Lina questioned her sanity as she sat in Pete's car, her eyes following him as he walked around the car to the driver's seat and climbed in.
She must be crazy sitting there and willing to go with him after the daring words he had uttered, and she must be crazier for finding his words daring and...inciting.
'He'd kiss her?' There was no doubt he'd attempt it because he was such a person.
He was annoyingly relentless and determined, and knowing these about him spurs a challenge in her — a challenge to match his stubbornness and disappoint him and show him she was never giving in.
He was never going to kiss her again. She would never let him.
"You're not changing your mind now, are you?" His voice flowed across the car and broke through her thought.
Swivelling her head towards him, her brows wrinkled.
Change her mind? Could she still do that?