(AN:I was gonna post this tomorrow but a really cool author commented on one of my chapters so I had to celebrate by posting this early)
Two days passed since Alex had her first actual chance to meet Will's mom, and while it was not a long conversation, it was still enough for Lucy to get to know the kind of girl Will liked.
At first Alex was nervous, but after realizing that Lucy was like Claire, a mom, she understood her worries.
But that was two days ago and today was a new day, a special day because today was Luke birthday party.
Luke came downstairs with his backpack, and Alex came behind with, surprisingly, her phone in her hand as she set down her cello case beside the door.
Phil:"There he is! Big day's coming up. What do you want for your birthday, big dog?"
Luke:"It's okay; I'm good."
Phil:"Come on. The sky's the limit. Dream big, my boy."
Claire smiled as she drank her coffee while Phil got up from the stool and walked in front of Luke, while bending down. Alex came in with Haley as they both sat on the kitchen table with their faces in their phone.
Claire noticing this, didn't know how to act. On one hand, Alex is finally not worrying that much about every single thing about school but on the other hand, Claire was worried about Alex turning out like Haley. But then she laughed in her head because of that thought.
Luke:"Well, I guess I could use a belt."
Claire:"A belt?"
Luke:"Yeah, you're right. I don't need it. The extension cord works pretty good."
Claire made a small whine as she turned her head to the kitchen table as she saw Alex giggling.
Phil:"I feel terrible."
Phil:"We've got to do something."
Getting his attention, Claire turned back to face Phil as she kept side eyeing Alex.
Claire:"Yeah… Um, well, you know the family is gonna be together for Thanksgiving for the first time in I-don't-even-know-how-long, so…"
Phil:"I am so with you. We should blow this out and throw Luke the best birthday party of all time."
Claire:"Yes! Yes, we'll order a whole bunch of pizzas and, and then set up an arts and crafts table."
Phil:"A what?"
Claire:"Y-yeah, a crafts table! You know, everybody… gathers around and they make stuff and then bam! They've got their own party favor."
Phil snorts making Claire look at him with a deadpan face
Phil:"Sorry, I fell asleep while you were describing the most boring party ever.Ow!"
Chuckling at his own joke, Claire punched his right shoulder as he cleared his throat
Phil:"I mean. oh…. You know what I'm gonna get it started, mind taking Luke to school? Thanks!"
The door was heard shutting as Claire just shook her head with a sigh. She hurried around in the kitchen as Alex followed her from behind.
Alex:"Hey mom, is it alright if Will comes?"
Claire:"Yes honey, why are you asking?"
Alex:"Because I still see you stare at him when ever we're to close"
Claire:"That is nonsense, I'll let you know me and Will have made an agreement"
Alex:"What agreement?"
Claire:"Uh, Luke your gonna be late hurry up!"
Alex:"What agreement?"
Claire:"It's nothing important-Luke!"
Alex:"Fine I'll just ask him, he's coming to pick me up for school anyways"
Claire:"What? I thought…Phil."
She just grabbed her purse from the racket as Luke came down from upstairs, having one of Phil belts.
Claire:"Uh,um, Fine, just promise me your not gonna do anything"
Alex:"Ew mom, we're still in the eighth grade"
Claire:"Oh right forgot, your still my baby"
Alex:"Your going to be late"
Claire kissed Alex on the forehead as she ran out of the house tugging Luke behind her. Alex went back to the kitchen to catch Haley having her phone in her hands
Haley:"I love you"
She started to make kissy faces as she re read the text while running away from Alex
Alex:"Give it back!"
Haley:"Oh here's a good one. "I love you to sweetie"
Alex was seen laying down on the bed with a notebook beside her while holding her phone
Alex:"You know for thirteen year olds, I would say my relationship with Will has come along fast and mature because we took it to the next level, using the L word, to be honest I think it was usual for us considering how mature we are even though were still teenagers. Plus, we think were moving at a pretty good pace. Besides the best thing hearing Will say "I love you" is that I'm showing him the real me, the smart,nerdy, geeky and lovable me."
She laid back down on the bed as she looked up to the ceiling, taking a satisfying sigh.
Alex:"So Take that Haley.Ha!"
——Commentary ends——-
Haley laughed as she stood on the opposite side of the table as she moved whenever Alex would move.
Alex:"Give it back! Why are you raiding my privacy!"
Haley:"This is payback when you and Will almost gave me a bald spot during Manny fencing tournament"
Alex:"Oh come on, it was funny. This isn't so give it!"
Alex ran around with Haley doing the same, avoiding her. They ran around in the living room and everywhere downstairs when Haley forgot that Alex plays lacrosse, so naturally she was used to running.
Haley was seen siting on the couch
Haley:"Will and Alex….Now I never knew what he saw in her but I gotta hand it to her, she is my sister but i would rather die than admit I'm jealous of my sister scoring a man better than me"
She stops talking as the door opened and came in with Alex on her phone talking to Will
Alex:"No I'm telling you, Luke skywalker could not beat General Grievous if they fought,why? Because he has four arms with each one holding a lightsaber…."
Her voice started to get muffled as Haley blinked multiple times
——Commentary ends——-
While that was going on, Jay just came downstairs while holding a crossbow and entered the kitchen as he saw Gloria and Manny.
Jay:"Hey Gloria, you got any idea how to wrap one of these things?"
Gloria:"Is that a crossbow?"
Jay:"Yeah. Am I the greatest grandpa in the world or what?"
Gloria:"We can't give Luke a crossbow. He pokes himself in the eye everytime he uses a straw."
Jay:"Are you kidding? I used to have one when I was his age. My dad used to give me a quarter for every crow I bagged."
He played with the crossbow and faked shooting it as Gloria just took a sigh and shrugged.
Gloria:"And I used to have a machete. But times have changed."
Jay: "He'll be fine. I'll teach him how to use it."
Manny enters looking down and deflated
Jay:"Hey pal. How's it going?"
Manny:"Am I charming?"
Jay:"Oh boy…"
Gloria:"Of course you're charming! Who said you were not charming?"
Manny:"No one. But there is a girl at my school and I want her to like me. I need your advice, Jay."
They walked towards the living room that was only a few steps away as they took a seat with Jay sitting on a chair and Manny sitting with his mom, beside him.
Manny:"She's gonna be at Luke's party."
Jay:"Well, I'm… a little thrown. I mean, you don't usually come to me for advice."
Manny:"Well, this is one area in which you've done pretty well."
He looks at his mom as she happily smiles and shrugs.
Gloria:"He has a point."
Manny:"I've tried everything to get her attention: opening doors, having her milk sent over in the cafeteria… but nothing's worked."
Jay:"Here's the deal: girl's don't go for all that romantic stuff. They go for power and success, and sine you don't have either one of those things, you're gonna be the funny guy."
Manny shakes his head down and forth slowly as he smiles, thinking about his jokes.
Haley and Phil were seen in a car with Will, having his seatbelt on and hanging on to it from the passenger side as Haley happily drived.
Will:"So tell me again why this was a great idea?"
Phil:"I need to pick up the karaoke box from Cam place and then to the rock wall store."
Phil explained from the back as he took out his phone from his pocket.
Will:"No. I mean why Is it that I went in front and you in the back?"
Phil:"Oh yeah….we didn't think this through…."
Haley:"It's fine as long as there's an adult inside the car, and I gotta thank you for letting me drive this beauty."
Will looked behind him toward Phil as he just nodded. Looking back upfront he had a strained smile. The car they were driving was Will usual blackout SUV, and they were lucky to trick the driver that usually drives Will, to go into the house. Surprisingly it wasn't that hard.
Will:"Anything for…you"
Haley:"I appreciate the flirt but I have a boyfriend and your dating my sister"
Will:"Yeah I AM. Right Phil?"
Phil:"Of course I know, it's not like I'm forcing you guys to bond so I can have blackmail material which makes you buy me a sports car, yep so not it"
Phil nervously chuckles as Will just shook his head.
Will:"You know I'm human right? I'm not just made of money"
Phil:"And I appreciate that considering Alex finally has someone to drive her to those boring museums and I was just kidding!, like buds?, right?"
Will:"So why did you bring me along?"
Phil:"Because we're friends who don't use each other-"
Haley and Will looked at eachother with a face of disgust as Phil placed his hands together on his mouth.
Phil:"What I meant to say is that, we don't force each other-we don't-I'm just saying we are friends and friends should pick up karaoke machines."
Haley just sighed out as she chuckled nervously.
Haley:"Dad. Please don't ruin this for me, I'm actually driving a car without-"
Will:"Watch the road!"
Phil:"Watch the road!"
They both called out simultaneously as Haley was turning back to face Phil while she was talking but they're yelling made her to face back the road.
Haley:"Don't yell at me!"
Will:"Don't turn around!"
Haley:"Don't turn around!"
Haley mocked Will as he scoffed
Phil:"Okay why don't we calm down-"
Will:"I seriously don't see how you got your permit when you can even focus on a simple straight line!-"
Haley:"Blah blah blah-huh-uhhh-Bla blah"
She kept mocking him and making noises as soon as he opened his mouth. At this point they were yelling.
Will:"Oh you wanna go there!?"
Haley:"Oh yoU wAnNa gO tHeRe?!"
Will:"Don't talk to me like that!"
Haley:"DonT tAlK tO mE liKe tHaT!"
Will:"Oh your so-"
Haley:"Oh your so-"
Will:"Stop doing that!"
Haley:"StoP doInG tHat!"
Haley instinctively did what she heard as she barely stopped herself from crashing into another car as the car now stood silent with them stopping in the middle of the street while both of their blinkers were on.
They turned to face each other as they let out multiple breaths while Phil was grabbing his forehead when it was smacked against the back plastic part of the headrest where Haley was sitting, fast and hard.
Will:"Oh I want my driver back…."