Chapter 44 - Home

Dalca Mihail Nistor.

From birth, he was a talented individual, but there was a problem... he wasn't exceptional in his father's eyes.

As such, his family used him to ease the differences between them and a rival family.

He obeyed the family's orders and even lived a happy life with his wife and daughter.

But in truth, he was tormented by his father's refusal to accept him.

He trained as much as he could and eventually got stronger, but after a while, he couldn't go any further.

Mihail was extremely powerful, but that wasn't enough for his father.

Being around the same age as the current King, he was expected to be as strong as him.

And that man already rivalled his father in strength, he simply couldn't cross that kind of talent.

"A failure of a son, what do you want? Didn't I tell you not to come here for useless matters?"

"..." The man's face was dark as he knelt there in the blue light.

His face showed both anger and sadness.


All his life he thought about what would change his miserable life.


He was looking for something his father would recognize.


As he turned to look up at the old man, he saw the old man's eyes filled with disgust and anger.

"Don't call me that, I don't have a son who is such a failure!"

"I...I just wanted to ask..." Stuttering, he mustered the courage to say what he wanted.

"Do you know about Xalier's child?"


Four days prior...

After more than two months of adventuring through the forest, Temporsth finally returned to the place he called home.

"Even the air is different here." While crossing the barrier, he took deep breaths from feeling the change in the atmosphere.

Since Elah and Xalier knew that Temorsth and Antanasia were coming from the moment they entered the forest they took control of, they waited in front of the house to welcome them.

"Baby!" And right as they arrived, Elah ran to her son whom she missed very much.

"Uh?" And Temorsth was surprised since he was just breathing a moment ago, yet now, just a second later, no air came to him, and he was suffocating in a beautiful woman's fragrant embrace.

"Uhm, my love... you will kill him if you don't stop now."

'Uh... Oh...' Just as Temorsth heard his father's words, which came closer by the moment, he realized something important about his vampire being.

"Um? AH! Baby!" Since they discarded their mortality such a long time ago, Elah forgot that her son, who was still considered a mortal being by power, needed air to survive.

"Don't worry Mom, you just made me realize that I don't need air any longer."

"Oh... Son!" As Xalier looked at his son, he called out while a wide smile spread on his face.


"Nothing, I'm just happy."

"Oh... Did I surprise you?"

"Hmh, yes, but that thing that surprises me more..." Xalier placed his hand to his chin, he was searching for an explanation in his mind before he spoke, but since he couldn't find any, he continued without it.

"You overpowered your young vampire instinct, and you already learned how to deactivate your eyes in a mere five days, it is truly astounding. I've never heard of anything the kind, not to mention months, even in 10 years it's fast."

What Xalier had said was true, but he couldn't have known that Temorsth had done this only minutes after his transformation, not five days later.

"You could tell when I transformed?" As he stepped back from his mother's embrace, he heard the words of confusion, but he only concerned himself with hearing more of his father's strength.

"Obviously, I'm an original after all. Anyway, I wanted to ask..." Noticing that Temorsth didn't want to explain anything, Xalier continued with another matter of interest.


"Did you succeed?"

"Hm? Ah, Dad, you mean... This?" He raised his hand and then as he clenched it his nails dug into his flesh opening his skin for blood to flow. And that dripping blood, that stained the ground red, too started to rise and flow in the air according to Temrosth's will and magic.

*HAHAHAHHA* "Yes... Yes! You indeed succeed!" Xalier's joy and excitement resounded from seeing his son actively use Blood Magic.

"It seems... I did." Temorsth hesitated for a moment, but not because of concern or fear. No, he was just happy inside that his achievement brought his family joy.

"And? Do you want to...?"

"Calm down!" As Xalier readied himself for a father-son reunion training, Elah hit him in the back of the head.

*Aouch* While scratching the back of his head, Xalier turned to Elah.

"Don't look at me like that! He has just come home! Can't you think about something else than fighting?"

"Hm? What are you saying, my love... I have been thinking of something else... for more than two months at that too... I was getting extremely exhausted at the end..."

*Sigh* "You know, it is really unfair that you can get energy from the surroundings." With a big sigh, Xalier thought back to the two months of constant hard work he had to survive.

"Hey!" Getting embarrassed by her husband's words, Elah hit him from the back again.

*Aouch* "Why? I was speaking the truth!"


"Don't say things like this...!"



"Uh?" Just as they were about to get into a loving quarrel, Elah and Xalier turned to the sound of laughter.

"I missed you so much, Mom, Dad!" And right at that moment, Temorsth jumped at them full of joy.

"Oh... We too!" And with the loving embrace of the whole family, the reunion continued while they went back into the house.


"I fought a lot, and I learned of many kinds of beasts... Ah! I even fought a Wolf King or something the like... Yes, and it was there that I met Lily too and..." Inside, Temorsth told of his experiences in Grim Rock Woods, he left out nothing, he even spoke of Lily after all, he had no reason to hide anything from his parents.

"Oh..." At the moment they didn't say or show anything at the mention of someone new, but later...

'Shouldn't we...?' After the day of the reunion passed, and the night already descended, Xalier and Elah conversed through divine massages.


'But won't it be a problem?'

'From what he said I doubt the girl would say anything. And he only told her that he was my son, you aren't mentioned at all.'


'I know her father, he is not the kind of man to use Soul Search on his daughter or something the like...'

'Hm?' Elah was just about to get convinced by Xalier's words but noticed the abrupt stop.

'But that man... her grandfather, he is another matter... but no, I suppose even he wouldn't be so cruel to destroy such a young and talented seedling for something so vague.'

Yes, Xalier was speaking the truth but there was a problem, he didn't expect how much the old man would sacrifice for what he wanted for so long.

'And on the other hand... he likes her.'

'Um? How can you tell?'

'The little girl is only turning 18. She is not even in the Body Tempering realm, with his spear... it should have been easier to just eliminate her, and yet... he decided not to do it.'

'...!' Hearing her husband's words, she instantly understood.

'Do you really want to take her away?'

'I... I do not.'

'Then it is decided.' And with this short conversation, the fate of their child was decided.


Just two days after arriving home, Temorsth was already exploring a new world, a world of only four colors.

"Hmh, this world of shadows is really strange... many things are paced in different locations, yet it is almost the same as the real world."

"The sky, the ground, and even the vegetation are either blue or green with white and black discolorations from the different types of energies mixing."

"And these clouds of energy, with all four colors, each drifting then dissipating in one pace to reform in another."

"All this makes me remember that place... is this something like a branch or extension of that place? What was it again... Hall of Bones?"

"Argh! Why are you here again!?" And right as Temorsth was questioning himself about the world in front of him, the voice of the mannequin woke him up.

"Hm? Oh... Sorry." And since he already knew it didn't like him being there.

"Bye-bye." He turned around and waved goodbye with a step back which made him disappear from the view of the mannequin.

"You little...!" Reaching out to grab the little trespasser, the mannequin stopped for a slight moment.


*Sigh* 'Why am I so kind...?'

"Hmh, this boy... said it is a skill right? Maybe it could..."


'It was the third time today... I should stop. He is already getting mad at me.' Temorsth arrived deep within the forest, under the barrier.



[ARGH! Why are you like this!?]


[Don't, hm me! Why are you even going there!?]

'Aidana, I know that you do not like it, but it is, hm how should I put it... interesting?'

[What is!? Tormenting me with anxiety!?]

'No. To see a different world with only a step.'

[But it is dangerous, my connection is completely cut, and I can't see if anything happens, I won't be able to help you at all.]

'Help?' A surprised face showed as he started to walk back home.


'You can help me? How?'



[Alirght, I might not be allowed to help you physically, but still... I can do things!]

'Which is?'



[It's not fair that you are pressuring me like this! Just don't go there and it is solved, why do you need to be so headstrong?]

*Sigh* 'Typical...' Shaking his head with a sigh, his disappointment was obvious.


'Like any MC's helper, they can't help at all...'

[This... it hurts you know?]

'Yes, anyway. Now that I have brought it up, am I a main character now?'

[Hm? No, you are not, but why ask? You can look it up yourself too now...]

'Oh, right...' Remembering the system update that happened at the time of his transformation, with a light hand movement he summoned a panel he saw a few times now.

[Fate Points: 151

Destiny Points: 269

Luck Points: 2400]


[Um? Is there a problem?]

'Ah, nothing, it's just painful to look at it after you told me Lily's over 9000 points were without her LP.'

[Ah, I see... don't take that little girl's as a standard gouge.]


[Around 10 is the average for Mortal realm cultivators and this average goes up with the realm and stage of the cultivator.]

'Oh... so I'm quite special even if I'm not an MC?'

[Yes, you are. The little girl... she is uhm... How should I...? Ah, she is a speciality even among main characters her 9000 is more than most others of her level.]

[But this is expected. Since she is fated to be someone as, possibly even stronger than your father, her plot should be really strong.]

'So it's her FP that is high, right?'

[Yes, except meeting you she shouldn't have done anything as her Destiny Points were pretty low.]

'Does she have more points than Dad? I don't know how much Dad has since I can't see strong people's points above their heads the same way as favorability.'

[No, he has much more, she is just fated to be. He is already as strong, it is obvious isn't it?]

'But Dad is not an MC shouldn't he be lower?'

[Hm... it is wrong, but yes. He no longer is one.]

'...! Dad was a Main Character!?'

[A strong one at that.]

'But how is he... not an MC now?'

[I don't know, I didn't see his story. I just deduced from his points alone.]


[If you are interested, ask him for his story.]

'Maybe I will...'

[What is the problem?]

'It's just... I'm pretty lame compared to these MCs, and even Dad is cooler than me. How will I become a protagonist like this?'

[Ah... Don't fret if you take the chance that will present itself before you, you will become great! I promise I'll be here for you to help with everything.]

'Thanks but... wouldn't that be fake?'

[...] As the disappointment echoed in the words, a little annoyance surfaced in Aidana's thoughts.

'Hmh... You might think like this because at the time you didn't see that little girl's points.'

'The more she interacted with you, the more her Destiny Points rose... even I don't understand why, but the world already considers you more important than a story.'

Aidana's internal words weren't conveyed, she didn't want to boost anything before it was clarified.

'Anyway, why is there luck, potential, and destiny in the first place?' And with Temrosth's voice, this little thing was forgotten by all.