She is still building her life to suit her dreams....who said she can't. Nothing could bring her down.... she dreams of a third chance in life because in her mid twenties, she has already used a second chance.
Life sharpened her she is fearless brave and human. Does she make mistakes...boy you bet she messes up her life so hard she has to change location and never look back
Is she evil... maybe no one knows but she does her best.
When I look at myself today and realize I am living my third life in one life time I shake my head and pat myself on the back and say to a soft a vivid future.... to sound decisions.
I'm seated in my shop, the first of it's kind... it's a mean feat to have something with my name on it. I hope I don't run away from it when fear kicks in when situations feel and look familiar.
I dread the day I wake up and anything looks or feels familiar... it's not deja Vu for me.... everything has happened to me in it's grandeur... the good... the bad... the ugly . Like what else can life throw at me.... my smugness doesn't last that long.
Enter offense but love should first knock on doors before entering, I had my life sorted....or so I think I had a place I called mine...a job I wasn't qualified for, bills paid, family happy with me and plans to go to medical school the following year.
And it had to be my boss... the guy who literally pittied me after hearing my part of the story as to why I left my former job. He didn't even ask for my resume... he literally said I trust you will be a great addition to my company need I mention how I knew nothing about my new job as an office administrator in a procurement firm, right I learned everything off YouTube thank God for technology.
I was a prudent to work on time, helped everyone and left work the end of the year... I couldn't think past this guy long story short I am cohabiting with him now... not sure where that is going but God knows better I guess
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