The sky was aflame with a sunset red as fire, tinting the clouds at the horizon and flushing the side of Li Sui's face with rosy light.
At that moment, she sat sideways on the horseback, leaning against her father's back, intently studying her new body.
It was still the body of a woman, only it was older and less comely compared to her previous one.
The black cloth over her shoulder declared her identity, one of the Dharma Sect believers who had attacked Li Huowang.
The reason for choosing a woman's body was singular, that beneath the skirt she could hide her dog's head and limbs.
Originally, she could have, as before, slipped back into her father's body, but after the last incident, she had grown fearful. She was afraid of getting stuck inside her father's body and not being able to get out, which would cause her father great pain, something she didn't want to inflict.