Chereads / Creator Online / Chapter 87 - Doom Sovereign

Chapter 87 - Doom Sovereign


The wind buffeted the area as I came to a stop right at the base of a huge mountain. A cavernous entrance right before me and the green trail leading onwards. I could barely withhold my smirk while accessing my environs. The trail of the creator in control of this undead was quite easy to follow. I wouldn't deny that my confidence grew in my specific skills with this. It

Golden motes of light floated and condensed all over my body forming into a short sword in my right hand, greaves on my calf and sandals on my feet, bronze roman-styled armor with a white cape held to his right shoulders only with a chain, a Greek helmet and round shield with a symbol of a burning sun. I could

"Let's kill our first creator". I smirked and took a step forward.


There was no explosion or implosion. No heat or cold. Just a foreign feeling that made my skin tingle. My eyes moved to look up the mountain as I felt the wrongness of the air. It was a feeling that bothered me more than it weakened me. The emptiness, the cold that was less of a chilling air and more of a wind within a void.

I felt my legs taking steps back, my mind reeling at the sense of danger this feeling brought. I couldn't help but curse my foresight in streaming. I had grown to my level of strength not from taking unnecessary risks but from being cautious. Most would call it cowardice, I called it knowing one's limits. At this moment I was hesitant to step into the mountain and fight whatever released such an aura. But I had streamers to impress.

'The things we do for fame'. I mentally grumbled walking into the entrance. 'Hopefully, those girls get here before I die'.



I spawned back into the game to witness the cutest yet most confusing scene ever. I had erected a plain structure of stone to house my body when I spawned in and out of the game in the plains. Then etched the walls with some protection runes I had made. They were meant to halt any attacks and entities with negative intent.

Which was why it was kind of confusing to see the creatures within here. I had after all assumed all species of the Plains were violent predators. I rose from the stone bed with padded foam for comfort and observed the sight.

Tiny mushroom-like folks stood guard by the inner walls of my room, The entrance that was sealed also had two of them, and from the sounds I could detect there were even more of them outside. One of the mushrooms at the entrance seeing me rise jumped and then burrowed into the ground. Following its life signs I watched it drill beneath and out the other side.

" Well that explains how they got entrance" It also reminded me of some creatures that could stack from beneath. 'Next time place runes on the ground too'. Of course, I knew the runes wouldn't have stopped the Mushrooms since the walls had not attempted to eliminate them.

The remaining Mushrooms in the room made a weird sort of action where their two arms extended forward and their feet tapped the ground in a two by two rhythm before they returned to their normal position.

'Probably a form of greeting'. On my feet, I waved at the entrance ignoring the rumbling as the earth sank into the ground. My senses and the life signs showed me tbe mushrooms arranged into very straight rows. At the front stood a conspicuous-looking Mushroom.

Its head was raised high and its arms stretched out in what I now agreed to be a military salute. What should be eyes on its head blinked once them twice before its mouth opened.


The incarnate had done its part, now it was up to the female who bore her aura. The incarnate did wonder what its response would be like. The thought of the flames that burned her during their bout made her, an incarnate of fire, shiver. The incarnate nodded with justification, it was as expected of divine fire.

Now that it had alerted the girl she had to do the same for the rest of the continent. From her various inspections into the mortal race, it had to be realized that heroes and villains always had the fodder kind. One to strengthen the hero and the other to sacrifice their life for the hero at the opportune time. All the incarnate had to do was set the fodders for the hero. The other fodder would naturally be present without its aid.

With a glance around the empty campsite, the flames sputtered and went off. The only sign that it ever graced the area was the burning pair of footprints on the ground.


Anoma watched the Apex Destroyer rise from death it's one eye no longer a deathly purple but green. The wound which had felled it emitted greenish-blue flames and its height had increased a bit. Anoma didn't have enough core intelligence to ponder why it was this way. While his eyes were on the creature his attention was on the rune which had receded into his mental space. He looked it over, prodded it, and gleaned all he could about it at the moment. His eyes gleamed with understanding and then he nodded.

This was the perfect tool to accomplish his tasks. With the rune giving him authority over death for a split second he could ensure the death of something. Of course, if said entity was leagues above him in power then it could mentally shrug off said influence. Even with this blockade, Anoma had no feelings of despair or annoyance or any feelings at all. His reasoning was simple, the rune had never been part of the equation anyway, so when it failed he would simply do what he did best. Glorious Slaughter.

For some reason, the King felt like he had to look at his template. Since he was born he had found it unnecessary, but now for some reason, he just had to.

NAME - Anoma

Title - ???????

RACE - Anomalous False Life (Doom Sovereign)

BEING - ???????


HP - 1000/1000

Miasma - 2000/2000

Mettle - (Pick at Level 5)1




While false life has no sentience or sapience the anomaly is one with sapience, true life granted by the spark. Boosted by Rune of Nihility. As an anomaly, all within reach will know, and feel your power. Beings of lower and equal might will be suppressed, while beings of higher might will merely be ticked off]

[King of The Unliving]

As the only true living false life and by its strength and intelligence the anomaly has gained the King of the unliving perk. Able to create, perceive, command, and exert dominance over all false lives. Boosted by the Rune of Nihility. All beings before the king will know true nothingness. ]

[Life Domain]

A perk combined with the king perk and Life sense perk. All life and false life within the domain of the king are unhidden. Boosted by the Rune of Nihility. All death occurring within a certain range will be unhidden to the King]

[Divine Miasma Tether]

Siphoning miasma directly from the green sun and storing excess energy back to it. As King of the Unliving, a title recognized by the absolute and given power by the Green sun, one can directly channel large amounts of miasma from the sun.]

[Superior Battle instincts]

Able to follow and use battle instincts whether trained or untrained as part of the basic body motor movements.Boosted by Rune of Nihility. All threats and danger to the King will be perceived]

[Armanent Conjuration]

Condensing of miasma into desired weapon variants. The fine-tuning of this perk while powerful and full of potential is also tasking. Boosted by Rune of Nihility. Every weapon and test forged by armament will have the bite of death. Defensive gears will swallow 100% damage to the King.]

[Necrotic Frost Fire]

A cold and corruptive greenish-blue fire with the capabilities to both freeze and infect living foes with the corruption of False Life.]

[False Life Evolution]

Like all False Life, Boosted by the Rune of Nihility. All newly made and former false life will gain the Trait - Empty.]

[Death Domain]

All within the King's Domain will lose life force at a slow but steady rate]

It was understandable to him, mostly due to the system aiding in creating knowledge of the new perks, especially the new trait of his false life. Empty. It was simple, in each battle with a living entity, a wound or cut would steal either a permanent life force or HP from the entity or steal a stat number. Increasing either health or physiology. As beings tethered to the King, they were empty, able to leech as much as possible without fill. The perfect army.


[A/N : This chapter is sponsored by Deistra and Rack of Life.]