Chereads / DC X MARVEL : Devil In The Sight / Chapter 10 - Submission

Chapter 10 - Submission

Jennifer: "Thank you so much Master. Because of you I get to know how good it felt when you are truly satisfied by your partner both physically and from the heart. Thank you so much Master."

Hearing this the devil just laughed devilishly which Jennifer couldn't understand at first. Then the devil looked at Jennifer and his eyes showed a faint red hue.

Then the faint red hue soon disappeared from his eyes and with that disappearing hue the devil also disappeared from his throne.

When the devil disappeared from his throne, it made Jennifer to fall down on his throne with a slight thud.

Then the devil appeared while standing on the ground from a little distance away from his throne. Seeing this Jennifer couldn't understand anything.

So she looked at her Master with confusion completely covering her beautiful face.

The devil was standing on the ground with his back towards Jennifer's face. Then the devil stretched his hands and legs a little leisurely.

Then he yawned a little and then just standing like that he said,

The Unknown: "It was a really good show which freshened up my mind and body after a great amount of time."

Hearing these words Jennifer became more and more confused with this so she get up from her Master's throne and walked near her Master.

Then reaching near him Jennifer hugged him from behind and then she asked him,

Jennifer: "Why are saying these words Master ? What happened to you ?"

The Unknown: "Hahahaha. You surely don't know anything my dear slave."

When the devil said the last line his gentle and kind face which he has still shown to Jennifer has became somewhat of a serious face.

This serious face of her Master made Jennifer to get a feeling of fear in her heart. This fear made her to flinch a little and then she get away from her Master freeing him from her embrace.

Then the devil turned around and looked in the eyes of Jennifer which has now started to glow in a blue colour.

Then the devil opened his mouth and told her,

The Unknown: "My dear little slave did you really thought that I would be so dumb to not know what you have tried to do back then when we were both in mid air in your world when I have you in embrace."

Hearing this Jennifer had cold sweats all over her beautiful face with her eyes wide open. Then she told her Master with a stutter,

Jennifer: "M-M-Master what are you talking about ? I didn't do anything."

Hearing this the devil just smiled at her and then he stretched his hand towards Jennifer and then he moved his hand up which made Jennifer to felt that a strong pressure and force is now engulfing her entire body.

She felt that this pressure and force has completely taken her in it's grasp as she became unable to move her limbs and other body parts except for her eyes.

Then she felt that the ground below her feet started to disappear because right now she couldn't feel the ground below her feet.

This happened because she is now floating in the air in a standing position. It is as if someone had put her in the air with her being the standing position.

While floating in the air Jennifer is only able to look at her Master who is standing below her. Then the devil took out his wings and fluttered it for a few moments before finally using them to fly in the sky.

Soon the devil flew towards Jennifer and flying in the sky he stood in front of Jennifer in the air and just looked at her silently.

Then he snapped his finger once and Jennifer became able to talk and then she asked her Master,

Jennifer: "Master please tell me what I have done to get this punishment and anger of yours ? Tell me Master what I have done to be in a state like this ?"

The Unknown: "You little succubus you truly are something else. You really don't know what you have done."

Jennifer: "I really don't know Master."

The Unknown: "Hahahahaha. You really are funny slave. Now enough with this ignorance and laughter."

Then the devil moved towards Jennifer and then he reached very close to her and grabbed her neck by his hand and just used his slight force to pressurize her neck which made her feel like that he is strangulating her neck.

By this action of the devil Jennifer couldn't believe what is happening with her and what her Master is doing with her.

The Master of hers who is very kind and caring to her just a few moments ago. The Master of hers who has made love to her a few moments ago is now strangulating her neck as if he is about to kill her.

With this action of the devil Jennifer had difficulty in breathing. She started to feel suffocated by this act of him.

With her suffocating and difficult breathing Jennifer asked her Master.

Jennifer: "Masterww pleaswww tell me whqwtttt I havvveewww donwww ?"

Although Jennifer's words would be difficult for a normal mortal to understand but the devil understood it properly and then he looking in her tearful eyes he told her the sin she has committed.

The Unknown: "My little slave did you really thought that I would not know that you have tried to use your charm and sexuction powers on me to make your slave instead. You wanted to drain me out of my life energy and blood so that you can gain immortality and all of my powers."

Saying this he threw Jennifer down on the ground of his planet and with a loud thud sound Jennifer crash landed on thr ground.


Then the devil came down on the ground and stood next to Jennifer. Meanwhile Jennifer who has fallen on the ground is coughing a lot and trying hard to catch her breath.


After making herself normal again Jennifer processed everything the devil had told her before throwing her down and after processing everything she understood what her sin is and that the devil had already caught her and is just playing with her.

Understanding her situation in which she is in Jennifer just went down on his feet and held them tightly with all of her might and started to pray for her life to him while crying.

Jennifer(While Crying): "Master please forgive me. I know that I have committed a great sin. A sin which can't be forgiven but you have told me that I am a slave who is more worthy than others. So Master please forgive me and I promise I will never do anything that will anger you Master."

Hearing the pleas of Jennifer the devil just smiled and then he used his tail to coil it around the waist of Jennifer and after that he used his coiled tail to got her up in the air right in front of him.

Then he moved his towards her face and grabbed her both cheeks with his one hand and then give her a devilish smile and his eyes completely turned blood red with red color hue glowing in his eyes.

This glowing red color hue which is glowing in thr devil's eyes then started to glow in the eyes Jennifer also and this made her eyes to turn blood red as well.

This is not all with the blood red eyes just above thr navel of Jennifer a tattoo resembling the face of the devil appeared which is of red color.

Then these two things combined took her into a trance where Jennifer got transported into a space where she saw that she is about to die in many ways.

She saw that she is standing on small rock under which the entire ground is covered in lavs. Then she saw that many dreaded and dangerous creatures are coming near her with the intension to eat her alive.

She also saw that many blades are coming down towards her like a pouring a rain. Then she saw that a creepy and dangerous darkness is also coming towards her.

Seeing all of these things Jennifer became very frightened and got terrified and a the apparent and impending fear of death started to grow in her mind soul and heart.

These things which Jennifer is now experiencing in her trance left her soul in tizzy. She couldn't understand where to go to save her life and to whom she should ask for help.

Suddenly she thought about her Master and called out loudly.

Jennifer: "Master I know I have made a grave sin towards you which as your slave I shouldn't have made but now I sincerely beg you to save me and in return for saving me I will become your loyal slave all my life. I will be bide by your words and do what you will tell me to do. I will become your slave. No I am your slave from this moment onwards."

Just as Jennifer finished saying this she heard loud rumbling sounds and then she saw a large hand came out of the ground and engulfed her completely.

Then the hand engulfing her take her out of that place saving her from her apparent destruction. When Jennifer came out of that place and Jennifer opened her eyes she saw that the hand belonged to the devil.

She saw that a large figure of her Master is in front of her and he is smiling at her. Seeing her Master has saved her made Jennifer very happy and then she kneeled down on his large hand and shouted loudly.


With saying these words Jennifer has completely made her submission towards the devil with her mind, soul, heart and body. She has submitted herself wholly to her Master.

Just as she finished saying this she saw that a red light coming towards her which blinded her completely and when she opened her eyes again she saw that she is out of her trance and is in the grasp of his Master's tail and hand.

This time when she opened her eyes she has now transformed into her succubus form and her eyes has become completely red from her original succubus white eyes and the tattoo above her navel also glowing in red color.

Then she looked at her Master with respect with obedience and the devil just gave a smile to her.

Then he brought her with him and he himself sat down on the throne with Jennifer sitting on his lap and in his embrace and then she asked him,

Jennifer: "Master what should we do next ?"

Hearing it the devil gave a devilish smile and told her,

The Unknown: "We would now go to a new world."

Then he looked at Jennifer and started to kiss her lips and soon they both engaged in a new session of love making and the loud moans of Jennifer echoed in the entire planet.