Arad glared at the heart beating in the sky. "Should I bite that thing off?"
~Yes...~ The fairy voice boomed in his head.
Arad clenched his fist, taking a deep breath. {Wait! Don't hit it.}
Arad stopped. ^What?^ BAM! BAM! Hundreds of veins flew at him forcing him to jump away. They chased him so he opened his mouth.
{Don't hit the heart or the veins coming from it.}
Arad clenched his mouth shut. BAM! The flames exploded from his nose. He then swung his palm to the side, [Gravity magic] Pulling all the veins in one side.
^What are you talking about?^
{That heart is the fairy you've been talking to. That thing is trying to control her as it did to the trees outside. It's a parasite.}
~Blast it...don't waste time~
Arad glared, torn apart by the two voices in his head.
^Hoi! Fairy, is that your heart?^
~It's already too late! Blast it.~
^Mom, can I extract that thing?^