Chereads / Meeting with Fate / Chapter 4 - Chapter 4

Chapter 4 - Chapter 4

She watched him for a long time, with her hand on her chin.

Now, possibly knowing the truth about him, she was fascinated.

Her thick, bright pink lips moved into a smile.

She had brown, curly hair and dark tan skin.

Moles scattered across her entire body.

A foreign exchange student.

This girl is actually from northern Spain, just outside Andorra.

To add to add to her contrasting appearance, stalker girl wore a modified school uniform.

Instead of appearing militaristic, like the rest of the school, it was more in line with the "gyaru" fashion style.

Baggy socks, an unbelievably short skirt, and a scrunchy around her left wrist.

Enough buttons popped off to show her cleavage.

Nothing about her screamed "proper attire", but the school let it slide.

Why did they?

Thats for the school board, and all those damn committees to know.

She had her book bag on top of her desk.

Stickers, pins and patches spanned the cover shell of it.

It wasn't proper either.

All of the little accessories adorning her bag seemed to deal with famous Basilisk hunters, or the Basilisks themselves.

She was a true fan of the Paragon Ascendancy and their otherworldly enemies.

And now, with an enamored face and drool coming out of her mouth, her thousand yard stare was centered on him.

But this state of being was shattered quickly enough by him.

Ikkamiya's head seemingly swiveled independently of the rest of his body.

His eyes were wide open, as the bright green in them peered into her soul, escaping from the shade casted by his cap.

A primordial fear ran down her spine.

Ikkamiya looked at her, while his feminine and angelic features betrayed the terror his presence projected had onto her.

When Ikkamiya saw that the students around him were now looking at his odd behavior, he grinned and waved at her, to try and break their worries about him.

This was his warning to her.

That while she may know who he really is, she should not be involved with him still.

His head turned back to the front of the room, he diligently watched the teacher as she spoke.

"…So then class, let's begin with some introductions."

Looking to the desk by the window, she pointed her finger at the boy sitting down, who looked ready to fall asleep.

"We'll start with you."

It took five introductions before it made it to him.

He stood up and remembered the lines he had repeatedly practiced for this day.

Shooting up at his desk, he turned around to face the rest of the class, with his hands held behind his back.

Everything he was about to say was the truth, albeit he left out the reason why he left to be alone.

"I am Ikkamiya Shikina. I was born and raised in Asahikawa, but I recently moved down here to Tokyo to finish my education. I live alone, and I love to go running in the morning!"

Everyone was stupefied by his overly-straightforward and monotone introduction.

Ikkamiya saw everyones aghast expressions, without having to look around.

Pulling his cap over his eyes, he tilted his head down to look at the floor, with an obvious redness on his cheeks and ears.

Trying to save his awful first impression, he added:

"I also like to listen to Coldplay and Björk… whenever I'm not busy doing something."

Fidgeting, he sat back down in his chair, covering his face with his hands, letting out a small, smothered squeak of embarrassment.

The students around Ikkamiya heard him mumble:

"Oh my god… that was fucking awful…"

Even the teacher heard him cuss, but she ignored it, out of pity.

And the gyaru girl, with whatever fear she had of him, dissipated.