Chereads / Reincarnated as the Only Human / Chapter 650 - House Call (2)

Chapter 650 - House Call (2)

The guards that guided us onto the property didn't seem at all bothered by the sight they were greeted with, one of them stepping forwards and saying "Magistrate Fenkar, Duchess Poinset has arrived." before turning around and walking straight back to her post.

When the Wolfkin heard that she peeked around the older woman's shoulder and stared at us blankly, her eyes laced with ecstasy as she kept cumming inside that Wolfkin's bloated belly; meanwhile the various Wolfkin and Dogkin around them were glancing at us curiously, some of them far more hungrily than the others as they openly ogled Christina, Renna and I.

Turning towards my lover, I quietly asked "Are they all hers..?", to which Renna snickered softly as she nodded and said "Everyone you see on this estate is related to Fenkar in some way, be it as one of her many, many lovers or as one of her children. She clawed her way from nothing and is now enjoying the fruits of her labors as best she can..."

Like I had seen from the few times I had witnessed any Caninekin with a unique cock, Magistrate Fenkar was deeply entrenched inside that older Wolfkin's womb as she pumped her full of sperm, squeezing out every last drop of semen that had caused her knot to swell up to such a juicy size, and as I listened to that Wolfkin whimper as Magistrate Fenkar gently lowered her to the ground and yanked herself free, I felt my pussy quiver as I realized that the Magistrate was simply... more than well endowed.

Rubbing the buttocks of her lover, Magistrate Fenkar stood up and sighed happily as she approached us, not bother to conceal her long throbbing cock as she stopped right in front of us, nor did she seem to mind that the moment she moved away from her lover some of the other Wolfkin began to ravage her next, whipping out their own cocks and stuffing her to the brim.

Her blue and amber eyes were utterly relaxed whilst being full of lust as she reached down and lifted Renna's hand to her lips again, kissing the back of the Duchess' palm before she said "It's always a pleasure to see you, Renna. I trust everything has been well these last few days?", during which she released her hand and approached me next, repeating that action with a smile.

"As always, Fenkar. The lazy days following the Festival are always welcome, though I have kept busy. I even came today bearing a proposition for you, though I had hoped to speak to you before you entered one of your... moods..."

The older Wolfkin chuckled at that as she gestured down to her nude body, unbothered by the lack of clothing and - if anything - proud of her warrior's physique and impressive penis as she replied "Like you said, the lazy days following the Festival are more than welcome. All my pups coming back to visit their Dama... to come and see their Mother's for the first time in a long time; I simply love these lazy days~!"

Looking between Renna and I, she licked her lips before glancing at the two Insectkin behind us, her expression warming up slightly as she asked "So did you come bearing gifts, or are just unsure of what to do with them just yet? Beautiful Queen Bee, by the way; I had heard there was a chance she'd appear soon in the Auction House, but honestly... I prefer mating amongst my own kind. Scratches that primal itch inside me, y'know?"

She glanced back at her lover and snickered as she realized she couldn't see her beneath the pile of fluffy, fit bodies desperately humping her abundant curves, one of her hands idly falling down towards her knot as she stroked that bulbous red sphere lovingly.

Two of the Wolfkin lounging beside the busy Mother stood up and made their way over to their Dama when they noticed her gaze, and I was somewhat surprised to realize they almost looked damn near identical to Fenkar; not the usual trace few traits that you can tie to one parent or the other, but almost like they were her, but younger, though they certainly lacked in two very noticeable areas.

Their own cocks were shorter by a couple of inches whilst their eyes were a single color, not her heterochromatic uniqueness that made her stand out; of course their fur was also not streaked gray like their Dama's, and one had beautiful russet fur whilst the other was a deep black, but still...

"Go clear up one of the offices for me, will you? It would seem the Duchess here wants to discuss some business before we get to the pleasure... ah, and make sure everything is in order for dinner too please. I'm famished..."

They both nodded and prepared to turn, only to bite their cheek and look away when Fenkar growled softly and caused them to stop, allowing her to reach forwards and place her hand between their ears as she pulled them closer.

Giving them both a quick hug and a kiss on the brow, she muttered "That's better... go on Regia, Inota.", allowing them both to rush away towards the house with slightly reddened cheeks, bringing a grin to her face.

"Well, I just want to be rather straight forwards at the moment Renna; tonight, I know I paid for your Secretary to join me in bed, but what are the chances I get to partake in a Nymph again~? Twice I've bedded you, and twice I've had some of the best sex in my life. So..."

Her familial love turned lustful in a mere moment as she looked Renna up and down, making the Duchess smile back at her professionally as she replied "I don't know, Fenkar... is there a reason I should let you partake in my body? You only paid to have sex with my Secretary, after all... and money is of no issue to me, you know that better than most. Either way, this would be best discussed inside like civilized people, no?"

That made the Magistrate let out a bark of laughter as she nodded, not at all offended by Renna's neutral tone as she instead gestured for us to follow her as she made her way towards the house as well, following behind two of her many, many pups.