The children gulped in anticipation.
To them, food was better than money, even if money could be used to get food. After all, they were a bit naive at their age. At their lead was Juro, who was the first to question Alaric.
"You promised food! Where is it?!"
Alaric looked at the bold boy, and quietly reassessed him. At the very least, guts were always a sign of potential.
Still, Juro's view seemed to be a little too narrow, so Alaric had to notify him, "The food is in this barrel."
As Alaric pointed to the barrel, Juro immediately rushed toward him, with a fist cocked back.
With a shout, Juro commanded the group of children, "Attack!"
Juro, with his copper-colored skin glistening as sweat ran down it, rushed Alaric, leading a group of 20-odd similarly aged kids.
To Alaric, a group of unawakened children's running speed may as well be slow motion.