Alright so you've read all this and hopefully understood some parts of it, time to wrap it up.
For those wondering why I sounded like a complete ass, the Gordon Ramsey of writing, it's because most of y'all's pride is so high you won't admit you're wrong over the simplest of things.
I've seen some declare and defend with absolute certainty the sky cannot be any color besides blue. As if sunsets and surises don't exist... or even a rainstorm/thunderstorm (to make it grey).
Heck even volcanoes can turn the sky an ashy grey due to all of the... well, ash. It also lingers for a few years so ye. (context: sky was depicted as red in a work due to post apocalypse setting).
Anyways, just the amount of pride new authors, and even some old ones, have blinds them from seeing their mistakes and improving.
If that ain't you, then cool. You just got free entertainment.
Lastly, feel free to ping me in any servers we share if advice or quick review on a few chaps. Whether or not you get a detailed review is dependent on my free time and snack storage so shoot your shot, worst case you'll get a quick one.
Even the quick ones will point out areas to improve though, they just won't be as deep or detailed as the ones that would come in a detailed review.
And please... for the love of all that is tasty, improve your grammar.