Chereads / It All Started With a Slap / Chapter 4 - Runaway bride

Chapter 4 - Runaway bride

Liam POV

After I dropped the call with Angela, I watch my door open and my father walked in angrily and threw the files on my desk but I quickly guard my laptop. I don't want to keep wasting money on new laptop everytime my father pay me a visit.

" What happened this time father? what got you angry that made you behave this way?" I asked him curiously

" Who is that rude girl? isn't she the one who slapped you? and you still employed her. have you gone nut? must I teach everything in life because you're too stupid to take a right decision? Liam get that woman sacked this minute before I lose it" He ordered

" Lost what? is this your company? I worked so hard to get to where I am today and you think you can order or even tell me what to do in my own company? She is my employee and that's final" I said without looking at his face.

" Have you forgotten who you're talking to Liam? What gave you the right to question my authority" he screamed at me angrily

" Well dad i know who am talking to and I don't care. I built this company with my sweat hard money and nobody dare dictate to me what to do. okay? and pls tell me, what brought you here to my office at this office?" I said staring at curiously.

" I will get back to you on that later but for now. I have a proposal for that girl and yourself." he said

" Proposal? For me and Angela? what proposal Dad? don't start again. I don't want trouble this time. that girl is innocent and she's only doing her job. nothing more pls don't use it again her." I silently plead

" Well son, I will only tell you the proposal once she get here so call her right here for me" he said as he folds his hands. I took hold of the telecom and make a call through to her. I watch her enter the room with a shaking hands. I smile a little cuz I know she would have pray a silent prayer before coming inside. Drama queen ' I said to myself.

" Well, I have a proposal for you" he said as he took hold of the newspaper beside him on the couch.

" what is it about sir? she said shaking a little

" My son and yourself is getting married next week Saturday" he said bluntly as we both stared at him widely in shock. is he mad?' I asked myself

" You say?" I watch her expression that got me to smile a little. she widen her eyes like she wants to kill any moment from now but my Dad is less concern

" You heard what I said and I don't like repeating myself especially to unimportant people like you" he said. reading the newspaper with him

" Mar..ria..age..? with my boss? Sir?" She stressed her words trying so hard to comprehend it.

" Dad, why will force any innocent child into marriage. marriage is not a child's play. it is lifetime commitment dad" I said trying so hard for him to reason with me

" I don't want lecture young man, get ready to marry her next week and that's final" he said

" I specifically warn you against giving final decision. you don't own us Dad. we own ourselves so you shouldn't forcefully input your decision on people. I'm not getting married to anyone. you can't destroy the life of an innocent girl in the name of nothing. she's my employee and I will decide that for her. leave this innocent girl alone pls" I said with my two hands join together to plead on her behalf. whatever made Dad to say this is bad. I know my dad never back down on his decision but I wish he would have mercy this time.

Angel POV

I watched quietly as my boss tries to reason with his father but all to no avail. the mad man was just reading the newspaper in his hands. not concern about anything or reply to anything. this is my life and if he refuses to reply, I will force my response from him but before is open my mouth the man spoke with anger towards his son. I watch his son back off in fear, right there I know I'm doomed

" Innocent? that word is not in this useless girl dictionary. she dares slap Frankio child outside where everyone can see and still got a job in his office. I wanted to punish her alone but when I saw her in your office and she's the same one who stopped me and insulted me. I needed to punish you as well for your foolishness. No argument guys your wedding is finalized." he said and stood up towards the exit door but stopped and looked back towards me.

" Don't think I'm not watching you. if you dare make any foolish move of running away. you will swim in the blood of your loved ones. bet it with me. ask my son, he will tell you little about how I deal with my enemy and whoever cross my path of anger. I might stay quiet now but trust me, I will destroy you so if you like yourself. Cooperate in peace." he said bluntly and face his son " Your mom's will call you on it" he said and shut the door behind him

I stared at my boss

" And you stand there and do nothing?" I asked angrily

" What do you possibly want me to do? run after him. you can go to him since this is also about you. I can't risk my loved one for nothing" he replied calmly

" What do you mean by risking your loved ones? he's not going to harm them right? is just a mere threat right? answer me" I screamed at him

" Well you don't need to shout at me. go ask him yourself or even see for yourself. see I don't want to marry anyone at least not now but I need to this time for my safety abeg" he said and sit down calmly

" You are a coward. you can even stand for yourself then tell me how you will stand for your wife and family? you are useless and senseless at the same time" I screamed at him

" Thank you for the compliment at least my mouth did not lead me into trouble. I'm telling you this now for your own good woman. cooperate or face the consequences. get out of my office " he screamed at me as I walked out. I don't blame him, I brought this on us. he is in trouble with his dad cuz of my mouth.

One week later, My family members which includes my Aunt was invited and currently waiting for me in the living room of my house. I'm in my room dressing up as a bride with my best friend Tiana.

" I never would have imagine that your first day at work will lead you into everlasting commitment with you boss. I personally blame myself for waking you early that day, maybe just maybe if you had came late. you would have gotten fired and you won't have any encounter with your boss's heatless Father" She said wearing her earrings

" Well, he would have punish me regardless" I said

" I know but it wouldn't be this arranged marriage, living with a total stranger is like a prison. A total condemnation cage you can't escape for life honey. try to understand me" she replied calmly

" I need to run from here " I said panting around the room as I put my hands inside my mouth

" And where to my dear ? and too on your wedding day? you're really foolish. you didn't try to run unto today. you're really inviting trouble on your head this time girl and I pray you don't regret it. besides, your soon to be husband is one of the kind"

" I don't want to hear anything. this is my life, they can't force me into this ridiculous marriage all for nothing. I can't let them ruin my life" I said as I open through the back door of my room. l looked around the environment and pick race. I heard my friend calling me to stop or I will hurt myself but I refused. I ran towards her car without her knowledge. I took her key when she was wearing her earrings. I drove off.

My phone began to ring.. I don't want to pick it but the call didn't stop so I picked it without checking the caller's name. I almost drop the phone and crashed when I heard the voice of my caller

" Well done. I know you would do what you just did cuz you're capable of doing such without thinking about the consequences. anyways stop that car and switch to video and see my gift for you." he said chuckling at the other side . I switch and saw my step Mom, dad, Aunt and lastly my Best friend

I screamed out loud when I saw blood on her head.

" pls don't do anything to my best friend. I will come back. I swear" I said and turn back speedy towards the house with a shaking hands.

" I can't wait for you child. I'm sorry but your stupidity will cause someone to die here." he said and cut the call. I run even more than before with tears in my eyes. my friend warn me but my stupidity will cause me to lost her.

Within few minutes, I got home. I quickly open the car's door and get out without closing it. I ran inside and saw my family at a gunshots point but what got my attention most was my best friend on the floor.

I sçreamed out loud and ran towards my friend. I try waking her up but she's unconscious. I wept

" What did you do to her?" I ran towards her to hold her

" Nothing bad yet. she can still survive. I just hit her with this rod and she is unconscious. my next target is your father here" he stretched his gun towards him and almost shot him when I spoke

" I will marry your son. infact right now. pls don't kill him so he can walk me down the aisle" I said trying hard for him to reconsider his decision

" Well I don't care if he dies or not. even if I kill your own family right here, it won't stop your marriage with my son but is just to punish you for daring me even when I instructed you not to disobey" he said angrily biting his lips

" I swear I won't repeat it again. pls spare their lives for God's sake" I pleased ok my kneel weeping loud

" I might be bad but I fear God. I will free them now but know that their lives is still in danger Incase you try anything foolish again" he said and drag me towards a waiting black car outside.

He practically throw me inside with his guards following after us and my family. I saw my best friend trying to walk as one of the guard assisted her to move after pouring water on her. We drove away from the house

After few minutes, we got to the event. I saw Liam looking confused on the prepared alter with a priest shaking to death as soon as he saw Frankio. I don't blame him, no one will see death and not shake. Liam kept staring at his father's hands on my arms. he tries to move closer to us but his mother stopped him with her hands and nod at him. I looked behind me and saw my family siting in an empty seats. I gently remove his hands from my arms and walked towards Liam as he took my arms. We faced the priest as he bless us as husband and wife. i felt a drop of tears flow from my eyes as I rethink my life and realized my life is ruined completely.