Chereads / Reincarnated as the Only Human / Chapter 562 - Familial Wealth (5)

Chapter 562 - Familial Wealth (5)

We all shared a smile as we waited for the Orc to reply, her stoicism doing little to help her now that the woman she had viewed as a Mother and now viewed as a woman asked her a simple question; how did she know about the real differences between brothels and clubs inside of Birchan?

"It's alright, Shelur~! You were young and likely really, really needy, so of course~ you had to go out and... smell the flowers, per se~! Isn't that right? Especially since back home, there was one beautiful, alluring, yet untouchable flower?"

I gave Renna a lustful smile as well, loving how she blushed slightly as she realized that the younger Orc might have been influenced by her sensuality to the point of almost bursting, and that the only way to get rid of her desires was to go and 'pollinate'.

"Ahem... well, I... might have gone, once or twice to Madame Melrose's club and to the Dancing Moon... maybe more than once or twice..."

Scratching her cheek, Shelur continued to avoid eye contact with the Duchess, who was blushing a little more as the realization really set in, what with the Orc's refusal to look at her; she had slipped out of the house and gone to a brothel and a club to indulge in her lust so that she wouldn't try something on her 'Mother', which was... certainly a mixed bag of emotions for Renna.

"So if clubs are more formal and brothels are more informal, I wonder which would be more fun to operate? There is so much I could do with a club, but that is the same reason that a brothel is so appealing; one requires more care and attention whilst the other is rather simple to manage. Hm..."

I steepled my fingers and rested my chin on them, thinking for a little longer as Renna and Shelur lost themselves to their own little embarrassed world, while the others all remained relatively quiet as they ate, leaving the thinking to me.

Surprisingly it was Inik who broke the silence, the Hawkkin placing her wine glass on the table and saying "I think a club would suit you and your purposes better, Miss Astra. A brothel is just for 'fun', nothing else. You go in, 'come' in, then go out. Nothing in between that; it's quick and 'efficient' for everyone involved. A club is more actual fun. Drinking, gambling, chatting, socializing, then the 'fun'. Dancing and singing, all sorts of merry making go into a club that you'll never get at a brothel."

Resting her chin on Kalia's shoulder, the Hawkkin smirked at the Dark Elf in her lap as she added "Besides, at a club you can stock your own alcohol, and advertise it as being from Domus Stella. If they go to the club and let loose, but like the alcohol enough, then people might trickle into Domus Stella to get a bottle or two."

"Huh... that is a really good idea... and we could make use of everyone's talents to create a wonderful club. Prixisia can create various salves and potions for the girls to make use of, Camara can carve the ornamentation, Rhefia and Aethisia can stand on the side and look intimidating-"

"You mean alluring and charming~?"

"-while Kalia can manage the floral arrangements in and out of the club. Sari could help set some of the more intense rooms up... there is something for everyone there, I think. A family project, run by us, for us, making money for us~! Wouldn't that be fun? And we would all have an excuse to head into the city more often, get to explore around and have some fun on our own~!"

Taking in everyone's expressions, I was happy that they all seemed just as interested and excited about that idea as I was, clearly for a myriad of reasons too; Aethisia wanted to go around and explore Birchan even more than she had already, and she wanted to do so with her older sister and mate, who she always wanted to impress.

Kalia also wanted to explore the city, while her Dama didn't care about the city, but instead cared about the people inside, specifically how those people felt inside of her or how their insides felt to her.

Everyone had something they wanted to do inside of Birchan, and that was what made this an exciting project that served many needs for everyone in the family; it earned us money, created another social spot for us to operate from, and it would have something for us all to do, which was something we sorely needed.

We didn't really have much direction out here, in this home of ours; we had things we could do, things that were available for us to do, but we didn't have to do anything at all, and that was what made us rather... not bored, but complacent, I suppose.

What allowed us to let the days mesh together in a chain of sex with whomever we wanted whenever we wanted, with nothing else that required our immediate attention and energy.

There was nothing wrong with the days we had right now, but I knew that in even just a week or so this life we lived would become... boring, bland, lacking of any real substance or meaning for our lives.

Making love would never be boring, but the times between each orgasm we shared together would stretch out, and I didn't want that for myself or for my family, so I needed to get us focused on doing something, anything at all, and the best thing for us to focus our attention on would be a business.

With Renna's experience and some partial input of my own, Domus Stella would likely run perfectly fine 'on it's own', so that wasn't an option... which meant we needed something for ourselves, and that was where I had come up with the idea of a brothel or a club.

"Well... since this connects to both, I do have another idea... though I doubt everyone here is going to like it..."

Pursing her lips, Inik glanced at Prixisia before taking a deep breath, something that made me narrow my eyes at her as I waited for her to speak, a sneaking suspicion of what she wanted to say creeping into my mind.

"To staff the Domus Stella and this other business, you could always head to the Auction Halls and buy yourself some slaves."