Chapter 11 - Comfort

writer's Pov

Dario ran closely behind Diane in an attempt to try to stop her and have a conversation.

She slowed down and waited for him to catch up with her as she figured he would keep following her until he said what he had to say. And she was right of course, he had been slow in running after her because he'd been uncertain about her wanting to hear him out. She watched as he hesitated in his walk towards her, calculating his steps, every foot he placed down with uncertainty. As their distance shortened, she could hear him breathe heavily as the exhaustion of running down the stairs with her started to weigh on him. 

He stopped a few feet away from her, waiting for her to give him permission to move forward, and she did.

Dario's Pov

"fuck! Diane wait up!!" I called after her but she only doubled her steps.

"come on fucking talk to me!!" I said as I watch her slow down and eventually come to a halt. I also slow down as I feel my heart pick up speed as everything I'd intended to say gets caught up in my throat.

I practically opt to asking her if she's okay instead. 

"it's nothing, I wanted to come return your shirt, and I can see that you have company so I'm leaving That's about it really". She replied turning away from me.

"so why do you look and sound upset then huh?" I said walking around to face her.

"I don't know okay?, I don't. I came with your shirt as an excuse so we could sit and talk about that night and whatnot and I saw you with someone else and I don't know okay?".

"Goddamnit Diane! why didn't you call or send a text I could've cancelled my plans or let you know if I would've been free or not"

" I actually did send a text Dario, but I can see why you would not have seen it. You can go back to your guest, I'm leaving. I'll text you when next I'm free".

"God Diane! You still don't get it do you? You think I'll run all the way down if I didn't wanna talk to you?" 

"But what about your guest?".

"She's a friend okay?. She came visiting and we went out for drinks and she got drunk so I brought her back to my house so she could stay the night"


"now what?, you still wanna talk?"

"yah, if you don't mind coming over to my place that is"

"sure, I don't mind going over to yours. Let me just send a quick test and tell Rachel where i keep my house key".


Writer's Pov

Dario and Diane walked down to the parking lot and got in Diane's car. A Toyota Camry. He smiled as he thought how the car complimented her.

they had been driving for about an hour then she turned the steering as they approached a massive gate that had two huge security guards stationed at the entrance. she wound the car window down as she presented an ID to the guards before they opened the gate. They drove for another 25mins before arriving at another gate only this time, it was smaller than the first gate. The gate opened up automatically, she drove in and she slowed the car down into a parking lot that had different kinds of cars almost making it look they were having a car sale.

She stayed in a pretty neighborhood that screamed privileged and daddy's money.

"My condo's on the first floor" she said as she parked her car on one of the free parking spots.

Both Diane and Dario got out of the car and Diane led the way as they both got into the building and they both got on the elevator to take them to the condo's floor.

they walked to a door that had '4' boldly plastered on it and Dario watched as Diane placed her thumb on the scan below her door knob that beeped before the door opened and they both entered the room.

She closed the door behind them and set off to where she opened her fridge and took out a wine bottle that hadn't been opened yet.

She got out two wine glasses from her cupboard and poured Dario a drink as she asked him to take a seat on one of her couches then handed him the glass. She took a deep breath as she ran over what she wanted to tell him in her head before finally turning to face him. Without hesitating, she stood in front of him, raising his head to face her, with her hand on his chin and asked him "how do i make you feel?".