Walking down the bridge..... he saw someone .
A girl with a powerful aura of enchantment and with a golden eye ,she looked at him and smiled
he paused .....
I shook him and asked him then ,then what happened he smiled at me and told me you were in love I smiled crazily and laughed .
What are you saying , I was in love I never met her and you say this. He looked at me
yeah yeah what I am saying you never met her how can you be in love
yeah that's what I am saying ok ok
then what happened .
Oh ! then, my world stopped
Ah do not say rubbish things be to the point
oh then i walked away
brother you said this was your best story
what is this you were walking down the road you saw a girl then you walked away that's it.
what the fuck I wasted this much time with this rubbish talk.
I am going fuck you with your story
oh brother listen listen why are you this angry
I am telling you this was the start only do not go
then tell me what happened next .
He again smiled then said listen