(AN:This chapters was longer than usual, about 3200 words but I decided to cut it in half and post the last chapter of this episode tomorrow. Don't worry I'm still planning on double uploading but I think I'm gonna change the date to Sunday)
The bell for the school rang. Meaning that it was finally time to go home as Alex had her arms crossed waiting for her mom in front of the school.
Claire arrived in her minivan with Luke in the back as Alex got in and put her cello case in the back and her backpack beside her, huffing out
Claire:"Everything okay sweetie?"
Alex started to look out the window as the ride to the house was quiet with Claire occasionally looking through the rear view mirror that showed Alex in deep thoughts with a frown.
Alex:"What does it mean when the boy you love forgets something about special that can occasionally happen once a year?"
Claire was speechless as Alex rarely talks to her about boys. Even Alex doesn't go to her for advice because Will liked how Alex is, making her not needing any advice from her mom or sister…mainly her mom, Haley does have some nice advice about fashion.
Claire:"Well, it can sometimes mean that day isn't important to him as it is to you, or it could mean that he just forgot."
Claire:"But! There's always a possibility that he's just doing this on purpose, remember what I said in the morning?"
Alex:"I guess your right, but it's just so hard to tell with Will because he teases me so much and he acts dumb in class but he has the highest grades! It just-urgh!"
Claire had tight lipped her mouth as Alex was clearly frustrated about Will. Which was rare because she gets frustrated about her grades but now came Will into that mix.
Finally arriving at her house, Alex got out of the car and started to take out her equipment.
Alex:"Hey mom can you-"
Claire was already in the house as Alex had a shocked face
Alex:"Okay….Well, Luke-"
She turned around and looked around for him to only see the back of Luke entering the house with Alex huffing out
Alex:"The one time I'm angry at Will and it's the time I need his help…"
Mummlbing it out, she took a deep breath and carried her backpack with her cello case and a duffel bag as she entered her house and put her bags down on the floor as she turned around to close the door.
Turning back around, she was met with a face full of confetti as Phil and Claire had confetti canons with Luke holding up a bouquet
She got surprised as both of her hands were up and looking around to see Will holding up a big pink sign with the letters, Would you be my dance date, in big bold and glittery.
Will was smiling as his bronde hair was full of confetti.
(AN:I think I never mentioned his hair color… xD)
Alex was still in shock as she looked around to see her family with smiles as Will came up and took one of her hands in his as he had grin.
Will:"So Alex, the girl who's currently mad at me, would you go to the dance with me?"
Luke:"Say yes, I gotta go find my collection of gold bars"
Phil:"Now hang on a second buddy, let's give this time to Alex.Although it would be good to wrap this up…."
Phil said the last part in a whisper but he got his arm whacked by Claire who angrily looked at him, who just shrugged. They focused their attention back to Will and Alex as she now held the bouquet of red roses with a mix of blue flowers.
Everyone was waiting for Alex reply as she took a long time that worried Will who thought he taken his joke to far.
Alex:"…N-Yes! DUMMY"
Will let out a relief sigh as he dropped the sign and hugged Alex who returned it back with Will spinning them.
Will:"Scared me there gorgeous"
(AN:I don't know why but everytime I read that I automatically assume the Mario brother from the first episode of season three saying that😆)
Alex:"Mmm, a little payback"
She giggled and backed away a bit seeing Phil with a smile and oddly enough, Claire as well. Luke was already gone doing god knows what as they went upstairs.
Claire brought the broom and gave it to Phil who looked confused.
Claire:"I cannot believe you almost ruined our daughter moment for a collection of god knows what"
Phil:"I did not"
Claire gave him the stare as Phil tightly grabbed the broom stick
Phil:"I wasn't the only one, Luke did as well…"
Mumbling it out, Claire called his name again and asked what he said with Phil just saying it was nothing.
With the door open, Will and Alex spent about half an hour goofing off and messing around as Claire would occasionally hear the giggles from Alex and their conversation.
The other half of the hour, they spent some time going over today notes with Will sometimes distracting her with the usual tickles, complements and teases.
And like that, an hour passed with Alex and Will going downstairs. Will saw Phil and Luke in some Brown work clothes with headband lights.
Phil:"Alright ZMoney, we're ready to find my-"
Will:"Okay, personally I think it might be collections of old marbles or something old timey"
Phil:"Whatttt?, come on, learn to think a bit bigger imagine if it's the long lost jewel of the Queen crown!"
Luke:"Or a rare collection of signed cards from all the sports!"
Will:"Or a future Robot that jumped back into the past and it's stuck needing our help"
Phil:"Oo! Even better!"
Phil and Luke laughed out with Will going out to the side of the house with Alex rolling her eyes but before that, Will gave her a kiss on the mouth, Alex started to put her hands on his face but quickly backed away hearing the cough of her mother.
Claire:"One eye open, always"
Will:"It's nothing, I mean, I guess we're still too young in your mom eyes"
Alex:"It's because we are, we're 13"
Will:"Oh right, I forgot"
Alex again rolled her eyes, chuckled and smacked his arm playfully
Alex:"You know it's sometimes hard imagining you having the highest grade in all of the school"
Alex quickly went out of the hosue and got inside Claire minivan as they headed to pick up Haley from her school and straight to the DMV
He arrived at the back yard as Phil and Luke were waiting for him. Will walked beside them up to the little hole area, that was beside the house, in front of the garage.
Phil:"We're like Ponce de León and his son, Little Ponce, and his León"
Luke:"Who's that?"
Will:"Famous treasure hunters."
Luke:"His name was Ponce?He'd get made fun of at my school."
Will:"He'll be made fun of everywhere They'd probably call him "Pants.""
The triplets were already Laughing as Phil unscrewed the rectangular small blockade
Phil:"Pants.Or maybe, um, "Fancy Ponce."
Luke:"That's a good one."
Phil:"All right.Let's do this."
Turning to look at the boys, they nodded as Phil was about to head in but squeaking was heard which made Phil quickly back out while getting goosebumps
Phil:"Oh! Hey! Wow."
Will:"You okay? Sounded like a teenage girl got shocked"
Phil:"Yeah. Yeah, I am, just, got surprised that's all, and my voice cracked, that's why it didn't sound…menacing"
Will:"Uh huh, are you sure its not because unknown animals are down there?"
Gulping down, Phil momentarily looks at the camera
Phil:"Yeah,yep,yeah,Yep. Gonna take a little more than getting trapped...in a small, dark space with a wild animal to rattle this old man."
Luke:"All right."
Will:"Yeah you can do it"
Phil was as always, sitting on the family couch.
Phil:"You never want your kids or a kid that's dating your daughter to see you scared. Why? because someday your going to have be tough on them so you could threaten them…Anyways, getting off topic,You wanna be that rock that they can grab ahold of in a stormy sea."
Nodding a couple of times,Phil thought about it for a moment and leaned in
Phil:"Actually,a rock would sink.So a floating rock.Let's start over. It's windy, and you've got a lot of papers."
—-Commentary ends——
Phil:"Okay.Let's do this, buddy."
Squeaking was heard again as Phil chuckled and tapped his foot on the ground and waited a bit. Will and Luke looked at eachother as they shrugged.
Turing back to face Phil, he was now entering and was half way but he screamed because he felt something running on his hands
Phil:"Okay! Good recon.Got the lay of the land,so-"
Luke:"Aren't we going in?"
Phil:"Yep, we are.But won't it be fun if we did it with ski goggles and barbecue tools?"
Luke:"I guess."
Phil:"Yeah.Yeah. Let's do that.All right?"
Will:"Wait, wouldn't you be too bulky to get in there then?"
Luke:"Oh yeah"
Phil stared at Will who was looking innocent but Phil didn't give a damn and simply shook his head at him.
A little more time was spent on how to find the treasure they think is down there as Phil offered the solution of doing it like a space mission with Luke being confused and Will just looking at Phil suspiciously
But while that was going on,Claire picked up Haley from her school and we're waiting outside the DMV as Claire was wearing a coat while Alex was wearing a sleeveless jacket with Haley still wearing her outfit that she took to school
Alex:"Are you nervous?"
Haley:"Shut up, Alex."
Alex:"I was just asking.I'd be nervous if I were you."
Claire:"Alex, leave your sister alone.She's gonna be fine."
Haley:"As long as I don't get the same guy. He's so mean."
Alex:"You probably will."
Claire:"You won't."
Haley:"He hates me."
Claire:"He doesn't hate you."
Haley:"He yelled at me."
Alex:"You drove into the bushes."
Haley just stared at her sister momentarily as she kept bouncing her knee while holding her purse. She kept looking around and found the instructor that she hated.
It was a middle age African America that was wearing a sweatshirt with pants as he was holding a clip board with a pen.
Haley:"Oh, no. It's him.Please don't be for me. Please don't be for me.Please don't be for me. Please don't be me. Hi.Oh, thank God."
Smiling at him when he passed by to shutting her eyes and sighing in relief, she was about to celebrate but the the man called out to her from behind
DMV:"Well, come on.I don't have all day."
Haley:"I'm gonna throw up."
Claire:"Okay, no. This is what you're gonna do. You're gonna get in that car, put on your seat belt...and take three deep breaths and relax.This guy sees hundreds of kids every day.He probably doesn't even remember you, all right?"
DMV:"Yo. Let's move it,two strikes."
Haley looked worried and took heavily deep breaths, multiple, as she headed inside the minivan with the instructor going to the passenger side.
Claire:"That's more than three breaths, honey."
Momentarily taking our scene back to the Dunphy House, Will was standing by Luke as Phil just got back with a robot with tank like wheels,that had a taped camera on its head with Phil taping on a small light like an ant antenna on top of the camera
(AN:English is so hard, taping is like the thing you tape things to another while tapping is like you-ugh!!!!!! You get the point right? Anyways they almost spell the same if you don't spell it right)
Phil:"See how much better this is?The robot goes in.It gets video.And then we get a preview of whatever's in there. How ingenious is that, huh?"
Will:"I don't know Phil,Aren't you just scared to go in?"
Phil:"Why would you say that?"
Luke:"Well, when you stuck your head in, you screamed a little."
Will:"Yeah, and it's been half of an hour but we're still out here"
Phil:"I told you.That was the house settling and I told you, we needed to be ready.Besides, this is so much cooler. This is how NASA does it."
Will:"Yeah, but they're rovers are like bigger than this"
Phil:"It doesn't matter Now, you guys ready?. Hehe, blast off"
Phil:"Oh god…Now what"
Luke:"Let's use my old toy truck, your gonna lose the robot I got from Will"
Turning to Will with a shocked expression, Will sheepishly smiled as he threw his arms up and shrugged
Phil:"How come Luke got one?"
Will:"Well….you never mentioned it!"
Phil:"I clearly remeber giving you hints, heck, I even told you!"
Will:"No you didn't"
Phil:"Yes I did"
Will:"No you didn't"
Phil:"Yes I did! I want my robot! Build me one Will!"
Will:"Stay in the present!"
Phil was whining while mildly jumping up and down as there voices were rising. Phil was breathing hard through his nose as he had his a hands on his hips and staring at Will who, stuck out his hand
Phil:"Fine, but only because the treasure is waiting for us"
Luke was mildly excited as Phil Imitated an Explosion, and put the robot inside and set it on the ground. The Motor Whirring was heard as Luke got curious
Luke:"Hey, Dad?"
Luke:"How are you supposed to steer if you don't know where you're going?"
Phil:"…Stay in the present, buddy. Gotta do it by feel.Gotta get all Jedi on it."
And with extremely bad timing, the Motor was heard Grinding against something.
Luke:"Did you just lose my robot?"
Luke:"You just lost my robot!"
Phil:"No, I didn't!"
Luke:"That was my robot! Will gave it to me!"
Will:"How could you lose the robot!"
Luke:"I want my robot back!"
Will:"Why did you decide the choose the robot Phil!"
Phil:"Stay in the present guys!"
Luke:"Stop yelling!"