"Lucas what are you doing here!?"
I could sense a boiling tension between my father and my uncle Lucas. It seems as if they had a falling out of sorts. Well, whatever my uncle was here for I could sense the reason wasn't good. Uncle Lucas's gaze landed upon me.
"You never told me you had a child Yusuke."
My father's eyes narrowed.
"Well, we don't talk a lot."
That confirmed my suspicion something did indeed happen between the two. The hard part was figuring out exactly what happened. My father crossed his arms.
"Anyways, enough of them they have nothing to do with what happened between you and me. I assume you are here for me so, what do you want?"
Uncle Lucas pushed my father to the side easily with one hand causing my father to bump into the wall. Uncle Lucas took a step through the door entering the house as he adjusts his glasses his gaze stayed fixed on me. I could see my father sweating as uncle Lucas gave off a menacing aura.
"Hahaha!!! I got you didn't I!? You should have seen the look on your face it was priceless!"
The room became awkward and if this was his idea of a joke...it wasn't very funny no one laughed or giggled. Uncle Lucas was the type of person dad told me not to be friends with now, I think he's right. Uncle Lucas cleared his throat and then pointed his finger at me.
"Well, well, we meet again nephew tell me what is your name?"
"My name is, Maho."
"I see."
He then quickly changed his gaze over to my dad.
"Yusuke, I'm not here because of what happened between us, and neither am I interested in reconnecting with you I'm here because of, Maho's fate."
I and my mother looked at each other with worried looks we knew that whatever was gonna come out of uncle Lucas's mouth next that it wouldn't be good and... we were right to think that.
"What are you talking about? He's gonna be a farmer what in the world does that have to do with you? Lucas?"
"Farmer? So they didn't tell you?"
"Tell me, what?"
He looks at me and my mother's face and reads the room... finally.
"Tell you about, his true fate."
"What are you saying?"
"I'm saying they lied to you!"
My father looked at my uncle Lucas with a look of disbelief. My father grinned.
"You expect me to believe you when you have no proof of your wild claim!"
Good thing my dad's a skeptical person or my mom and I would've been screwed.
"I work for the Maho Gakko academy for gifted kids and they have links all over the world they were informed by the fate reader of the country of Kigon that your child's fate was to have... the power of a Magical God!!!"
My father looked over at me and my mother his eyes were filled with a look of betrayal increasing my and my mother's guilt.
"Honey it's my fault I told him not to tell you if you're mad at anyone be mad at me!"
My mother stood up staring my father dead in the eyes who was still against the wall across the room. I gotta admit that took some real guts on my mother's part I'm impressed.
"I was afraid of your reaction so I told him not to tell you about his true fate... I'm sorry."
My dad smiled and began laughing the look of betrayal which was once on his turned into one of pure joy.
"Hahaha! You thought I would be shocked and pass out am I right?"
I'm confused about how my father really feels. His face tells me he's happy but, his eyes still indicate that he's hurt on the inside.
"Yeah sure, I'm a little hurt that you didn't tell me the truth in the first place. But, I can't wrap my mind around it the fact that my child's fate is to have the power of a Magical God it is mind-blowingly awesome!"
"So you're not mad at me?"
"No, your my wife and the woman I love just next time, tell me the truth, okay?"
So my father wasn't angry after all and on top of that, he's proud of me. Thanks, dad! My uncle began to clap while laughing.
"Haha, bravo, bravo! I don't mean to interrupt this heartwarming moment but, I'll have to take my nephew to the academy."
The room went dead silent at my uncle's declaration. Me? Go to a fancy magical academy I never expected this. Although maybe, I'll get to make new friends there which is a plus. My dad's eyes expanded in shock as he grabbed my uncle's hand.
Uncle Lucas snatched his hand away from my father.
"I have no other choice, I was ordered to do this by the academy."
Dang dad I feel hurt do you really think I have no social skills? Although to be fair the only people I've interacted with are my parents, just now uncle Lucas and, Uranaishi, I can't blame him.
"So, give me one reason to agree to send him off to this "academy"?
"He'll be applied with top-notch state-of-the-art training to control his powers at a young age."
"Hmm, give me one more."
I didn't see the point in asking another question I was already sold my father was just being stubborn at this point. I just hope uncle Lucas could come up with something to convince dad it wouldn't be an easy task.
"Because after a year of isolated training with a teacher he'll have already developed the social skills to make tons of friends!"
Really uncle Lucas that was the best you had? Well knowing dad that just might work.
"Convinced now?"
My mother looked toward my father and then over to uncle Lucas. I just hope she could force dad to say yes.
"Yes Lucas, Maho can attend the academy."
Yes mom you are the best mom ever! My dad looked at my mom in shock.
"But, honey I-"
My mother shakes her head in disagreement with what he was going to say almost as if she could read his mind, amazing.
"From what Lucas said I think that this academy could be the best thing for Maho right now! His whole he's barely had any interactions with kids his age so despite his intelligence we've held him back socially I don't want him to become socially awkward and I know for a fact you don't either! So please let him go."
Socially awkward huh? I'll never ever become socially awkward does she really have no faith in me? My father sighed in defeat.
"Fine I give up, you win Lucas he can go."
"Great I-"
"But, you have to promise me to protect him with your life. I don't care what happened between us I've gotten over it now. But, If you ever allow harm to come to Maho under your supervision then... I DON'T CARE HOW STRONG YOUR WIND MAGIC IS I'LL KILL YOU WITH MY BARE HANDS!!!"
My father's face was deadly serious it was kind of... scary. My mother blushed at his declaration to protect me.
"I feel the same way, Lucas, if you ever knowingly allow harm to come to my baby boy I won't just kill you I will... torture you until you bleed out."
Her face softened and took on a cutesy manner.
My mother's declaration somehow managed to be scarier than my father's causing my uncle Lucas to profusely sweat. My uncle bowed in a sign of promise.
"I-I promise to protect him with my life I swear if I fail you may "try" to kill me."
My mother smiled, uncle Lucas had it twisted she won't try to kill him she will kill him I can guarantee that.
"Don't be silly Lucas I won't try to kill you I will kill you and that's a promise."
"Got it."
I swear sometimes mom can be really scary... it is terrifying. But, that's what makes her awesome!"
My mom tapped me on the back.
"Now Maho, are you ready to go with your uncle Lucas?"
Not really I needed a moment to process everything.
I walked over to my uncle Lucas's side. Uncle Lucas bent over to get down at my eye level. Uncle Lucas smiled at me, it felt forced... creepy.
"Hi nephew, I'm your estranged uncle Lucas and your gonna go with me on a trip for a while."
He talked to me in a babyish voice... how dare he! I stopped being a baby 2 years ago being treated like one again irritated me, to say the least. My mother and father stood in front of me and uncle Lucas. My mother and father waved but, suddenly my mother burst out in tears. Sensing distress I quickly ran over and hugged her hip as I'm not that tall. As soon as I hugged her noticed her body unstiffen.
"It's okay mommy don't cry I'll be back soon."
I heard my mother mutter something about 3 years throughout her sobs although I couldn't quite make out what he was saying. My father puts her head on her shoulder as she waves goodbye.
"Be a good boy!"
They both said in unison.
Uncle Lucas opened up the door and takes me by the hand and drags me outside. In front of our house was a golden vehicle that was covered in snow-white cloth I looked at the thing in amazement then I wondered what the vehicle was called.
"Hey, uncle Lucas what is that thing called?"
"That is called a carriage."
A carriage I've never heard that word in my whole short life so, why does it feel like I have it is strange. I noticed that we weren't walking toward the carriage.
"Uncle Lucas, why aren't we walking toward the carriage? It is ours, isn't it?"
My uncle Lucas looked at me with a look of disbelief.
"No kid, did you really think that was our ride?"
I nodded.
"Well, you're mistaken that's our ride. I'm just waiting for that carriage to move out of our way."
I stepped to the side to view our real ride. Our real "ride", was really just an old dusty wooden wagon. I can't believe he was so cheap and I swear I could've seen a screw fall off of the wagon. I then became irritated and decided to give uncle Lucas a piece of my mind!
"Uncle Lucas, how dare you, be so cheap!"
"This is the real world kid so face it."
I don't like the real world.
The family next came out of their house and entered the fancy golden carriage I'm so jealous!!!!!
The carriage left finally revealing the wagon in all of its "glory".
"Okay, let's go."
We entered the wagon uncle Lucas was in the front driving the wagon while I sat on the wooden plank in the back which was being held up by screws. The plank was hard on my butt and very uncomfortable, the worst part is I had to sit like that for 8 hours because the plank was so short I couldn't even lay on it. The whole 8-hour ride was silent for me and assumably uncle Lucas there was nothing to talk about. He missed so much of my life I wish he was there for me.
After 8 hours we were finally at the academy. It was a huge white building with a navy blue rooftop and a red dragon family crest on the front of the gate. Every family has a crest no matter how small my mom taught me about it a year ago. My family's crest the "Yogen" family crest was a yellow frog how lame and what is that even supposed to mean!?
"Welcome to the next 3 years of your life!"
3 years!? I thought I was going to be here for a few months or maybe even a year but, 3? That was too much even for me. Well at the same time I was kind of excited to be in another country. No was just excited I was prepared...not really!!!