"You've got some explaining to do Mom, Dad. How can I be a Neutral?" Sam asked.

Sam's parents looked uncomfortable.

"And who told you that?" Sam's mother asked.

"That's not the point. Stop hiding these things from me. I'm old enough to know the truth" Sam said.

"Lily, I think he deserves to know the truth now" Sam's father said.

Sam's mother still felt uneasy.

"Dad, Mom, you guys are both Guardians Of Light right?" Sam asked eagerly.

"Yes we are" Sam's mother replied. "At least your Dad is totally. I am officially" she said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sam asked.

Mrs Anderson hesitated for a while, then she spoke.

"I wasn't always a Guardian of the Light. In fact, my side of the family are all Darkcrawlers" she said.

"WHAT?!" Sam and Lucy exclaimed.

George, John and Nancy just stared in disbelief.

"Back then, your father was the most powerful Guardian Of Light and repeatedly interfered with our plans and so I was sent to kill him" Mrs Anderson said.

"WHAT?! YOU…KILL DAD?!" Sam mumbled in shock.

"But he saved me and I fell in love with him. Our families were against our relationship. We got married, time passed and we had twins, you and Daniel" Mrs Anderson said.

"So that's the name of my brother" Sam thought.

"So what happened to Daniel?" Sam asked.

At this question, tears began to flow down Mrs Anderson's face.

"One fateful night, I rocked the both of you to sleep but as I prepared to sleep, I felt a familiar…darkness. It was your Aunt Ursula, my sister. She had been sent by Darkcrawlers to kidnap you both for they knew that you were Neutrals and as Neutrals you had limitless power and so they wanted you both. We fought to protect you but then more Darkcrawlers appeared so we did the only thing we could to keep the world and you safe. We separated you for we knew of the Neutral Gryphon and what it could do" Mrs Anderson said.

"We're sorry Sam, we miss your brother too but…this is for the best" Mr Anderson said.

Sam was suddenly filled with rage.

"For the best?! Hiding my brother's existence. Not just my brother, my twin's existence from me…was for the best?!" Sam burst out.

Then he left the house and shut the door behind him. He ran with no destination in mind. He just kept running until he reached the school compound and then he hid in a place no one else aside from he and Jane knew of, in their secret place.

Meanwhile, in her house, Jane was thinking things over. The weird dream, the incident at the beach, Sam knowing about a dream she hadn't told him of. It didn't make any sense but Jane knew that the only explanation was that it wasn't just a dream.

"How can I face him? He's probably mad at me" Jane thought.

Suddenly, she heard the sound of her father's car and ran down the stairs to meet him.

"Hey, how were things for you today dear?" Mr Powers asked.

"Okay, as usual, I guess" Jane replied. "Dad, can I ask you something?" Jane asked.

"Sure, ask me anything" Mr Powers replied.

"Let's say that…uh…you like someone more than normal and then he tells you an unbelievable secret but you don't believe him and then you hurt him continuously on purpose and then…" Jane paused as tears began to well up in her eyes. "…you find out that everything he told you is true and you still feel the same way for him, how do you face him?" Jane asked.

"Jane? Are you talking about yourself?" Mr Powers asked.

"Well, uh…um…" Jane faltered for she had never lied to her father since she lost her mother.

"It's okay as long as you are not doing anything weird" Mr Powers said.

"Sheesh, define weird" Jane thought but aloud she said. "Of course not".

"So who is this guy you have a crush on?" Mr Powers asked.

"It's…well…it's Sam" Jane replied.

"Sam? The boy that saved you from the bullies? He seems nice enough" Mr Powers said. "You'll have to face him sooner or later or you'll never know what could have been" Mr Powers said. "But let's set that aside, I've got great news. I've got a job at a bigger law firm. The pay will be higher and I'll be able to spend more time with you" Mr Powers said.

"That's great Dad! So where's this law firm?" Jane asked.

"Troit" Mr Powers said.

"That's not great. That's not great at all" Jane thought. "Troit? But Dad, I've finally made friends. I can't just leave them all behind. It's not fair!" Jane burst out. "Can't I just stay with Lucy Anderson while you're gone?" Jane asked.

"You, Sam, under the same roof? I don't think so" Mr Anderson replied.

"What of Kristy?" Jane asked desperately.

"Jane, I knew you'd want to stay so I checked with Kristy's parents but they'll be travelling on the same day we'll be moving, tomorrow" Mr Powers said.

Angered by her father's stubbornness, Jane ran out of the house and headed for the Anderson's. She arrived at their house at about 8:00pm. She knocked and Nancy opened the door.

"Hi Nancy, can I come in?" Jane asked.

"How do you know my name?" Nancy pretended not to know Jane.

"Drop the act Nancy. I believe Sam, I know the truth" Jane said.

Suddenly, John and George fell down the stairs.

"The next time you hypnotize Skittles to bite me, I'll blind you!" George warned.

"Maybe next time I'll hypnotize you to bite Skittles!" John said.

Suddenly, a jet of light knocked both boys to the ground.

"Lucy! How dare you! I'll get you!" John yelled.

"Hi John, George, Lucy" Jane said.

"Hang on Jane, I'm going to show Lucy how far my power can go!" John said.

At that, Lucy slapped his head.

"You idiot! It's Jane!" Lucy whispered.

"Don't worry, I saw the power play but I already know the truth" Jane said with a slight smile. "So where's Sam? I urgently need to speak with him" Jane said.

"At 8:00pm in the evening? Can't this wait till tomorrow?" Lucy asked.

"I'll be moving out of town tomorrow, my Dad's got a new job in Troit. I personally wanted to say goodbye to Sam" Jane said.

The Anderson teens kept silent for a while.

"What's wrong? Did anything happen to Sam?" Jane asked.

"He-uh, well, he ran away" Lucy said.

"Ran away?!" Jane exclaimed in total disbelief.

"He learnt the truth about his brother and their separation and just took off" Lucy explained.

"Wait, wait, a brother? Sam has a brother?" Jane said in surprise.

"Not just that, a twin brother" Lucy added.

"A twin?!" Jane repeated in confusion.

"It must be really hard for Sam. I've got to find him" Jane said.

"Jane, I hate to be the one to say this but if Sam doesn't want to be found, I don't think anyone can find him. He could be anywhere in the skies, the city…or the world" Lucy said.

"Maybe he just wants to be found by the right person" Jane said.

"Okay, we'll help you find him Jane but I don't think he'll want to see us" Lucy said.

"Let's spread out" John said and with this, they flew in different directions.

"Why don't you go home? We'll let you know if we find him" Nancy said and with that she took off.

"I don't think so" Jane mumbled and ran towards the school.

She searched the school compound, calling for him until her throat was sore. Tired and frustrated and bearing the thought that she might never see Sam again, she decided to pay a final visit to their 'secret place'. As they neared the spot in the trees where she and Sam had met for some time until they broke up, she heard an angry voice.

"Sam" she murmured.

"Why is this happening to me…WHY?! I thought at first that having these powers were cool but now they're ruining my life! How?! How could they do this to me?! Why did they do this to me?! First, Jane wouldn't give me a chance to explain myself and she's dating Dave, now my own parents hide the greatest part of my life from me?! My twin brother?!" Sam roared.

Jane felt her heart breaking. It was so sad to see Sam in so much rage and pain. She began to realize that Sam had kept his pain bottled up inside the whole time. She didn't notice that tears were flowing down her eyes. She had never cared for anyone this much.

"They treat me as though I'm not to be trusted. 'The only way we could keep the world safe, we separated you'" Sam mimicked his mother. "Keep the world safe?! F-From me a-and Danny?! Even my own parents think that I have the capacity for great evil! This is so unfair!" Sam roared breathing fire.

Suddenly, he turned to the tree that he and Jane had carved their names on and removed a pocket knife.

"I guess I'll have to let you go. You moved on, forgot about me as though I never existed. It'll be hard to forget you but I have no choice" and with this he prepared to strike their names carved in the heart.

"Please don't do that" Jane said, walking out from amongst the trees.

Sam stopped and turned to face her.

"Why not? Oh I get it, you're right. Instead of striking our names, I'll strike mine off and write Dave's instead" Sam said.