So, what exactly was that golden throne room, what was the metallic bird that killed this other me?
I think I do.
Wait, what?
Wait, then why was it in limbo?
Wouldn't they have to be sent to a new world to save the world from, I don't know, a Demon Ki...
The crow's eyes changed from blue to a red like color in an instance. Wait, did it suddenly get bigger?
Ok, I mean some evil bad-guy who wants to rule the planet, or something.
This crow was again laughing in a rather chilling manner. Either he laughed at the fact that I, a mere mortal, somehow fell into this deep shit by just being nice, or he was just happy that one of his fellow god's plans were now ruined, I don't know. Probably both.
But I shouldn't trust this Voron guy completely. If he truly is the god of change, of anarchy, then he must also be the god of lies. He even said that he was "the lie". If you think about it, deceit is truly the best way to create change and anarchy.
But let's hear him out for now.
That's three at least.
<... and so one. Your planet is not the only planet that has life in it. This Universe is vast, and so there are uncountable amount of living souls. Now gods want as many followers and believers as they could get. So there is a constant battle between those gods that wish to have those worlds under them. The more planets or followers a god has, the more powerful the god, and the higher he or she stands in the hierarchy of gods.>
Why would they want to become an ascended?
Damn, I mean, that's sounds pretty great.
I take it back. Eternal servitude is a big no for me.
Ok, but if every mortal is capable of becoming an ascended, why do the gods need champions?
You replace it with another tool that is capable of carrying out that task.
So they are basically shonen isekai protagonist, correct?
Ohh. OOOOOOOHHHHHH. Wait, then what about the saying that earth was created in seven days, that humans were created in the image of god. What about Satan, Lucifer, Adam, Eve, Moses, heck, did Jesus even exist?
Why would Gabriel lie to his followers?
You what?
Yeah, why would he do that? (sarcasm)
(awkward silence*)
So let me guess, most of the biblical and holy persons were champions?
Wait, did you think I was...
(Voron was just casually smiling at me. I don't know how a crow is capable of smiling)
...just take the compliment.
Ok so next question. Why did I see...
After these words, the same little cup appeared on one of its wings.
Ahh man, I really wanted to have some coke. But I don't want to be unfriendly to this crow right now. Who knows what it's capable of when angry. I should better...
Never mind then.
The next moment I was holding a can of coke in my right hand.
And then we spent the next few minutes sitting in our chairs drinking.
It was really charming.