Power stones☺️☺️☺️☺️
The demon had pale light blue skin and appendages, which were typical of his kind. He also had horns and a tail, but lacked wings.
His clothing consisted of baggy cargo pants that seemed to be from the human realm, and he only wore shoes and trousers. The pants had a look about them that suggested he had picked them up from a thrift store or some other second-hand source.
Asmodea took note of these details as she prepared to engage in battle with the Pride demon. She knew that demons of Pride were notoriously difficult to defeat, but she was confident in her own abilities and those of her allies.
Ruby was still engaged in battle with her fallen angel foe, but Asmodea knew that they would join forces once Ruby emerged victorious. For now, she focused on the task at hand, ready to face off against the Pride demon and emerge victorious.