The Slytherin payer got into position. Most of them were smiling as this years Quidditch cups first place is theirs.
The quidditch pitch itself is oval in shape with three ring-shaped goals of different heights on each side, between two opposing teams of seven players each: three Chasers. two Beaters, the keeper, and he seeker. The Chasers and the Keeper respectively score with and defend the goals against the Quaffle; two Beaters bat the Bludger away from their teammates and towards their opponents.
The seekers job is to locate the Golden Snitch which gives the catchers team 150 points and simultaneously ends the game. Naturally the team with most points wins.
Septimus was flying in the middle of the group as he didn't want to get hit by the metal ball in the face.
I looked at the opposing team and locked eyes with the Hufflepuffs seeker Cedric Diggory. He smiled lightly and had a competitive look on his face.
"This win isn't gonna be easy."
As the people in the stands quieted down madam Hooch entered the field.
"I want a nice and quick game."
"No sabotaging or using spells."
"May the best one win."
All the players repeated at the same time, "May the best one win!"
The balls were released and the game was on. I quickly shot up in the air as to resume a safe position. Cedric quickly followed as it was most efficient to look for the snitch from up high unhindered by the battle going below.
I still hadn't found the snitch when the commentators voice rang:
"The Slytherins score taking an early lead this game."
The Slyhterins fight going on was quite crazy as the Slytherins didn't care about the risks but rather cared about getting points and keeping the pride of Slytherin.
Around half a minute later the Slytherins scored again making the score 20/0 in favour of Slytherin.
The commentator couldn't help but remark,"if the Hufflepuffs seeker doesn't catch the Golden snitch quickly the game might be won by the Slytherin team even if he catches the snitch."
The Hufflepuff supporters couldn't help but get nervous as it wasn't looking good for their house.
Looking around the pitch I couldn't see the snitch anywhere and decided to look up. Could the snitch really have gone so high up under our noses.
Surprise surprise Septimus noticed the Golden snitch high up in the air. Looking next to him Cedric still had no clue where the snitch had gone.
Septimus quickly readied himself and with a boom he was flying towards the Golden Snitch. He was already halfway to the snitch when the other players and spectators reacted. They could only see a shadow speeding toward the Golden snitch at unknown speeds.
The thing is that Septimus still hadn't reached his maximum speed as he still hadn't performed the new trick he had recently learned.
Septimus's shadow could only be seen by the spectators as his speed had almost doubled. With the amount of speed he was flying at
Little tears formed as Septimus still hadn't become accustomed to his speed. It was truly a wonder to be this good that his body couldn't keep up. Rather than considering this a failure Septimus considered this something to be proud of.
Within a second Septimus reached the Golden Snitch. It looked like it was moving in slow motion. Septimus grabbed the snitch ending the game in a time of 4 minutes and 11 seconds. Although he hadn't set a new personal record he still had set a new school record shocking the spectators.
"Congrats to Septimus for setting a new school Quidditch record. Considering this new records time it would be no surprise if lasted for the next multiple decades."
It truly was an amazing feeling, high up in the sky speeding faster than a car.
"The game ends with a score of 170/0 in the favour of Slytherin."
The game had ended but the spectators were still there in the stands screaming and yelling till the players left the pitch.
"Pureblood rule, go Septimus."
"Septimus you're the best."
"Septimus I love you"
"He is even better than Terrance."
"It looks like this year the Quidditch cup is Slytherins."
In the Slytherin locker room the players were smiling and congratulating each other.
The Quidditch teams captain said to Septimus,"you truly set the bar by beating the school record by multiple minutes Septimus.
"This year we have truly surpassed ourselves. I think teacher Snape will be very happy."
"I suppose so. Uncle has always liked to win at stuff. Although he has been losing most of his life."
Uncle Severus entered the room and everyone quickly quoted down.
"Good job out there. Now go to sleep, you don't wanna lose points for running around at night time."
Everyone quickly headed to the Slytherin dorms were they were welcomed by the other Slytherins who were waiting including Aurora.
Before Septimus headed into his room Aurora walked up to him.
"You played really well, good luck on the final game."
Septimus closed the door and fell limp on his bed. He was really tired since the "Flash" took a lot of energy and excepted the body a lot.
Septimus: This was too simple. They should make Quidditch more dangerous.
Fangirls: Septimus is the best.
Snape: What's the point of this stupid game. If not for making sure that Septimus doesn't get attacked by anyone I wouldn't have come to watch the game.
Cedric Diggory: Why is this dude so good at everything.
The Slytherins: Hail lord Septimus.