From my knowledge, between Askath, Luxelle, Vernon and Olaf, there was one who stuck out.
Olaf was a burly bruiser, a brawler, a warrior with a lot of strength but that was it. He could go limb for limb with a great behemoth, but his powers were limited to that. His grey hair proved he was quite old as well.
Vernon was similar but most likely more agile and deadly, like an assasin. It took a lot of effort to be a sword saint and they were extremely scarce in Thesia, however he would probably lack the raw power of Olaf. He seemed young and lanky.
Luxelle seemed to be more of a utility hero, specializing in sealing and probably healing. I needed more, I needed power and versatility. I needed the crown. She wore a dress that fit around her tightly, and a veil went over her face.
Askath, Dragon-slayer. That was all I had heard, that was all I had needed to hear. Dragon-slayers were almost as rare as demon-slayers, to kill a dragon meant you needed to have the agility to dodge their massive breaths of fire and the strength to tear through their scales. His golden hair fit well with his Mythril armor. He was likely the strongest and also the youngest, I felt a sense of kinship when I heard his voice.
There was a reason the finest armor was either made out of Mythril or Dragon scales. It was said to be nigh-unbreakable. For a dragon-slayer to be before me in the flesh, the choice was obvious.
"Askath." I muttered.
"I choose Askath, the Dragon-Slayer."
He looked back at his friends, slightly smug and slightly dissapointed.
"Well, looks like my journey takes a stop here. I wish you guys good luck on your travels."
Were those tears in his eyes?
Olaf spoke with a sigh. "Good luck with the crown, if you succeed make sure to invite me for drinks."
"Me too." Grinned Vernon.
"I know you have what it takes, to be the strongest champion." Luxelle whispered as she passed by.
Soon they all left, including Askath.
"Let them say their goodbyes, they will most likely stay for the ball tonight, but that will be it. You need to use the next years wisely, the crown is no longer a novelous idea. It is a realistic reward, that you may obtain."
"I understand." I said.
"Before you leave, I will tell your mother of this change, I will speak to you on the day you leave, and I will tell you what has been kept secret for too long."
"I understand, goodbye Father."
I left in a similar fashions as the heroes, swiftly and with tears in my eyes.
Before I could even enter my room, a servant tapped my shoulder.
"Your mother wishes to speak to you."
Well, this was a rare occasion.
I quickly left for my mother's room.
Knock. Knock. Knock. On the third, she opened the door.
Her slim, starved figure was briefly masked by shadows. Her perfect face was still torn apart by the scar that ran down the middle from her nose to her chin.
She wore a dark dress, and she was looking at me with dead eyes.
"Fraero, I heard you are the eighth contender for the crown..."
I nodded and almost jumped back as she began to tear up.
"It's my fault isn't it? As the daughter of a duke, of course I had some royal blood in me. Now, you have to go. It isn't you father's fault, if you didn't go they would have forced you anyways. They have their ways and they need to ensure the crown is worn by royal blood."
"You shouldn't shout, you are sick mother. It's bad for your health." I spoke nervously, I hadn't seen her for months at this point.
She wiped her eyes quickly, regaining her composure. "I know, I know... But I needed to see you before everything changes. You are my son, Fraero. Not just a pawn in their games. Remember that. No matter what happens."
Her hand, cold and frail, rested on mine. It lingered there, trembling slightly.
She looked down for a moment, her voice softening. "The crown... it destroys people. Not just the weak. Even the strong are bent beneath it. Your father, he was not always like this. He was kind, once. Ambitious, yes, but he loved freely. Now..." She trailed off, her eyes distant, as though gazing into a memory too painful to hold. "He took a deal with the crown, one he could not refuse. Thus you must go to the capital, as fodder in a way."
"Do not let it break you, Fraero. Your fate is not sealed, there is still a chance you come out victorious, however slim."
I swallowed hard, unsure of how to respond. Her words cut deeper than I expected. The weight of the crown was already pressing on me, and I had not even left yet.
She leaned back, her strength clearly waning. "Go now, my dear. Rest. There is much ahead. But know that, whatever happens... you were loved before any crown chose you. You are my son first. Always. Just beware, I lived in the capital for many years of my life. The people there are all masters of deceptions, they will break your mind in ways you cannot fathom. Do not trust a soul outside your house, you musn't."
I nodded slowly, standing. "Thank you, Mother. I... I will remember."
She gave a weak smile, and I turned, walking back toward my chambers. Each step felt heavier than the last. The future was calling—loud and ruthless—but her voice, faint and tender, would echo within me for the journey ahead.
I left for my room and prepared for the ball, the heroes would be there. I needed to get closer to Askath, although most adventurers had good intentions I needed to ensure he was truly on my side. What better way than with a magic vow?
I traced through one of my spellbooks, considering I was at the fourth stage of nine, my magic could be considered slightly advanced.
Page 122. The Magic Vow
[Advanced Magic]
The Magic Vow is a binding spell that forces two individuals into an unbreakable agreement. To cast it, place your hand on a person's nape, then form a magical current between both participants. State the terms of the vow, if one person ever breaks the terms they will lose all memories in their mind and become a Hollow.
Hollow- A being with no memories or thoughts, only capable of moving and breathing.
I would need to ensure loyalty from Askath tonight, so that he did not betray me as I reached for the crown. I would do it after the ball ended, when no one was around. Now I just had to wait for the grand event.