Chereads / Reincarnated as the Only Human / Chapter 449 - Blossoming Love..? (15)

Chapter 449 - Blossoming Love..? (15)

"I thought you wanted to look at the rest of the stalls? Wasn't that what got you so pissed at me earlier?"

I glared at Inik and asked "Do you want to have sex or not?", the bluntness of my question catching the Hawkkin off guard as she walked beside me, carrying all of the things we had purchased so far... which wasn't a lot, but still enough to fill both her arms, sadly for her...

It was clear that she wanted to continue to hold me - especially after that - but she couldn't put down the various parcels of things that we had both bought... though I will admit there was mainly things I wanted that were in her arms, and it was her job to satisfy me especially after all the various instances of her flirting..!


"What..? I mean, yes, I really do want to have sex, but where is this coming from? Kinda thought I might need to get some more wine into you and buy a few more things before we found ourselves in bed..."

Rolling my eyes, I softly hissed "I wanna make sure you remember what you said earlier! Hmph, saying all that... want me to be yours and yours only, yet you keep looking at other women! So I guess I have to make sure you remember why you said those things!"

She walked beside me for a few more steps in silence, before a large grin spread across her face as she cooed "Are you jealous, Kalia~? Afraid that me looking equates to me desiring after them? Aww, that's so~ adorable~!"

"Or we can go our separate ways for now?"

"Don't be like that, I'm only teasing you~! Really Kalia, if you want me to stop looking, I can stop looking, promise~! I have eyes only for you, truly I do..."

Crossing my arms, I let out another huff, though I didn't say anything in hopes of her continuing on... which she did, taking that huff as a sign that I wasn't entirely satisfied and that I required more assuaging.

"Do you want me to say it again? You're the most beautiful, the sexiest, the smartest and the most enjoyable woman I've ever had the pleasure of being with, both in bed and out of it. I want nothing more than to wake up every morning to the sight of your flawless face, those gorgeous pink eyes, this silky, lush pink hair... to spend every waking moment thanking the Goddesses above that I met you, and that I managed to somehow convince you that I am worthy enough to be with. I am blessed that each night I will be able to hold you in my arms and to sleep with such a perfect woman."

Each word that flowed out of her lips made me blush even more, and I couldn't help but have the 'anger' from earlier slip away and be replaced with a happiness as she stared at me with such emotion and tenderness, and even though the warm, gooey and sappy vibe was ruined by her next words, I still had my heart sent aflutter...

"No one could ever compare to the way you writhe around beneath me in bed, the way your moans and screams set me alight with lust, how soft and wonderful your skin feels against mine... You're utterly perfect for me sexually, and I want nothing more than to have you by my side for the rest of time immemorial. No one could ever replace you for me, and I hope that no one could ever replace me for you..."

Looking around at the various buildings, I spotted an inn and just grabbed her arm, guiding her towards it and getting inside as quickly as I could, paying the innkeeper a couple of coins and taking the key from her, ignoring the knowing smirk she gave us as we went upstairs and found our rooms.

Moans and screams of pleasure echoed around the inn as the other citizens got into it together, the announcement of the Goddess being pregnant sending everyone else into a rut to mirror her and get pregnant themselves... or at the very least, indulge in the act of being impregnated, something that I was also rather keen on experiencing at this moment.

As soon as we entered our room, I locked the door before yelping as I was thrown onto the bed, only to start giggling at how Inik was instantly all over me, the Hawkkin kissing my neck and fumbling around with my clothes, trying to pull them off.

Stroking her hair, I reached down for her belt and pulled it off, before freeing her erect cock and beginning to stroke it, making Inik moan softly as she gave my neck another kiss, only to then trail her lips up to my ear as she whispered "Let's make some use of those toys, hm? Should I prove to you that my gaze truly is only on you..? Fuck..."

Groaning, she rested her head against my shoulder as I gave her cock a firm squeeze, before my fingers resumed dancing over her shaft and trailed down to her tip, which seemed to be more sensitive than the rest of her meaty cock.

"That's what we got them for, right..? To make this even more enjoyable... go on, get one..."

Giving her cock another squeeze, I kissed her cheek before letting her go, watching as the Hawkkin reluctantly pushed herself off of me and began to look through the various scattered parcels on the ground for the toy she wanted, giving me the time to strip off my clothes and lay back on the bed, spreading my legs and awaiting the embrace of my lover.

When she turned around and hoisted the paddle though, I shivered at the sadistic grin that was on her face as she said "Perhaps I do need to beat it into you, Kalia, that the only woman I want in my life... is you. Seems counterintuitive, yet... perhaps this will make sure you don't think you need someone else in your life either~!"

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