to show them our might? I reckon slapping a Martial Overlord in their faces is a good first step,"
"Remember the Grand Chief said the Scorpion Hall are after our cultivation techniques. The Yang Sect coming to invite us to a stupid competition we've never ever paid attention to at this critical point should make you all be on your guard. We don't know whether the Yang Sect have allied with the Scorpion Hall. Let's keep our eyes open,"
"Isn't that all the more reason to send me?" Jun Ru argued. He was itching for a fight so bad.
Xi Yun ignored him.
"I'm thinking this through, and I reckon the Grand Chief would agree with me too; that Yi Hei is a good person to pick,"
Ooh! Jun Ru and Tao He exchanged excited glances! So this was it! Senior Xi Yun was not over what Yi Hei did. Jun Ru was pleased.
"Besides, you're a Vanguard, Jun Ru," Xi Yun suddenly addressed him again, "and the closest to the Grand Chief. I don't want you there,"
"No problem, Senior," Jun Ru smirked.
"So, Yi Hei, step forward," Charming Leopard said in a low voice. All eyes on him, Yi Hei sullenly stepped out from the crowd, fanning himself with an ostrich feather fan.
"Next--" Xi Yun stroked her cheek, "hmm. Spider Lily,"
"Yes, Senior!" Spider Lily went forward at once and lifted his robes as he knelt. Yi Hei snorted at his attitude.
"You'll be our contestant for the Alchemy competition. You too, Swan Sight,"
Another mercenary came forward and knelt next to Spider Lily.
"Then, how about you suggest those to deal with the mythical creature?" Xi Yun turned to Charming Leopard, who nodded.
"My first disciple will do. Eagle Beak," Gu Yan called out, and the girl stepped out with the others.
"How many people are we even sending?" Storm Sword asked.
"As many as will do," Xi Yun replied
"Let's ask Tao He how many most sects come with," Gu Yan offered.
"And add about a dozen on top," Jun Ru grinned.
"Yes, Tao He?"
"I took twelve of my disciples back then. Most sects come with ten or twelve,"
"Twenty four then," Hao Ren chuckled, liking Jun Ru's idea.
"We'll send twelve," Xi Yun decided. "We already have Yi Hei, Spider Lily, Swan Sight and Eagle Beak. Supply one person, Vanguards,"
"Tao He," Jun Ru said.
Tao He gave Jun Ru an high five and then stepped up to join the others.
"Weapons Guild?" Xi Yun prompted.
"Boar Claw," the youngsters pushed him forward.
"He's too young," Xi Yun countered.
"I'm fourteen!" Boar Claw complained.
"Bring someone else,"
"Icy Wind," the youngsters finally decided after some whispering.
"Taken. I will send Nalan Yu. Red Monkey, someone from your side?"
"Yu Han," Fei Ning called one of her disciples, who stepped out at once.
"What about me, Senior?" Hao Ren asked.
"Tao He is your disciple."
"Hey, but that was Jun Ru's slot!"
Xi Yun sighed.
"Fine. Who do you want to send?"
"Ginseng Blade,"
"Taken," Xi Yun scanned the crowd. "Phoenix Tail? Will you go?"
An alluring young woman stepped out.
"Yes, Senior,"
"Hmm. We need two more people,"
A commotion broke out immediately.
"I, Senior!"
"I'd like to go!"
"Please, pick me!"
Xi Yun raised her hand for silence.
"Puppet King, you'll be the show-off. I know your displays are very gory and appalling, so don't think I'm insulting you if I tell you to even make them more so at the competition,"
Puppet King with her sallow face stepped out. She nodded.
"I won't let you down, Senior,"
"One more person," Xi Yun sighed.
"Please, Senior, let me go!" Boar Claw was almost in tears.
"Fine! Boar Claw makes up the number. You guys go prepare. I don't care if the Yang Sect doesn't select winners. We must show everyone that we are the best and we'll always be,"
"Yes, Senior!"
"Grand Chief, Senior asked me to ask your approval over the list of people we're sending to the cultivators gathering," Jun Ru handed the paper to Li Sihan, who scanned it with pursed lips.
"Why isn't your name on the list,"
Jun Ru made a puppy dog face.
"In Senior's words, I'm too big a cultivator, and I'm the closest to you,"
"What does that mean? Strike off Yi Hei's name and take his place,"
"What?" Jun Ru was surprised. Li Sihan raised her eyebrows.
"I mean-- why-- why Yi Hei?"
"What's Yi Hei doing in a place like the Cultivators Gathering? He's just a physician,"
"But-- but he has good combat skills," the words felt sticky in Jun Ru's mouth.
"Good combat skills?" Li Sihan repeated as if Jun Ru said she had just sprouted a couple of horns, "Yi Hei?"
"Ye-- yes?" Jun Ru was getting more and more confused, "didn't you even teach him the Piercing Thrust? I still have the scars," Jun Ru raised his head to expose two dark patches on his neck. Li Sihan narrowed her eyes. She retrieved a Summon Token from her spatial space.
"Yi Hei!