Jace opens his eyes to the world he has become accustomed to. Which is a world of black with a box with runes covering the sides. The box then starts its projection of the black screen and the voice of the God of Abnormalities.
The God of Abnormalities starts with his normal intro "Hello, Jace, welcome to the third creation power, the power to create curses." "I have already explained how to use this box and how to access the instructions before, but if you need a refresher please touch the rune on the bottom of the box."
Jace sits down to watch the projection as it goes to the first set of instructions. "A friendly reminder before we start, to please watch all the instructions before you start the process" to which the God of Abnormalities started.
"The first step in creating a curse is to decide what you want to take from your target. For the Curse of Fatigue I wanted to take away their ability to move and function. A second step but is somewhat included is to decide how this loss of something happened. For the Curse of Fatigue it was the feeling of fatigue that makes the body lose its function."
The God of Abnormalities paused before the projection cut out and started again. "The second step is one that is completely unique to you. What I mean is that it is the step to create the callings for the curse. What you do in this step is create something that you can do, that calls on the feeling and loss of what you decided with mana. The important thing about this is it is all you and whatever you decide."
The projection cut out again to a new projection. "The third step is to perform the calling thinking of what you want to take and the thing that takes it, with everything you have. This step is one of the easiest things you will do but it does require that you stay focused. The last step isn't really a step that needs its own separate projection so I will state it here."
The God of Abnormalities paused for a second and continued "The last step happens when you see symbols create a line of text in front of you. When this happens you should take it on your finger and put it to your head. After this you will feel it imprint on you to which you would have finished creation and have a new curse. This entire process is the easiest of all the creations at the moment, however not in the future. This creation is the only one I am restricting you from having full control over as it is too advanced for you at this moment. That is not to say that the others are any weaker than the Curse Creation at there full power, just that you have not achieved the level of mastery yet to compare with Curse Creation."
The God of Abnormalities then ended the lesions like all the others with "That is all for Curse Creation, I hope it helps you in your survival and growth." After the projection went to the choose a step screen Jace was still sitting on the ground dumbstruck.
'This is only the tip of the iceberg for my powers it seems. If it is as the God of Abnormalities said then I will become much more powerful than I am now, it just isn't the time yet'. This realization made Jace ecstatic as it meant that he could become much more powerful than he was now.
Jace starts to snap out of it though 'now isn't the time for dreaming of future power I have other things to do'. Jace then starts to think of what he wants to take with a curse that he can make. Jace then after thinking long and hard figures out what he wants.
'I should take away their eyesight. Without their eyesight I can hit them with throwing knives that have diseases or hexes on them. Also, when they can't see I could use the Curse of Fatigue as well as get in a good position for Way of the Raptor. I haven't used a curse due to mana cost, cast time, and the fact I haven't needed to, but it is always better to prepare for the worst'.
Jace, satisfied with his decision, thinks about what he wants to be the cause for this loss of sight. Jace after a little more thought decides on madness being the cause of the loss of sight. 'When people get angry they start to not see things which would pair up nicely with what I am looking for. Also, I have never used a curse on myself, but if it also makes you feel the cause as well as the effect, it will be very good for me. Someone mad will always choose to go off of instinct more often than reason leading to an easier fight for me. Now the final decision however, is to choose a way to call the curse'.
Jace sat and thought long and hard about this as he would need to do it every time. 'I can't make it obvious but I also don't want to make it too confusing for me either'. Jace, after thinking more, releases the solution to his problem. 'I should use hand gestures like I am going to draw a hex. That way in the future opponents won't know if I am using a hex or a curse'.
Jace, satisfied with his decision, prepares to begin his creation of his curse. Jace sitting in the middle of the room starts to think and focus on the thought of madness and losing your eyesight. As Jace is thinking of this he is putting mana in his hand with his finger out.
He moves his hand in a motion that goes in an hourglass shape with a line through the middle. This process takes Jace a grueling 15 minutes of concentration. After Jace finishes the call he sits back as he sees the mana shape itself into symbols that were fuzzy to Jace.
Jace, following the God of Abnormalities directions, moves the symbols into his head and feels them become imprinted. After this Jace once again feels himself waking back up in his safe house.