"So she does speak~! How fascinating~! Well, I can appreciate not wanting to talk too much and instead mince your words, but still... surely you can answer that question hm~? What exactly made you think you could get away with selling drugs on a large scale? Or were you just not too aware of the long term risks~?"
Christina relaxed a little as I let the darkness cloak I was wearing fade away, easing the Queen Bee just somewhat as she took a breath before saying "I was fully aware of the heavy risks I was placing on my scale, but I also had very heavy rewards waiting for me if everything went according to any of my four plans... and they would have definitely succeeded if it hadn't been for that meddlesome investigator."
She clicked her tongue before turning her head slightly to the side, which made her surprise even better as I retrieved a spare dress from my inventory and tossed it to her, the simple sundress promising quite the treat whenever she put it on, and as if sensing it was a test Christina just shrugged and took off her rags, revealing her bountiful breasts and wide hips without much issue at all.
A crown of golden hair sat above her juicy pussy, and the scent of honey filled the air some more as she moved from tattered trousers to a dress, promising a sweet time if we ever got the chance to make love to her instead of just breed her.
"Since I know you'll ask, the investigator just refused to budge when she was given a myriad of different opportunities to extract from the city with no issues. Apparently her girl had gotten entangled with someone in the gang, owed her some money and decided to pay with her body or something stupid... The investigator didn't like that her girl tried the drugs we sold and had gotten hooked on some of them, to the point she was whoring herself out. Even had my Workers get the girl right, but she didn't care."
"You really thought that the investigator would just take a cured lover and leave you be? You were the reason her lover needed to be cured anyways!"
Christina shrugged again and looked towards the Duchess this time as she replied "I did, because we made it abundantly clear we knew how to get into her home without her ever knowing since we returned her girl to her alongside a good paycheck too. Anyone else would uproot themselves and move after that, but she stayed, so we... made sure she got uprooted. Sadly I didn't anticipate that the investigator was involved with a few higher ups, so what would have been a simple disappearance turned into a vendetta, leading to this."
I reappraised the Queen Bee after she said that, the lack of empathy in her voice and eyes as she just admitted to having someone killed so casually being rather worrying, but that also made her rather fascinating too, in a morbid way.
"Well, now you find yourself with us for a minimum of 20 entire years, and not only that, you signed yourself away as a sex slave... so you value life then?"
That made her scoff, the slight disdain she showed to the Duchess causing me to raise a brow as I realized this was the first 'real' emotion she was showing, and as she said "Of course I value life. I'm more than aware few Goddesses would give a damn about me, and even then they likely wouldn't actually want me for anything besides sex, so my 'afterlife' is likely one of complete emptiness or one of being made into a bitch anyways, so-" I couldn't help but chuckle softly, even more so when Renna cut her off.
"So why not sign away your freedom and begin anew with whomever had the most coin and let them begin to earn you your freedom again as you are impregnated over and over again? Don't think I'm unaware of how strong the bond between Queen Bee's and their children are; I know you can override any external contracts making use of your children, Christina. That's why you're here, with me, and not with whomever else was bidding on you."
If that was actually her plan she didn't show any emotion to Renna saying it, instead shrugging her shoulders again and saying "It wouldn't matter who I ended up with, the chances of me managing something like that is minuscule. The moment a baby is pushed from my womb, they'll be separated from me and raised by the Dama before having to sign a contract to make their loyalties divided. I've done this song and dance before, Duchess. The amount of children I've birthed is far too high for me to remember at this point..."
I looked towards Renna when I heard that, the red head pursing her lips as she studied Christina's face for a few seconds, the balcony shrouded in silence once more, but for a different reason this time.
"Christina, I... don't want to have to do that, but it feels like... well actually..."
She finally looked at me before raising a brow in question, one that I understood as I smirked back at her as I said "Yes, I believe I could override that biologically induced loyalty with my own, so there would be no need to worry if the children were mine, but the obvious problem is her children won't always be mine, so..."
"Yeah... I doubt Rhefia or Aethisia will leave her alone for long, and I sincerely doubt anyone in your family will make use of sheaths for sex, even if it is the 'right' thing to do. Which brings us to a few other things we can do..."
Our newly acquired Queen Bee was looking at us blankly as we discussed that in front of her, but neither of us elaborated much as we instead had the black and gold haired beauty take a seat as we rejoined the auction once more, having some fun with some of the bids that came up.