During this time Hadrian wanted to travel,so Aslan gave the first gift to Hadrian, he had breathed upon a sword causing magical runes to start getting inscribed on it, and then all of it glowed.
This sword has a double-edged blade.A fuller runs down the center of the blade.The sword has a cruciform crossguard. The arms of the silver-colored crossguard angle towards the blade. The hilt continues with a brown leather-wrapped grip. Thin strips of black leather crisscross along the grip. The hilt ends with a fan-shaped pommel. Both the cast metal pommel and crossguard At the base of the blade, there are engraved runes embued with deep magic.
Aslan smiled at his son and said "I want you to always stay on the right path,my son."
Hadrian took the sword and studied it,he could feel the magic coursing through it.Hadrian was natural with sword,but still needed battle experience.
Hadrian named the sword"Excalibur."
Excalibur gave him a boost in strength, speed and durability.It was able to enhance his reaction speed to insane levels.
Excalibur had the power of shockwave generation and can create shockwaves with his sword swings,Some degree of Precognition.
Hadrian's thoughts were broken by Aslan"I am giving you this because Jadis has been going around asking about you, so you have something to fightback beside your magic."
Hadrian nodded and with a smile replied"I will be careful, father."
Hadrian during his 5 years in Narnia, he traveled quite a lot by flying using his animagus form of Thunderbird.During this time he befriended quite a few people,some of them were very interesting like he reached the Island told him about it was called Ramandu's island.Ramandu was first born as a celestial star, but after many years he became tired, as all stars eventually do, and returned below to the surface of the world. During his rest, he lived on his own island, located at the beginning of the world's end, where years later he eventually bore a daughter.
Hadrian was curious about the star people,who
were the first things created by Aslan's song at the dawn of time, and they immediately joined him in his song. They appeared fully formed in the sky, in constellations and individual positions.
Stars were seen in their sky form throughout their existence, and were also briefly encountered in human form while at rest.Some stars spent time in fully human form, in which they did not emit light or heat, but looked and behaved like most human beings.
Hadrian saw a star coming down and slowly trasformed into a tall girl, dressed in white dress and is surrounded by a bluish-white glow.She was bareheaded and her yellow hair hung down her back. And when they looked at her they thought they had never before known what beauty meant.
The girl smiled at Hadrian and said"Welcome to my Father's island,son of Aslan."
Hadrian asked"You heard of me."
The girl nodded and replied"We have seen you from the sky."
Hadrian nodded in understanding,while he questioned"What is your name,fair lady?"
The girl smiled and answered"My name is Lilliandil and I am the daughter of Ramandu."
Hadrian nodded,while Lilliandil being curious questioned"How did you get here,I mean most get lost in deadly mist of thr Dark Island?"
Hadrian looking grim replied"Yeah,I flew around that place has a darkness in it."
Lillandil nodded anad said"The Dark Island,also known as "The Island Where Dreams Come True".The island's reputation for making dreams come true made it a much fabled and sought location, but this was a misunderstanding. Unfortunately, the Dark Island's powers brought dreams, not daydreams or longings, to life. Even worse, it brought dreams that made you afraid of going back to sleep".
Hadrian nodded looking back feeling slighty glad he listned to his gut,but Hadrian didn't know that thr blessing of Aslan would prevent the magic of the island to get hold of him.
Lillandil and Hadrian formed a connection, it was platonic relationship.Both shared there life stories, for Lillandil it was loneliness without anyone to talk to and for Hadrian it was his life on his previous world.
Both enjoyed each others company and Hadrian promised to visit her whenever possible.