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First time rule breaker

chs / week
Doing the same tasks every day for hardly any money and no thanks. Doing the same jobs because it’s what the watching hawks expect of its citizens. This was the life of Toby Morgan until he was accidentally radicalised by the resistance group the roaches. In a case of mistaken identity his future was forever changed and he could never return to his obedient life again. Toby had to fight for his life in this action packed adventure that he never signed up for but maybe it was his true path to take.

Table of contents


Chapter 1 - Mistaken identity

June 6th was a completely ordinary day or so I thought as the day began. I started work at the usual time 5pm at the pub I'd worked at for 5 years. It would always be the same day after day, stacking the glasses then bussing the tables and being the dogs body there after for the rest of the night. My eyes glossed over when doing the work because it was ingrained into my bones the same movements over and over. Taking the dirty glasses into the kitchen I looked at my reflection in the stainless steel counter. I wasn't anything special, barely a man short in stature and a dull face soft and round with no sharp edges. My chestnut hair was messy and untameable even having it cut short did nothing to calm the unruly curls. Using both hands I attempted to smooth it slightly but it bounced back to its messy state so with a sigh I left it as it wished.

"Oy kid come get this you lazy swine", hollered a voice from the cellar. Rushing there quickly it was the owner shouting. He was a stout, short tempered man with ice white skin and a thick red wirery beard. He often glared at me pursing his lips expectant I could read his mind and do what he wanted without question. This of course was one of these times, his face getting redder to match his beard as he waited for me to do whatever it was his was thinking.

"For goodness sakes, Do I have to spell it out get these glasses upstairs whilst it's still this bloody week!", he barked as he rushed past me with an annoyed grimace. I scanned the basement and found the box of glasses then proceeded to take them upstairs as I'd been instructed. I sighed putting down the box onto the bar top, thinking about how little my life had amounted to. Taking out the glasses one by one I wished for some excitement to come my way, something, anything.

The door of the pub swung open with force, standing in the doorway was a tall gentleman with slick black hair and glasses. He strolled over silently sitting on the bar stool at the end. I cautiously made my way over to him as he seemed deep in thought.

What can I get ya sir", I murmured with no feeling. He slid his glasses down his nose and looked up at me raising an eyebrow.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, took the one less traveled", he said calmly still looking at me for my response. I knew this poem it was the only thing I remember from school, it was by Frost something. Not missing a beat I completed the poem.

"And that has made all the difference.", I smiled as I liked that poem it always gave me hope. The man also smiled and handed me a card. Without saying another word he got up and left. I was completely confused, why go to a pub not to order anything and recite a random poem. I looked at the card in my hand it was black all over with gold letters embossed in the centre. They read: it's time, prepare yourself Oliver. Who was Oliver and prepare for what. This was getting more bazar by the second. I stuffed the card into my pocket and went back to mundane jobs.

The rest of the night was same as usual, not many customers and only a couple of drunken fights. My shift finally finished and I packed up my things to leave. Putting on my hoodie I threw the hood over my head before heading outside. When my foot hit the pavement outside the doors I was grabbed by my head, a hand covering my mouth. They pulled me into a van as I tried to cry out for help. The van door closed and I was released from the persons grip.

"Easy Oliver you're acting like this is your first pick up ever", a woman's voice came from beside me. She patted my back as the man who had grabbed me moved in front of me. He was a well built man with muscles bursting out of everywhere and long wild blonde hair. Taking stock of the woman she was slim with rosey cheeks and fiery red hair cut short into a bob. Slapping both my cheeks I brought myself around to reality.

"What the hell is going on!", I yelled my eyes felt like they were screaming just as much. I panted clutching onto my chest.

"Woah, don't blame me! I wanted to pick you up hours ago but, dale thought that we'd better wait until it's quieter", she explained gesturing her thumb towards the built man with long hair. She folded her arms and scowled at him until he eventually replied.

"We had strict instructions, no day time pick ups anymore, ya know that Tasha", dale sighed shaking his head.

"We'll if you hadn't picked up the wrong person last time we wouldn't have been demoted", she glared at dale, a faint snarl sunken into her face.

"I don't know what you guys are up to but it's nothing to do with me.. so le", I tried to explain and ask to leave but the red head kept interrupting me.

"You're right sir I apologise for our bickering, this is very unprofessional of us in front of a legend such as yourself", she proclaimed looking at Dale with a scornful rage on her face. "Uh hm, now then we've prepared all your documents as requested and we have familiarised ourselves with the job", she handed me a brown folder full of loose paper. I opened the folder and it was just scribbled of names locations and important facts circled in red ink. All I could understand was that Travis and Portsmouth was the intended person and that together with his family would be at the grand Mershanna hotel tomorrow night.

"Sir are you done with that?", Tasha held out her hand for the file. I passed her the file assuming she would put it somewhere safe but she lit on fire and tossed it out the van window. Whoever this Oliver was he probably won't be pleased it gone but there's nothing I can do about it. It's my last chance to explain I'm not Oliver to these yahoos, I took a deep breath and started to speak firmly.

"Now listen I'm not Oliver, my name is Toby Morgan", I took a huge breath finally getting that out felt like a relief.

"Ah I see of course legends have to have an alias or they'd be caught so easily", Tasha beamed at my confession. "Sir it is an honour to work with you and I'm already learning so much", she said gleefully shaking my hand violently in excitement.

"Of course an alias how clever, for a minute there I thought we'd have to kill ya for being some nobody who knows to much", he chuckled and clapped his hands in agreement. My eyes widened in horror at the realisation that my only way out of this alive was to indeed be Oliver, whoever this guy was he's my only hope. I slumped back into my seat and hoped my head would stop spinning but it was no use I was engulfed by terror and confusion. I'm just a pub's dogs body how did I find myself with dangerous people in a van going to do a job I didn't understand. My only choice now is to get as much information as I can from these two Oliver fans.

"So your fans of mine?", I asked trying to embody a casual attitude. Their eyes lit up at the question they looked ready to burst with answers.

"Fans! Sir your work is inspiring! I've never seen anyone pull off a job like you do!", she leaned in towards me like a child meeting a music idol.

"What's your favourite of my jobs?", I was risking asking too much but this felt like a safe bet. Tasha had a look of serious contemplation then like a balloon popping the answer launched into her mind.

"Oh of course it has to be the Sweden job, the way you took out the target with one shot, in a crowded restaurant, silently, with no back up and all without anyone noticing for an hour that he had even been shot", she took a fast breath, "wow I mean just wow sir". My eyes were wide again at the realisation I was accidentally impersonating an assassin. My heart plummeted deep in my chest as I tried to figure out what I was going to do. I could actually kill someone, this whole thing was a disaster and I had no way out now.

"Sir can I ask just one more question?", Tasha pleased looking a little nervous. I nodded still trying to keep my composure. "Did you use a short or long range at the restaurant? I gotta know!", she looked at me expectantly, I pushed down lump in my throat as I had to answer but I didn't know anything about guns.

"Well you see that job is classified, I can't share any of the details", I tried to calm myself that answer came out of nowhere but she gave me a knowing smile and nod so I felt a flood of relief that it had done the trick. Now I have no idea what my next move should be I've got to come up with a plan or I'm toast.