Chereads / Star Walkers / Chapter 3 - CHAPTER 2: THE FALLEN COUNTRY (Part Two)

Chapter 3 - CHAPTER 2: THE FALLEN COUNTRY (Part Two)

I finally made it to the store, the time I got there I was tired and cranker than a 4-year-old and it was close to being nighttime. So the plan is to just quickly get what I need and quickly get out. So I made my way into the store. It was big but not that big it was a two times bigger corner store, and it has a faded color of blue on its wall.

Half of one side of the wall is destroyed and the roof what roof, on the inside, is just sad and depressing, the color on the wall is faded to the point you can see that under it there is barely any light, and everyone in this store always has glooms vibe like somebody been murder in here.

Alright, I just need to get what I need and go home I'll be in and out. I said to myself I always feel on edge whenever I come to this store, probably because I'm being constantly glared at by the employees and the customers usually by the white folks it is rare to see another African American glare at me on less than they know who I am. And I don't need to see them to know they're glaring at me I can feel their hate, their hate is so intense I can feel their hate stabbing on the inside slowly and attempting to take the very little oxygen I have left.

I want to run to a corner and cry but I can't, if I show any weakness that only going to make things worse in so many ways possible. Two things will happen they will either harass you (they will do it til you kill yourself, a kid who was in my class hung himself last month because a group of white men was harassing him) or physically beat you down and it doesn't matter if you're young or old, male or female …


I rather not think about it so instead, I just get what I need and go home.


I almost got everything I needed from the store and that's because the store shelves were practically empty. The reason being is that people keep on taking more than what they need and that a big problem because this store won't be able to restock for two months or more. And thanks to those dumba$$es I was barely able to find what was on my list I was lucky to find almost everything on my list ( only two items missing I'll just go to another store next week ).

As I just walked out of the store from the corner of my eye I see four kids surrounding someone the four kids look like high school freshmen but I had never seen them before. They must've come from a private school that's not too far from my school (I can tell by their uniform).

All four of them are white one of them is covered with pimples and has short hair, the other one is probably the tallest out of four with a fat nose and a buzz cut, and the one next to him has messy blonde hair and wears Braces on his teeth. The last one looks like a walking pig with curly brown hair and at the look of it, he seems to be the leader of the group. And the kid they're surrounded by seems to be a first-year in middle school he's a black Latino with long curly hair.

Fatso: you think you can just hit me and get away with it

Black Latino: I didn't even hit I accidentally bumped into you

Fatso: I don't care you filthy Negro have some gut to dare touch me

Buzz cut: yeah after us true Americans allow your filthy kind to live here 40 years ago you might as well treat us with respect

The buzz cut kick the black Latino head into the wall and his head started to bleed.

Black Latino: ack!!!

Messy blonde: even after everything that happened we still allowed you freaks here

Black Latino: p- please let me go I didn't have any t- to do with the surprise attack on our country

The black Latino is trembling all of his fears are coming all out at once from these kids, shredding away, the calmness he had from the beginning. because it was obvious what they gonna do to him they were gonna beat him to a bloody pulp, just like the others. And here I am standing watching the easiest thing to do is to walk away and pretend I didn't see anything. Something in my heart tells me I cannot leave this alone.

Fatso: who said you could talk this is what your filthy kind gets for talking back

Just about when the fatso is about to thrust his fist at him, I was able to intervene and stop his punch.

Kamari: leave the kid alone

Fatso: get out of my way bi*ch did anyone ever tell you a woman should stay out of a man's business

Kamari: if we were to let that happen our everyday lives would be worse than what happens now

Buzz cut: You dare talk to us like that bi*ch

Pimples boy: Yeah I hate women like you who think they can talk back to men they just don't know their place

Kamari: I think you should know your place among the trash with the other d*ck head or so-called Americans

Fatso: bi*ch you getting on my nerves it seems like I need to put you in your place women

Fatso attacked first he throw a right hook, and without any effort, I dodge his punch and without him seeing it coming I bi*ch slap him. He looks at me with anger for the disrespect, it's not my fault he's a bi*ch. Then he start throwing rapid punches left hook, right hook, and straight hook I easily dodge it all swiftly dodge to his right, and hit him with a knee buster "CRACK" I kick him with too much force that I broke his knee.

Shit too much…

And without thinking after I broke his knee he scream in pain and start to look at me in my direction until I smash my fist into his face knocking him down. His face was badly broken especially his nose. Then right after "buzz cut" starts to run up on me saying:


What is up with some men addressing women like this? Buzz cut came rushing me with a straight, I duck and I bash my fist up his chin, knocking him off balance. Then I sweep his leg causing him to fall, then when he hit the ground I bash up his face to be even more bloody.

Blondie and pimple boy look shocked at how I beat two guys easily. I just say to not waste time and rush the last two before they get a chance to attack. I ran up to the blonde first and gut check him I knock all the wind out of him, then right after I headbutt his face and broke his nose start gusting out blood, I lift him by the arm and slam him to the ground. Don't mean to brag but I did an epic slam John cena ain't got nothing on me. ( I barely know WWE or understand it, especially John Cena's catchphrase "you can't see me" it doesn't make sense).

Right after I down blondie pimple boy gather up the courage to try to attack. He came from behind to punch but in the blink of an eye, I elbow his face. Man, this was the four-person face I broke in this fight.

Pimple boy: sob, damn you, if only we kill off your kind a long time ago, especially that man and his family

My heart beat with anger

Pimple boy: sob sob, but the anti-race group will send you damn negro back to hel-

Before he could I hit him a roundhouse kick and that knock him out. Thank god he was getting on my nerves, I wasn't the only one who was, the black Latino kid.

Kamari: you ok kid

He nod

Black Latino: y y you know can get k kill this

Kamari: yes

Black Latino: so why did you

Kamari: don't know I just think it's unfair for anyone to throw their frustration out on the weak

Black Latino: I guess I'm weak, I can't stand up to them

Kamari: not physically

Black Latino: huh

Kamari: at beginning you show you have at least some balls on till they hit you

Black Latino: what else I was supposed to do

Kamari: keep that same energy, bi*ching up is giving them what they want

Black Latino:….

Kamari: you don't have to be able to fight to be strong it all come down to your resolve

Black Latino: I don't think I can be brave enough to do that

Kamari: you don't need to be brave either, just don't let anybody dismiss your belief

Black Latino:…

Kamari: walk home safe kid and don't worry about them they will only try to go after me

And with that I leave the kid and went straight home. Can't believe I save someone now I going to be harass by these guys or worse anti-race group. A group that started two years after other races started to live in this country, the group was getting bigger though out the years. back then they did nothing more than harass and vandalize, now they beat up and murder and somehow they have military grade weapons in their disposal. It will be bad if I become their next target.